End Of The End: Liberation Of Humanity

liberationAnd so here we are.  The final month of the last year spanning an uber intensive 9-year journey of remarkable (miraculous even) inner expansion and transformation.

We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims.

The culmination of this 9 year cycle has offered each of us the ability to defragment, to unify every lost aspect of Self thru the full acceptance and integration of our shadows…those parts of us that, until now, were not fully illuminated.  For those of you who have restored your vision to see every part of yourself as LOVE, you will be moving into the new creation cycle with the ability to now experience yourself as LOVE.

The new creation cycle commences on 1-1 and altho we are already feeling the super refined, highly concentrated (creator) frequencies of the new energy, I am shown the upcoming solstice gateway as quite pivotal in this regard.  We are approaching a very sacred portal, a portal that is precipitating a profound moment of coming together, as LOVE.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.