Energy Report Update by Tiffany Stiles

Yesterday we had a major shift come in. In the afternoon many may have felt shakey, confused, off balance. In the evening the shift swooped in so quickly it could not be ignored. It may have stopped you in your tracks to take notice of your “reality.” There was a massive increase in vibrational frequency that swept through the collective consciousness. Did you feel it?
I purposely did not post this Energy Update last night, and instead did a little test. I posted a simple message that said: “How many Beautiful Souls are in my reality right now vibrating at the same frequency? If you can see this, that’s you!”
I purposely didn’t say what frequency I was speaking of because I wanted to see who “Felt The Shift” sweep in like a wave of a massive unloading of toxic energy all at once! WHOOSH!  CLEAR! And this could have affected each in their own way:
You may have felt love exploding from your heart center and the utmost gratitude.
You may have felt the unwavering need to forgive yourself, or someone else.
You may have had some major Ah Ha moments that changed your perception about everything you thought you knew.

Continue reading here.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.