Energy Update 11/24/2018: Huge Wave Has Arrived and We All Are Going To Feel It


editor victoria’s note ~ some interesting info below.  definitely feeling something big coming in today ~ and yes in my throat too.  i especially align w/the idea of women not undergoing menopause any longer.  i have had that feeling for months now for myself.  


My name is Dawn Bailey. I am a lightworker, shaman, clairaudient and clairvoyant energy healer. Please visit my blog at

We have a huge wave coming in right now. I can hear energy all the time now. It has been at a low constant hum all day. About a half hour ago (9:30pm EST), I heard it increase substantially. It is now a high pitched frequency that is the highest I have heard since I started hearing last weekend. This isn’t in an ear. This is my whole head ringing. It went from the middle to the right side of my head and is staying there right now. It was going to the pituitary gland causing drainage from sinuses that can make the throat sore and scratchy. You could also have a headache, feel sore on your shoulders and upper back, and even pressure from the energy. You can also get very hot from the energy.

This energy the collective will be feeling too. If you can see energy, you may see pinkish purple misty energy. Some lightworkers may have noticed an increase in attacks today. The dark energy rushing to be transmuted before this wave hit. I worked tonight and started to feel it but didn’t hear the increase until I got home. Thank God I got off work early before this wave came in. I think a lot of people are staying at home as we weren’t busy for a Saturday night. I have no set time to get off my shift. I just get to leave when it is slow.

There were also about 4 large earthquakes today around the world 5.0 or above. I was warned about this yesterday. There were 91 other earthquakes that were below 5.0.

If your body and muscles are sore this energy may be why. Just take care of yourself. Eat what you want and as much as you want, IF it is healthy food. You really want to stay away from alcohol, junk food, and fast food, as these things can make you feel worse. Your body will warn you what is and isn’t good for you by how you feel after you consume it. I got sick from some bad orange juice today. Nobody else did but me and I think that is my body warning me about something not good for it.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.