Energy Update Share


another piece that touches on the “invisibility” factor…  i resonate with some of this – indeed the throat/glandular activations.  speaking w/my mate the other day about how my glands are just plain “weird” feeling these days and he was wondering what the cause was as he’s having the same experience i said “activations”.  the go-to word these days isn’t it?



My Heart Family,

Massive quantum jump by The Heart Collective last night as it feels we went up two levels in frequency. This can make you feel very disoriented and unable to anchor to the grids, like you are floating out in space. Spacey…

As we once again expand, our pineal, well of dreams and hypothalamus also begin to expand, as these energies are directed to anchor the New Neon chakra system within our brains for the forerunners to 5d+.
Pain can be felt, or a strong ache in the back and side of the head related to this.
Headaches can be extreme.
Dreams can be quite lucid, and/or bizarre.

Ask your medical team to assist,(yes you have an amazing one), if the pain gets too severe, you can ask your higher dimensional self to pull your avatar so you can sleep quickly.

All our extra sensory perception gifts are coming online so we can assist in this massive shift of Ages.

Expansion can be painful, but passes quickly.

We feel the most extreme physical pains so that the awakening collective won’t have to do so.
This is the soul contract we agreed to as forerunners.

It is a great honor To be at the forefront of embodiment.

Our nose, ears, throat and glandular chakras are coming online.
We get ultra sensitive to sound and can hear every little thing.
Our nose chakra as well, for all frequencies correlate to a smell. If you smell something foul, you are in a descension 3/4d Timeline. Be aware.
Also, the nose can begin running at the weirdest times…and hacking from the throat is also common. Like a cat…hairball…hack hack hack.

All these new chakras are being activated by incoming Galactic Source Energies in synergy with our Sun.
It is all divinely perfect.
As our Heart Chakras expand to the new NEON chakra system of 5d there can be fluttering and sometimes sharp pain. Breathe and tell your body all is well.
For indeed it is.

Our Hand and feet chakras are also activating.
As our hands activate there is sweating and burning. Eventually they feel as if your are wearing a golden second skin or gloves.

Our feet chakras activate as well so we can anchor to the Planets higher vibrational grids. Again, sweating and burning is present.

This also begins to bring forth the divine gifts of radar, sonar, lidar as well as telepathy and expanding third eye visions.
Also as we vibrate higher we are often not seen.
The Celestine Prophecy does a wonderful job of explaining this. It is a book and can also be seen in you tube.

While this sounds amazing, with this expansion comes great responsibility.
Be aware, especially when driving or out and about.

Shield and Seal your Divine mind, for as the Well of Dreams Chakra activates we are susceptible to massive psychic attacks.
Seal your Akash and raise your frequency out of the astral to Source Frequency White Light so none may interfere and access your Akashic records.

Surround yourself in the Light of Source and open your Heart to Shield in The Golden Ray of Unconditional Source Love.
Bring in the Violet flame to transmute.
Cloak yourself, as this is a new tool now available to all.

This is all part of chakra expansion remembering as we become multidimensional and walk across all dimensions in service. The third(earth) dimension and the fourth(galactic) dimension, are still separating, and shielding and transmuting are necessary.

State your sovereignty and stand in your Light.

Downloads are now being anchored to activate and access our Merkabas for multidimensional travel.

Tomorrow is 11/1,(1)…or 1/11,(1)….either way, many know it as All Saints Day. It is a beautiful Day so DREAM BIG!
And know in your Heart everything is Divinely Perfect.

Honor your body and remember to play, do what you love to do.
Have no fear and be in peace within.
We are Love, for love is all there is.
And we have all the love necessary to assist all that pray for help, for love.
Miracles come from the Heart, expect them.

I send my Love to All.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.