Finding The Doorway Out Of The Matrix

By Michelle Walling

exitingthematrixI am a bigger picture person. I have studied the light and the dark sides on this reality and of myself intensively, and I have found that there is one thing that will make my doorway or exit from this reality appear. This thing that I speak of has been forgotten by many playing the game of the intense polarities.

The main focus of my website, How To Exit The Matrix, is to share my personal experience and insights on the true nature of our reality and who we really are. In summary, it is my observation that the reality that we see, taste, touch, feel, and see is a holographic matrix created in order to experience a third dimensional physical reality.

Within this reality that we are experiencing is an extreme polarity of dark and light. The reason for the extreme polarity is that Earth is shifting out of this vibrational frequency into a higher vibrational frequency, and in order for humanity to follow suit, they need to “wake up”. Waking up involves questioning everything in your reality and awareness. Extreme circumstances push people toward change and out of stagnation.

Who are you and why are you here?

Waking up also involves knowing who you are and how you got here. It is very similar to waking from a dream. When you know who you are and when you realize that you are not your body and that you never die, a freedom washes over you that allows you to have an inner peace while our reality collapses. This brings us closer to the understanding and remembrance of what we need to do to find the doorway out. You are here on Earth at this time so that you can wake up and exit the matrix that you have been a part of for eons of “time”, as Earth serves as a portal out of the third dimension and extreme polarity. You had to come here first in order to return home. There are even some some souls that left their peaceful worlds to come here to help those that have been stuck a very long time find the door when it is available.

The key to exiting the matrix

I have served the darkness (mostly from ignorance or trickery) and I have also served the light in many lifetimes. I have been the extreme pendulum, swinging back and forth in order to rectify karma and to expand my soul’s experience. The one thing that I am striving for in this lifetime that will allow me to exit this reality is BALANCE.

True balance is achieved when you can see all viewpoints from a higher perspective. You understand the dark’s necessity for energy vampirism and you also understand the light’s need to serve, protect, and fight for freedom. You realize that even the light team can easily become unbalanced, and being an extreme “lightworker” simply attracts the dark like moths to a flame because that is how balance works. For every action their is an equal and opposite reaction.

When you realize that ultimately you are only fighting yourself and that by being extreme in anything you are going to attract the opposite polarity, then you can step back and try to figure out how you can stop that fight. It doesn’t mean that you lie down and let the dark take over. It also doesn’t mean that you stand in the power of light with a sword to ultimately win the battle for earth and humanity. It means that you pull the dark and light aspects within you, accepting that you played this game to experience everything it had to offer.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.