Incoming: Massive Wave of Energy Expected 12/26

Editor’s note:  Been reading about this, both from the scientific and spiritual perspective.   Supposedly this has been monitored since 1989.  My opinion? This is another part of Ascension energies – these energy waves can affect our DNA (again, science confirms this).  This is the big one though – the last of 3.   I recently had a dream where I saw three (yes, three) incoming “waves” hitting the planet with a long pause between more the gentle waves before one large one hit.  I was simply observing the whole situation, my Higher Self guiding me to remain grounded, be the observer and not to get caught up in the chaos or really, anything mainstream.  In my dream, I didn’t see any death but I did see the masses getting hit by this wave were completely caught unaware, being tossed around.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.