Interesting Phenomena Are Occurring At The Homestead


This one needs some drama, although the story itself is pretty cool on its own.

It was a dark and stormy night…

Ok, maybe not stormy but it was dark and cold.

A couple of nights ago my mate and I were hanging on the couch.  It was late ~ around 1am.  Nothing unusual going on.  Suddenly we hear this very loud “wooshing” sound outside.  Very low frequency that felt like it “sped up”.  It started to the south and went north.  Whatever “it” was was moving very fast. The best way to describe it was the sound of a very fast moving large car or plane.  The house vibrated a bit ~ nothing really strong but noticeable. We had never heard a car or plane sound that way.  After a few minutes we shrugged it off.

Then it happened again.

Yeah.  Again.

Same direction of movement.  Same noise.

My mate flies off the couch and runs outside.

There is no car.  No plane.  Not even a cool looking UFO.

Nothing but silence.

The wind was still and it had not been windy at all.


I have had a couple of days to ponder this.  Until I have evidence of something else, I feel a portal was opened out front.

A year ago, I was meditating, focused literally on nothing.  I had no expectations.  I was just allowing whatever within me wanted to be seen/shown.  What came through surprised me.

I saw a portal open out in my street.  In the vision (which came in a flash), I was outside talking with neighbors across the street.  Suddenly this watery-like wall “divided” us.  I could still see them but I could not hear them. They did not seem to see me any longer.

Weeks later, I decided, while in meditation, to see if I could be shown the next “realm” beyond the portal I had seen.  I was suddenly but gently tossed into the new earth realm ~ that world I have dreamed of for over 10 years.  I walked a ways and saw the house I have also seen for the same number of years.  Once I said “wow there’s the house!” I was “tossed” back into this realm where I sat up in bed with a jolt.

Late last year, an article by Rick Jewers showed up on my social media feed. He shared how many of us have personal portal’s on our property.  !!  Chills went through my body as my mind struggled to grasp what I was reading.  I am indeed very open to all things “woo woo” ~ but I am also equally the type to want proof.  I often say “synchronicity is proof” and “for the most part, there are no coincidences”.

And yet….

Then there was the time, just days after I read the article I speak of above where I stood out back and did an energy grounding exercise around the portal.  As I stood there, the sun suddenly brightened to a noticeable intensity ~ enough that it was blinding even with sunglasses on.  As I got online later to share my experience I read where others had similar experiences with the sun when doing the same exercise.

Obviously I have never both seen a portal open and walked through while in body.  But the movies I have seen have portrayed openings in time/space as having a similar sound.  I was able to find this clip from The Last Starfighter.  Go to the 1.26 second mark to hear (briefly) the sound.  This is what it sounded like only it was more intense and lasted for about 5 seconds.

If something was opened we saw nothing enter or exit.  No object.  If something did, it was cloaked and left as quickly as it entered.

Oh and did I add that the location it started was in the same place as I have “seen” this portal out front.

If that wasn’t enough, the doorbell on my daughter’s doll house has begun going off.  We asked for a sign after this experience and there you go ~ ding dong ~ something that began happening about 2 years ago at an almost nightly experience.  Around 10:30-11pm, that darn doorbell would go off on its own.  One night I was having a moment, longing to feel my “family” – “out there” – asking for a hello – when it went off.

I have learned not to feed the UFO/Paranormal/Galactic/Cosmic fascination. I have learned not to “lose” myself.  I remain firmly grounded, ever discerning, and yet that part of me is not able to just dismiss all of this as coincidence.  Or mere nonsense.

Because it isn’t.

Because I AM not “nonsense”.

None of us are.

These experiences are as real as ALL that I Am.

If any of you are noticing an increase in these experiences (as has been predicted by some), please share!

Much love and woo woo,



Thank you for your support ~ for reading my material and sharing.  If you feel guided to support my work monetarily, please do.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Interesting Phenomena Are Occurring At The Homestead”

  1. Well, here I am again! Yes, there is a portal here on my property. Several years ago my friend W. and I got the call to walk into a secluded area that I call Hidden Garden 1 ,went thru 4 dimension shifts to the main portal area where we were gob-struck with the energy. We were reeling. The vision I was given was that I was seeing this planet from a great distance and saw this property as a spark of light. I then saw similar sparks all over the planet. These countless sparks grew and joined until the entire planet became the lumunous being she is. It’s happening! Yaaaay!

    1. i thought of you as i wrote the piece as you have said before your property is quite magical. so cool! i love the vision – the new realm – luminous. (i also love saying the name. “luminous”.) 🙂

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