Latest Lisa Brown Newsletter ~ Make More Space to Allow for More Integration Time

Some solid guidance and reassurance in this wonderful piece.  
Lisa Brown
Aloha beautiful love family,

It’s challenging for our human body to go through such integrations as these. Our physical reality will present us with many things to observe and see.

Once we fully surrender to this process and let go of the need to control or fit “ascension/embodiment” into a box, this gets much easier and can actually be a lot of fun! We stop trying to fix what’s not broken, and instead come to realize this is a continual upgrade/re-calibration process where we are constantly integrating “new codes of existence”. 

During high integration times, high template wipes/re-coding times, high “processor offline” or high processing times, we must constantly adjust, adapt and flow… with however presents for us…. our bodies (Crystalline/Light/Plasma/Etheric/Energy) basically tell our human how this goes. We have to “learn” to function AS ENERGY, as LIGHT and with a physical body that’s constantly trying to integrate high amounts of light into this physical early form that we walk around in….. 

How your body stores energy, utilizes energy, processes energy… this becomes paramount in y/our daily lives. Quantum/Super Quantum existence is very different than it was when we had dense carbon-based bodies. This continual evolving/evolution BACK to highest consciousness existence, and existence beyond the amnesia and illusion of the unconsciousness is moving everyone into higher timelines, by pushing up/out anything suppressed and out of tune, as our body comes alive to FEEL and exist in a whole new reality that is PURE.Here, we are constantly synchronizing with Gaia/Universally/Galactically and the ways of the old dissolve.

Sleeping is different, waking state is different, the physical world is different and our physical bodies are way different. Everything functions on LIGHT and whatever supports the integration of this. 

We now move further into higher integration phases that will require more self-care, more self-kindness, more patience, more presence, more unification, more opening up to a whole new way of existing.

Being blasted in light has many purposes. It overrides our human’s capability to hold onto old unconscious realities/control, it cleanses our body of deep hidden cellular programming (and toxic thoughts/emotions too), it re-codes our bodies/structures/realities for us and dissolves that which no longer serves our highest purposes here, it removes the “focal point” of what we used to care about and shifts it onto something that’s more in alignment with our Soul’s purposes/path, it “pushes” us into what we would otherwise resist and it moves us out of caring about things that don’t matter here and into caring about the things that truly do, and it assists us with resolving all of that separation energy that we held inside, so that we can connect back up again, truly see, gain new clarity and be totally free of the constructs that we believed as truth/reality before…

Moving beyond the veils is a huge transition for us all. Unity Consciousness of WE replaces separation of the old. WE are here to unite, WE are here to come together, WE are here to anchor Heaven on Earth, to inspire and live the dreams that didn’t seem possible before. WE are here to usher in the “new”, the perceived unknown and all exist AS LOVE in ways that were incomprehensible before. First, we have to “get over” (see) our own stuff/programming, so that we can choose to move this out our selves and resolve all back into love, fully, from within. Then we can unite, come together, support, create and inspire, share and not “have to go back” to realities where any lack exists….

Look at your own reality and see where you hold fear, don’t trust yet, disconnect, judge, hold back and have emotions that influence your own decisions instead of allowing yourself the freedom of peace, the bliss and the magic that exists and the full abundance that’s available too. Look at your own reality and realize that you hold the programming for all within. Look at your reality, take the blinders off and see what you didn’t want to see and realize that’s just ENERGY and that when you fully connect inside and REMEMBER again, that you are just ENERGY too.

Beautiful, Divine, Perfect, Awesome, Amazing Essence Energy here to make a difference just by being and loving you, just by sharing you, just by opening your heart so fully that you don’t ever want to close it again, because the amazingness that comes forth BEYOND THE LACK OF TRUST/FEAR is worth it and that that is what you are here to REMEMBER in order to shift INTO A VIBRATION that brings forth all that you desire here.

Powerful everything continues to increase… awareness and full consciousness are key. ♥

If you are slamming out awesomeness and playing in the magic, IN-JOY! If you find yourself challenged, look for any resistance, stories, what you have convinced yourself of, continue to participate in/allow and where you are continuing an unconscious program (in your head) and do whatever it takes to get your heart open fully again. It doesn’t have to be hard. You just have to choose and do this constantly until ease and flow are your new natural way here. ♦ ♫ ∞ ☼


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.