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Another synch…………



I get on anonup and see 12:21 back to back…………then nudged to get on twatter and see it again.  See below:



And this (WOW):


The last week or so my mate keeps saying “it’s time to hunker down”………Then I see this:


“You have to hunker down right now. THIS IS IT.” Steve Bannon just now

11.10.22 ~ It’s all about the polka ~ An amazing synch that happens as I type…. and other things


May be an image of text that says 'If your heart is pure, you're going to win in the end, no matter what. Remember that.'


Every thursday evening, there is this wonderful local station that plays the most classic, old-time tunes.  Takes me waaaaay back.  Tonight?  It’s polka.  They also had a few clips of some old-time comedy.  Such innocent, silly jokes.  One guy was pretending to be drunk – changing the consonants around to the tale of The Three Little Pigs.  Mate and I couldn’t stop giggling and laughing.  “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll howl your blouse down.”  Then there was the drunk guy who claimed to catch a 22lb. bass – only he says he just guessed the weight and didn’t actually weigh it.  We look forward to this hour.  The energy of the music is so different than it is today.  Sooooo longing for innocence again.

Ya’ll know how I’ve been saying I keep hearing water running at random times.  It’s mostly off to my left.  I have been hearing it pretty much daily now.  It feels like it’s at a distance – as though hearing something in another room/space.  And it’s a soft, soothing, slow movement – like a creek slowly running.  I’ve shared it with my mate and he said until last night, he thought maybe I was starting to have some “issues”.  It was in the middle of the night.  He was in bed, trying to sleep (as was I) – when he said he suddenly heard water running.  He checked the sinks and the shower and nothing.  Toilet was fine too.  He kept hearing it.  He said it was off to his left and it felt like it was at a distance.  It stopped – as it always does – and he returned to bed – told me about it this afternoon.  He said he got something – that it was a fountain in the rooms we’re in on the outside.  (I got a wave of dizzy as I typed this.)

I don’t know.  I can’t explain with any sort of logic what keeps happening.

Speaking of what is happening……….You cannot make this up!  I’ve been waking up hearing
“Out in the west texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican Girl.”  GUESS WHAT JUST CAME ON THE RADIO???



What is happening?

I can only go by my inner feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels my intuition my knowing.  And that is we are getting unplugged (as I’ve said – it has to be slow and precise) and are feeeeeeeeeeeeeling that more and more – our connection with us on the outside is moving faster – or at least the process is about completel – and we are sending us messages here.  Or something like that.

My mate said he “got” we are getting our powers back now – abilities coming in faster – perhaps it’s just what I sense and that is something shifts and lifts thus allowing this.  It has waxed and waned – today is quite intense and wonderful.  Today – my phone battery wasn’t working – I ordered a new one but kept working with it to get it to work so I could use my phone (it simply wouldn’t turn on).  I KNEW I could.  I commanded and intended – held it – and in one moment of “ok that’s it” – I gave it a smack and wala – it turns on.  Earlier I was feeling depleted suddenly – and said “no” and requested a burst of energy be received.  A few seconds later, I felt it – so much so my right leg began bouncing up and down.

The energy experience has been a mix of exhaustion and agitation.  Humor is essential.

Here is what I’m seeing.  Let’s just say it feeeeeels and seeeeeeeeeees to me like we are on repeat again.  More election fraud.  Uh huh.  Sigh.  (Johnny Cash is singing “A Boy Named Sue” – much more entertaining to me than politics.)




On twatter:

Politics · Trending
13.5K Tweets











“Soul Tribe coming together”…………A Gathering……..Being lead to a gathering…….That energy is around me constantly now………….The Master……..Soulmate…….44 Card (strength)……chills w/this one……………

#aquarius #tarot #tarotreading

Aquarius – A higher level soulmate.







Y E S…………must. leave. now……..




A Divine Message……


Mate got another weird message on his phone – camera took yet another picture.  This time was 1:53 (photo taken yesterday the 9th at 1:53pm).  We have no clue how this is happening.  A picture is taken – you have to save it yourself manually.  He ain’t doing that.  Message from the outside….

So we look up 17 post 153………(the quoted highlight is my doing – so. very. important.)


Nov 14, 2017 9:25:09 PM EST
For the coming days ahead. Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye. Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose. Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn. Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting? Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech? When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give a concession speech? What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash? At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority? What about voting machines? Who owns the voting machines? What about voter ID laws? Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh. Reconcile.
Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year?
What does ‘red line’ mean?
Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?
What strings were immediately cut?
Follow the money.
When does a bird sing?
Interesting date – Nov. 14.  T is scheduled to make a very big announcement on the 15th.  We’ll see…………

11.9 ~ Check-in/reflection and some finds………..


If I have the ability to see what’s going on “out there” without getting drawn in.  I could feeeeeel it today and had to watch myself – saw in my minds eye the two timelines – and if i let myself go into the one I don’t want, I felt ugh and was tempermental.

I had an interesting healing session today.  I saw, also in my minds eye, and felt in my body where I am energetically “trapped” (plugged in – whatever phrase you want to us) into this place.  I then saw and felt my Soul – my Consciousness – my Spirit – whatever is ME – thrashing and screaming and sending out an energy that can only be stated as “LET ME GO I WANT MY FREEDOM!”  It’s never been more clear to me and I’ve never felt the attachment in this particular area in my body.  Whether the clamp I saw in my minds eye was a metaphor or literal (the latter would not surprise me) – I clearly felt and saw how I am clamped in.

My mate had this excellent analogy:  You got a table of rice vibing at 432hz frequency – trapped in that field.  It will REMAIN on that table until a new frequency is introduced.  That is us (only we’re at 7.2 – in a trapped dream)- grains of rice trapped at a frequency that is foreign to us – surrounded by it – which is why all of the kumbaya’ing and praying and visualizing and healing and supplement taking and dancing and movement and falling for the “you are getting upgraded” and “you had your kundalini (SNAKE!!) awakening” and “pray” religious b.s. lying programs of theirs DOES NOT WORK to give us the true LIBERATION we seek.  But we resist that – because like Neo, we don’t like the idea that we aren’t in control of our reality and our experience (but we’re still bombarded w/those narratives even in the awakening movement).  Tune into your body.  Not your mind.  Not your programs.  Your BODY and your HEART.  Our bodies and hearts don’t lie.  And this body of mine knows it’s trapped and will KNOW when she has been freed.  So that is what is needed – a FREQUENCY event to set us free – get us out of here and sink/destroy this insultingly low vibe damn dish.

Can WE create that frequency?  I don’t know – I don’t think so – I don’t know HOW to (do you??) – not while we are still trapped inside of “their” frequency field.  Add in mind wipes and having hijacked bodies and minds – yeah – don’t think so.  6 electrons 6 neutrons 6 proteins – TOTALLY FAKE TOTALLY CORRUPT.  Two strand DNA?  Really?  FUCH that.  I mean seriously – how many of us have been “keeping the vibes high” and all of that stuff we’re told to do – which is helpful of course – but does it give us the end result?  Has it?


And that end result is our Freedom and let me tell you from the people I have spoken with today – heard from – phone, text, email, comments – every one of us is now collectively screaming to be liberated from this damn petri dish (thanks to Sister Deb for that term).  It HAS to be close.  The need FOR IT is growing – a constant.  It comes across quite often as anger – which “they” (and well meaning people) say is “bad” and “low vibe”.  Bullsheot.  If you saw a loved one taken and trapped and used for trafficking purposes – would you feel angry?  Yes.  Would you let ANYONE tell you NOT to?


Deep breath…………..I am thinking and feeling the agitation is not just “them” it is our SOUL SCREAMING “FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW”.






Someone said “we had to let them cheat again”.  B.S.  WHY?  “WE HAVE IT ALL” means WE. HAVE. IT. ALL.  There was already AMPLE evidence of election theft in 2019, right?  RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.  Not that I care – this election narrative doesn’t align with me.  It isn’t in my Soul Vibe.  It’s in the vibe of others – I respect that.  But yeah, see above – I Am D O N E.


Yawwwwwn……………good movie and good actors?  Are others just watching a different movie?


“QUICK”.  YES.  D U H!






Where’s Jim Carrey when you need him (to narrate)……………


Ok they cheated.  Again.  We all know it.  We weren’t surprised.  Let’s move on…………


I have no desire to do this.  I do however desire -very much as my ability to wait is tapped – to unite – together – in the physical – and attempt to build our own small community and bring in what we DO remember of our experience before all of “this”………..




Absolutely – miracle.  DIVINE MIRACLE.  LOVE FREQUENCY.  Oh we ALL NEED IT.



Lisa Harrison live (Monday)……Interesting about getting stuff pulled out of us – higher self pushing out the trauma and, my feeeeeeeeeeeeeel/experience, anything that kept me silent and in fear.  In the comment section on YRFT’s channel, she mentions something similar.  

The Positive Pull has begun




I’m really wonderin’……………….


Could be my absolute sense of exhaustion and DONE FINISHED that has over-taken me tonight and today………

or it could be some truth to look at.

Thinking about God.

What god?

The bible god?

Religion was created by evil to serve evil.  That book is “theirs”.

People tonight are telling others who are upset by the cheating to relax – God’s in control – this is God’s plan…..  (so we don’t matter?  what is this – a f’ing 1940’s convent?  blindly serve God and screw how you think/feel?)

Last I checked – God doesn’t vote.

The only thing I’ve seen here that indicates love is PEOPLE doing GOOD for others.  Children laughing and showing immense compassion.  Dogs.  Horses.   Nature.

Love in action.

Remember Jesus?

Whether he was real or not – did he ever show concern for things like laws and governments and politics and rules and money much less what others in “authority” told him to do?


Why are we just allowing something to play out?

Where are the tough questions?

Tonight on another channel – someone asked a VERY GOOD QUESTION:  We were told last september 2021 “not another year here” – but now we’re told things are ahead of schedule.  The two thoughts don’t jive.  This lone person – asking on their own – where are more people like them?  Surely there are more of us…..

Even though I feel I am burning out – I still ask questions.  I’m like Neo – when he said “I don’t like the idea that I am  not in control of my life.”

F’ing DITTO!

And neither should ANY ONE OF US claiming to be awakened/awakening.

But what control do we really have – other than uniting and pulling some Jesus moments?

May be something to consider…………



So now that I shared the goods, here are my reflections…………


I didn’t vote.

I know that upsets a lot of the MAGA people.

But I don’t care.

(Actually in a way my silence WAS casting a vote)

One, this country is a Corporation.  US INC.  That applies to most everywhere.  I walked away for good after 2019.

Two, we don’t need to be governed.  We don’t need any system that controls us in ANY way.

I see the results coming in ~ and honestly, I don’t care.  None of it resonates with me.  Red Wave.  Blue Wave.

I’ve always said I like PINK and PURPLE.

I know there is a plan ~ a plan I question.

I’m tired.

Any one of us awake and not aligning w/politics is tired.

That reality just doesn’t feeeeeel like it’s for us.

Does it have a purpose?


But not for me.  Not for those who think/feeeeeel as I do.  At least that is what it feels like now ~ an outsider watching others cheer and celebrate while we’re still waiting to go home ~ waiting for the ride to show up or the door to open.

I will always seek to build my own reality with others.

I dunno.

Maybe I’ll end up going it alone ~ certainly if this plan doesn’t wrap up and I don’t see the end result I can’t shake.

Local officials are telling us the results may take weeks.

Yeah.  Weeks.  lol

But it’s ok – they’re allowed to do that according to “THEIR LAWS” that “THEY WROTE”.


When I was growing up – and even first voting – election results were tabulated and given that night.  I remember watching with my parents – sometimes at home, sometimes at friends or neighbors house – but I remember cheering with my parents late in the evening when who we wanted or what we wanted showed up on the screen as the winner.

I don’t remember results taking days or even weeks.

What delays?




It’s so obvious.

But people keep falling for it.

I see conversations of people voting for who they really want only to be told “NO!  You throw your vote away with THAT person they have NO CHANCE of winning.”

Same fooking argument that has been used for decades that has NOT CHANGED A DAMN THING “out there”.


I’m still holding on to that line from 17 drop 112:  Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage.

If true – they don’t.


We have N E V E R had a legitimate election in our lifetime because we have never had anyone pure OR legitimate run much less a legitimate government.

And this has been about far more than government and elections.

This has been about waking up from our programmed slumber inside this prison and SEEING not only what’s “out there” – seen AND unseen – but what is inside US.





Listening to and commanding WHAT WE WANT and not what “they” want.

It’s so simple to me.

You do YOU.

I do ME.

FREE TO BE ~ You & Me.

Returned to FULL TOTAL ALIGNMENT with God/Divine/Creator/Universal Consciousness.  







More Election finds………..




Wouldn’t say landslide – but he took it in what was always Dem-run county….








LIVE RESULTS: Republicans Todd Young, Tim Scott, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Rand Paul Win Reelection… and More!


Dominion Voting Machines Down In Texas, Arizona, New Jersey – Other Voter Irregularities Reported






REPUBLICAN FLIP: Cory Mills (R) will take Stephanie Murphy’s (D) old seat in Florida’s 7th congressional district. @Electionwiz



Funny how that works





Finds & Headlines ~ 11.8.22


No participating.  Not participating.  Not participating.  But I still “feeeeeel” it and had a hunch – and an insight – and got online and yup – here it is.  Back and forth………….




They’re not supposed to do that……….



TGP Readers Report Election Officials Are Handing Out Sharpies at Polling Stations Across the Country – And We All Know Why!


The Hobbs Effect: Maricopa County Voters Facing Long Lines, Being Forced To Travel To Multiple Voting Locations


HUGE! Maricopa County Exit Polling: Only 14% of Election Day Voters are Democrats!




Shady Elections Director Allows DOJ Thugs Into Polling Locations In Pinal County, Arizona


Latest Election Maps Show Massive GOP Win in the House – GOP Doing Well In Senate


“Protest! Protest! Protest!” – President Trump Calls for Protests as Computers and Tabulators CRASH and Long Lines Reported in GOP Areas in Arizona!



JUST IN: Guam Finally Flips! Elects Republican as its Delegate to US For the First Time in 30 Years


HUGE: Republicans Boost Advantage to Nearly 10,000 in Traditionally Democrat Miami-Dade County, Florida Ballots Cast


BREAKING: Champaign County Clerk Reports Cyber-Attacks on Servers – Voters Told to Stay in Line


“Nothing Is Working” – Arizona Poll Worker Responds to Maricopa County Tabulator Issues – Issues with Machines are Now Reported in Wickenburg, AZ (VIDEO)


Kristina Karamo: Michigan Republican Voters Told They Have Already Voted in Detroit



Michigan Activists Witness Suspicious Late Night Activity at Innocuous Warehouse at 3 AM Near Detroit Election Center


“We are Tracking Every Race by Cyber… We are Watching” – Mike Lindell Issues Stern Warning to Anyone Who Attempts to Steal and Rig the Election (VIDEO)









Judge Temporarily Suspends Steve Bannon’s Prison Sentence






A few more finds………….


…………before i put my mind to rest and sleeeeeep………….









Well, I know this ~ the internet has been very slow and strange all. day.  – into tonight and early morning………..something’s up – cyber wars perhaps…….



Taco Bell (remember the chihuahua?  i had one of the stuffed ones – back when i ate their food….. lol)……….





17 post (from nov. 16 2019)…………


Nov 16, 2019 1:13:56 PM EST
The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.
Higher Loyalty [Y].
Hunters become the Hunted.
How do you remove a liability?
Six o’ clock CAN BE DANGEROUS.
Family proud?
Wonder what the y in brackets indicates…………

an interesting find…………


Interesting song selections……….. likely indicates tonight is when “they” catch and trap the last of the “rats”……..(suspicious minds, btw is the song)….interesting we see another elvis song…………the phil collins song has been part of the collective for this whatever we are in/going through off and on for a few years………….they can’t cheat to win – they’re not a legit government…’s already over…… yeah just show it ALL already………..