Local Sunset Captures


The skies keep on giving us a treat with these sunsets that now light up all four directions – NSE & W.  Below are some shots I captured the last 24 hours.  Next up ~ a video showing what looks like the sun rising on the west coast in Seattle at 2:00am.  Last night.  Going to wake ourselves up tonight to see what the experience is here as given the comment section below the video, this is becoming a worldwide phenomenon.  Also going to link another video showing that massive pulse showing up daily now on a meteor site (only it ain’t no meteor) ~ the tones are amazing, creating very interesting frequencies.  I wish I knew more about these frequencies so I could show proof of my “hmm could be…” that these are craft creating frequencies to help with the Transformation.

Eyes and hearts open, minds, calm.  All is well.  And quite exciting, too!  ♥

Facing due north

Facing due east

Facing NNW

Facing due south (last night’s capture)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.