Melanie Beckler ~ An Update Regarding The Eclipse Passageway


Received via e-mail (newsletter).


Hey there!


As we quickly head into the Full Super Moon Eclipse energy…


Things are already feeling a bit intense as we face the shadows of our collective and individual experiences…

In a way that is truly across the lines of time as the connections between worlds and dimensions are fully open.

I just wanted to share, that if you find yourself experiencing a sense of heaviness…
Have big challenges springing up on your path…

Or you’re just feeling disoriented, tired, or a bit out of sorts…

Know that its not because you’re doing anything wrong…

Rather, ascending into new levels of our highest light and authenticity requires moving through the layers of density…

And for many now… Deeply buried shadows are being uncovered and unveiled now for us to transmute, heal, resolve, and release.

As so as we move towards the Eclipse… Be willing to release the old and outdated as it appears…

Letting go of resistance and allowing yourself to just be amidst whatever intensity, joy, sadness, or insight is arising will support you greatly in moving through it.

Shift back in perspective to simply observe… And allow what is to simply be.

Just be… Allow… And know that whatever experiences, sensations or emotions you are experiencing now are exactly what is seeking to help you in aligning with the next level of your highest light.

Preparing you to receive the light activations, DNA upgrades, and authentic realignment.

Like a flashlight turned on in a dark tunnel…

The light is now revealing to us all that has been covered up, buried or suppressed.
And so if you find yourself facing shadows, feeling challenged, or having a hard time…

Remember to breathe, embrace the process, and stay present to move through this intensity…

This is exactly the energy that is carrying you further into a new level of your highest light.

Be sure to take the time to ground and connect with nature.


Eat foods that are light, fresh, (green) and healthy…

Increase the amount of water you’re drinking…

Consciously call in light to surround your energy and fill your heart…

And enter inward.

Healing and expand your heart light…

Letting go of what needs to be released…

And making way for the truth of your highest light to flow through…

I’ve just channeled a new Angel Activation offering deep support in integrating the initiatory energies coming online…

Stay tuned for that.

For now, I was prompted to share this Embodying Your Awakened Light Free Meditation with Archangel Michael:

With love, light and gratitude,


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.