A Moment of Clearing And Heart-Centered Clarity


I had some much needed time to myself today and I used it to play the piano.  This is one of the easiest ways for me to get right into my heart space and clear out anything creating blockage from feeling that pure Divinity. Sometimes it takes awhile and then there are times where the clearing is immediate.  Today was such a day.

As I played, I released some “stuff” and got into that Universal Cosmic Consciousness space.  I felt love for All.  I felt and saw the games we play that keep us separate and that leave us detached from our Divine Right to Be…Feel Source.

I thought of New Earth and the dreams and visions I have had of her.  At least the realm, the new earth that I have seen myself on.  I could feel the energy.  It is so wonderful.  Easy.  After waking up this morning and thinking, again, “still here…” only to feel frustration, I had decided it was time to stop investing my energies into this frustration of “waiting”.  That creates more of the same.  I had a divine moment of synchronicity when I got out of bed, checked a social media page and saw someone speaking the same words on new earth, waiting and focusing instead on the end result.

So I made that mental note but feeling the end result, that experience, I was unable to do.  Thinking the words, easy.  Feeling it?  Not happening.  I needed to clear.

So playing the piano as I said, brought up that clearing.  And as I then thought of New Earth, I turned the experience into a story.

My First Days On New Earth.

I wake up in my bed in the new room.  It is the size of the house I lived in prior to arriving.  The windows across from me, floor to ceiling, allow the sun light to come in.  Off to my right are beautiful french doors leading out to the deck.  And surrounding the entire back of the house is a lush, beautiful forest of tall sacred Pine Trees.  I stretch and smile.

I know our child is going to want to probably eat something.  Even though it will, in time, be just an option, we are still eating.  I almost glide out of the room.  The heaviness is gone.  The energy here is so light.  Serene.  My body is learning to almost float in this new energy.  All of the “chatter” of the old world is gone.  The collective chaos, gone.  It is a new “day” and all is possible.

God, it is so good to feel alive and breath again!

We have a giant replicator in our kitchen and while we do not eat meat here, we can create foods that taste like meat.  Being we were bacon eaters on old earth, I enter the code for “bacon” which funny enough is spelled “bakon”. Typo or on purpose.  Probably a humorous gesture.  There is a lot of humor here.  While we have powerful intent and focus, we are very flexible.  The phrase “Lighten Up” is taken to the fullest of all definitions here.

As I wait for the food to be created, I ponder the day.  Take our girl to her new school.  It is perfect for her.  PERFECT.  Learning designed just for her. I will then go to the Healing Center and see how my body is doing with the healing I have been receiving.  I will also meet up with my wonderful team who is teaching me and helping me remember how to use my newly developing skills and abilities.  After that, perhaps I will stop in at the diner and play a few tunes on the piano.  In the evening, a few new friends will visit and play music.  I have a collection of drums and crystal bowls in the living room, which sits on the floor of our floor to ceiling, river-rock fireplace.

Did I already say how frigging AWESOME and PERFECT it feels being here ~ finally?


The memories of old earth are slowly becoming less important.  It’s like having a past life recall.  In time, it becomes less important.

I am deeply focused on the New and Creating New.

It is simply Natural.

All is well.

All just is.

In these first days of Being on New Earth.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “A Moment of Clearing And Heart-Centered Clarity”

  1. The doorbell chimes, it is my Sistar Deborah and her new dog, Percy.
    We are meeting to discuss how we can help some folks who need some healing on The New Earth.
    She and Percy fly off to the Crystal City of Light on the hill to visit some fellow starseeds…

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