Now is the Time of the Merge with the Golden Divine Balance


By Sanna Tarnstrom, guest writer

Sweet family of loving light!!!

Now that we have entered the August Gateway passage and a new golden energy wave is coming in, we step into complete new territorial energies and the first stepping stone to activate The NEW archetype and meaning of the sacred feminine.

Great Sphinx of Giza have had many different faces over the ages. One of them was the sacred feminine divine goddess with the wings. She was and still is The rise of the golden Phoenix. She represent a golden era that has never faded in the sand. She is reborn and activated in each and everyone of us in our DNA.

The divine sacred feminine is not a female. It is the inner counterpart of the inner divine sacred masculine. It all stems from the true core of our sacred higher heart that is located in the chest area. Only from there you will enter and embrace the Divine Balance.

Last year in September of 2016 the powerful golden energy of the NEW sacred masculine energies soaked our multi-dimensional planet and everything on it. In March, Friday the 13 of this year, the Planet opened up it’s crystalline doors for the divine feminine to enter the scene. Today, in beginning of August, the last stage of the merging has begun for the NEW to balance out. This happens collectively as well as in every living thing on Our New creation. It has to happen, it needs to happen, it IS happening.

In March on the Spring Equinox of this year, Earth (or Gaia) also went through her own death. She decided to use my essence as the Gateway out and so I saw her leave through me and I had one of the most strongest intense death feeling and downfall within me that I’ve ever experienced. Old Earth died energetically and Gaia’s essence left for her New higher incarnation to The New Earth. Gaia went to the other side of the veil, but that is completely another article in itself.

This will reveal lots of things, both individually and externally. Collectively, if you’re not in your own awareness and in knowing of your development, you can literally be shaken up.

Underneath all that is your divine golden flame burning stronger than ever. This is a good time for movement, body activities. Let those energies flow through.

You might need a few days to balance out. New energies is always coming in, but right Now we have an intense peek of this Energy Golden dance happening.

Feel this fresh divine energy of the NEW embrace and harmonize your inner and outer senses fully and completely. We will meet in the middle and give each other and ourselves a BIG loving bear hug!!!

I wish you a wonderful time in the days and weeks to come, full of beauty and grace.

“Walking in Shades of Grey is to Walk in Grace”

My love to you!



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.