Old 3D Healing Tools Don’t Work For 5D Humans

Editor’s note:  I have had this thought throughout the past year – that healing modalities in this current paradigm are no longer having the same effect on bodies that are transforming.  I am so very ready for new healing technologies that actually work – easily, painlessly, free of side effects!

By Denise Le Fay, 11/01/2016

newhealingtechA recent Comment by an Ascension overload sufferer inspired this article. Thanks for it Karen.

Since 2003, I’ve repeatedly heard people say online how they use different old 3D (third dimension) tools, methods and belief systems etc. to help them with their evolutionary Ascension Process induced aches, pains, pressures and related symptoms or side effects of becoming a 5D (fifth dimension) human being in a physical body.

I’ve never understood this thinking or expecting old school 3D, pre-Ascension Process tools and methods to actually help with evolving into a physically embodied 5D human. How could such lower frequency tools and methods be beneficial on someone whose literally vibrating higher and faster than they are? They cannot is the fast answer and why should be obvious.

The difference between a 3D human being and body, central nervous system, DNA, brain wiring, consciousness and perceptions with that of a 5D human being and body and all the rest of it is so extreme that they’re barely the same species! That was not an exaggeration for dramatic effect, but a hard fact. This is evolution, highly compressed evolution yes, but evolution nonetheless and we’re living it now in these lives and these physical bodies.

So, why and how could old 3D lower frequency, lower consciousness, lower everything healing tools, methods and modalities etc. possibly work on or help anyone living through compressed evolution that’s literally changing them into a higher frequency 5D being with matching body, consciousness and perceptions? They cannot, so why waste your money and time on them when they’re not vibrating high enough or aren’t nearly complex and refined enough for a fifth dimensional body and central nervous system etc.?

Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.