Is This The – Or One Of – The Reasons For The Meteor Activity in the Antarctica?


A couple of my facebook friends (as well as another individual not on my f/b page) said they participated in an activation last week to dissolve the ownership of Antarctica.  I’m thinking this may have just helped an event that had already started given what I have put together since first sharing this piece…  These folks participated in the activation on the 27th but the first read by Steve Olson was captured on the 26th, Antarctica time, which is 17 hours ahead EST, 20 PST (here in the states).  Still it is interesting to me they were called to do this activation at this time…

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Is This The – Or One Of – The Reasons For The Meteor Activity in the Antarctica?”

  1. Aho Namasté greetings <3 star Victoria, gratitude and thank you for the greet news as we celebrate the co creation of our new risen earth and re striation of Gaia aria and all, every abundance to all loved by you, wearetan onepeopleism harmony peace and sacred divine reason, D

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