Ooohhh Galactic Family ~ Wherefore art thou??!!


Ufo, Alien, Alie, Futuristic, Science

Oh my dear Starseeds and Wanderers and Lightworkers and Lemurian’s and Atlantean’s and pick your self-identifying term…  Many, if not most, if not all of us have had at least one occasion, as I wrote in my piece Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human, where we cry out to Life and the Universe and our Galactic Families:  “Where the HELL are you?!  I am DONE with life in this planet!  I’m TIRED!  I want to go Home!  I want a pick up!  NOW!”

(You don’t know what a relief it is to be able to write those words and know there are thousands of others who feel the same way.  Just had to add that.  When you have experienced being the only beautiful freak in the room for your entire human existence, it’s good to know you aren’t the only one ~ even if it means the other beautiful peeps are mostly scattered throughout the planet.)

I have carried these “where are you?!” words for a long time now.  And it wasn’t until this morning, after I wrote Lemuria: She Fell.  Now She Is Calling. last night, that I received a good dose of understanding and humbleness.  (I don’t much like the word humility.).  In my piece last night, I spoke how the Lemurian Civilization fell, based on the book “Coming Home To Lemuria” by Charmain Amarea Kumara Redwood.  We “fell” because being the High Vibrational Beings we were, we were unable to withstand the density of the lower vibrational civilizations/planets we decided to visit in order to help raise the vibes.

I awoke this morning thinking about that experience.  I contemplated what it would feel like to get “stuck” like that.  Would I want to undergo the experience again?

Absolutely NOT.

Then I remembered a thought I have had at times, reading how after we ascend, many of us will become planet liberators and set off to assist other “fallen” civilizations.  I have had the thought that I may wish to do that again.

Hmm.  A quandary, I thought.

Then thought some more.

Perhaps not a quandary.

Perhaps the reason why our Galactic Families have not made their appearance to us yet is they don’t wish to get “stuck” in these lower densities.  And I can respect that.

Perhaps they are, as some have opined, waiting for Humanity and Gaia to reach a certain vibrational frequency before they greet us again and offer us the assistance many of us seek and long for NOW.  Perhaps the best help they can do at this time is by helping to control and guide, with their advanced tech, the incoming energies ~ the tachyons, the ions, photons, gamma ray and neutrino’s ~ which as we know are raising the frequencies of Gaia and you and me.

Perhaps it was, in part, the lessons of Lemuria, that taught them the best ways to help another planet and it’s civilization ascend.

So, again, perhaps it is unfair to me to demand they do this helping/rescue “NOW!” business.

Perhaps my focus is best put forth in loving myself and making My Personal Ascension priority #1.

And while I really cringe in using the term “be patient”…

…perhaps that is really what is needed here.

And trust.  In myself.  In the process.  In Gaia.

And our Galactic Families.

Whoever they are.

And wherever they are.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.