Out Of The Mouth Of Children…


Or shall I say out of the heart from a child directly connected with Source?

Last night I linked James Gilliland’s latest video ~ a conference he had at his ECETI Ranch in Washington State.  At around the 1:25:00 mark, there is a graph he displays showing the different colors of the light spectrum. In time he speaks of the colors on the far right – the white in particular – which will be coming in (what many are calling The Event, The Pulse, etc.) and which will awaken all.

Our child was in bed asleep when we watched this video last night.  We did not speak of it with her.

As I was putting dinner together, she walks into the kitchen and quietly places a group of lego’s into a graph-like format on the table.  I ask her what it is and she says this:  “Well, you see right now this is the energy field we are in (she points to the darker colors on the left) but when this (pointing to the white tall stack) comes in, we will all be hit very hard and mama, you are going to do nothing but sleep.  That is the energy of the new earth.”  She smiles.  I smile, in a bit of mild shock and amazement at what she had just shared.  How does she know this?  How does she know about energy spectrum’s and their associative colors?  We have never discussed this with her!

Here’s a picture I took of her display.  While it isn’t identical to what James presented, it is close and the overall message very much correlates with what James said in his presentation.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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