Purging The Darkness: When It’s Too Heavy To Face


I feel very much like this image below today.  It’s been growing for awhile. Some of those same issues returning.  I am truly at a loss as to what to do about some of them.

I look at the biggest challenges facing my family – all of them solvable with money.

God, I can’t type that word anymore – not with the “victim” energy that is.

But it is the truth.  Like it or not.  MONEY RULES.

One can intend.  One can be in joy.  One can be in kindness.  In authenticity.  At the end of the day, money still dictates this reality.

And this girl can’t stomach it.  Today I push it away and say “NOT WELCOME”.  For far too long I have faced it head-on.  Took chances. Thought outside of the box.  Oh wow – been doing that for the past 15 years when an astrologer friend of mine told me the old way was dying and when it came to manifesting an income, I had to think outside of the box.  So I have.  And it has not worked out the way I have intended.

So today all I know how to say is say NO.  It is not mine.

Not today.  Not tomorrow.

Not any longer.


Image result for feeling dark image

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Purging The Darkness: When It’s Too Heavy To Face”

  1. If you had the money you needed, you would not have written this beautiful piece, which resonants and brings fellowship and One ship to so many of us out here. I look with anticipation upon your words of Wisdom, Dear Sister. I do not understand either. Every day is a big question mark.

    With Honor and Reverence.

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