Rick Jewers Update: 11/6/17


Editor’s note:  Of particular interest to me is the water intake (hearing that strongly now), feeling the need to rest before my next mission comes online, and not to waiver on my speak with words like “maybe”, “waiting”, “some day”, etc. Commit to what I want NOW.  


November 6, 2017
Via Rick Jewers

Amidst the change being governed and orchestrated from the 5D level of Energy and Consciousness to the 4D Timelines, is also, You. You must change like never before, unprecedented, You must fully accept and understand Your Divine roles here at this time. Some of You have been given temporary messaging systems that You should follow, which aligns You more with Your purpose/mission, and weeds out distraction and confusion.Others are to trust everything they are receiving FROM the Higher Realms, even though it may seem contradictory and does not immediately, come to pass. Remember, the full Divine Plan is not obtainable from this dimension for the most part and most are on a need to know basis, as to NOT influence the Timelines to any significant degrees, other than the degrees that are Divinely approved.

The teardown of the old has accelerated and continues to do so, again, in accordance with the Divine Plan. This much of the Divine Plan has been set out and revealed to You for ages. One of the most significant transitions into the New, involves the redistribution of wealth towards a more temporary equality basis. You have been, and Now, even more, witnessing disclosure of truth on many levels, including the real game that the more wealthy ones created and at one time, controlled. To handsomely tear down the old, everyone needs to see incrementally, how the slave systems worked. The recent “Paradise Papers” are one of these informative disclosures, which assists in Awakening even more to the deceit and deception of the past controlling Ones. You may even wish to entertain how the database was obtained mostly from Appleby while a forensics show that no data actually left their system, yet, it has been publicly released, 😉.

What will come in the near future, in relation to these papers and more, is the actual dynamics and schematics, of how these systems operated and how they were, deceitfully created by the controlling Ones themselves, to fit in with Laws they had created for others. Although the wealthy One’s sources for money never ran out, because they simply created what they wished, an illusion had to be created for You that money was limited, to keep the game/illusion intact and to keep You believing that it was important to work hard and make/save monies. The truth is being widespread on the illusion, backed by confirmations and documents created by the controlling Ones themselves, every bit of the truth is available to You in conjunction with Divine Timing. The mass public must and will, pay more attention to what they are being shown in regards to the “old” rule, and how it must swiftly change. There are transitional options that are already in place and more possibilities to come shortly, that are in alignment with the Divine Plan/Ascension.

Many more will understand and accept, that they individually are not to be subordinate to any planetary person. No One owns You on this planet. You allowed in the past for someone to own and govern You when You gave away Your consent, You need not give away Your consent anymore, Universal Law is actually the governing Law at this time. The Universal Law is the Divine Law of experience and assurance on the Soul levels, and it is in force and fully applied to Gaia during this Ascension.

We reiterate You take Your orders/missions from Source and the Higher Realms, nothing interferes with this. You keep marching forward as You watch the “old” crumble around You, You know what needs to be done, as well as what needs to be Created. YOU are protected and All things good are powered up from the Divine level, as All “bad” things must implode upon themselves because they are no longer supported. The polarity associated with “bad” things is negatively charged, therefore it will rapidly attract more negativity to it, until it is fully disclosed to what it actually is, then purified by the Light, and also decided on Higher levels if it temporarily stays as a cleansed system/part or not. Where almost All of the systems were built upon deception/illusion, they must implode, for their very foundations are built on negative polarity.

Currently, You are in a waiting mode for things to be digested before continuing on, the ebb and flow of Divine work. Periods of rest work well at times like these, and the opportunity to recharge for the next bout is kept in mind. The spiral continues upward and expanding, while the negative spiral, further implodes. To be mentioned, what You may consider as “little Divine work”, continues through the interactions with every other that You meet and come into contact with. Remember that You are on Divine Time and that You need not look for what You do next, it is presented/delivered to You.

Purple Light, Violet Ray, St Germain, will be the prominent/governing Energy of the next several days, whereas Ascension events need to be aligned at this Time. This Ray is also aligned with Law and Justice and will play important roles on the individual basis, as well as Mass.

Merlin Energy will Now be available to more of You and is, as always, to be utilized in a disciplined manner.

Your daily water intact is very important and is connected directly to Your Prowess. Assure that is as pure of water as possible and Your body will tell You when it has had enough each day. 2-4 liters/quarts per day, suffices.

Appearance and disappearance of items/belongings will continue, due to transitioning at times in and out of 5D Timelines. You are mostly still in 4D preparing it for 5D. Distortions in space/time will become normal for some and will become acceptable to New others, as they experience and see, and Know that it is very real.

Do not restrict Your near futures, each day ahead, by committing or obligating Yourself, unless Divinely guided to do so. Your spoken word is very important and attached to Truth, so do not commit, and use words such as “may, might, perhaps”, this keeps You flexible to Divine calling without notice, and is less restrictive for You. You will find that things will be more favorable for You, and will flow nicely, with even perhaps, pleasant surprises.

Keep positive and do not refrain from sharing with others, when the opportunity presents, the Ascension is happening and everything upon Gaia is connected, they need to Know the Truth.

Love and Light

Original post appeared here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.