Rick Jewers Update ~ 12/21/17



Whereas an appreciable number of You have NOW reached an unsurpassed SUSTAINED level of vibration, IT HAS TRIGGERED SOMETHING ELSE GOOD AND IMPORTANT.

Your words You Now speak are coming more from the heart. If You Whisper ever so slightly to Yourself and feel where the words are coming from, You will find that the words are coming from deeper down in Your chest, in the heart area. Whisper a few times and feel the words travel up from the heart BEFORE they change into voice/vocals.

So, You NOW know that You are speaking from Your heart instead of speaking from “off the top of Your head”, this is important. Your heart KNOWS things, while Your brain only THINKS it knows, that is a big difference in the matter of TRUST, but also, it means that Your spoken word NOW has a resonance of a higher frequency piggybacking Your voice. You may not notice the change in Your voice, nor the pitch, but it has taken on a stronger quality of energy that carries the “codes”.

When this happens, You begin to more easily transfer “codes’ back and forth with another of overall similar vibration. These “codes” are attached to Your Divine Gifts AND these “codes” can only be shared with a very compatible match. You carry ALL “codes” for ALL Divine Gifts and are ABLE TO TRANSFER AND ACTIVATE EACH OTHER IN THE GIFT DEPARTMENT. This is important.

So, FOR EXAMPLE , if You have a female that has one of her gifts working very well, like clairaudience, and another female of equal vibration that has her clairvoyance working well, and the two meet/or talk on the phone for the first time, it is very possible that by the end of the conversation, each will discover, a new gift is awakening within them. They may discover that each of them NOW, have BOTH GIFTS. THIS IS ALSO WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BE CONNECTING NOW AT LEAST AT A VOICE LEVEL. You are growing rapidly and this will only accelerate Your growth further, when ready.

So essentially, You may activate and trigger codes for each other Now from the VOICE in addition to Your energetic fields. The VOICE will have more effect than Your energy fields when You are not in the immediate vicinity of each other, hence the verbal connection.

Love and Light

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.