editor’s note:  burning resin as i work tonight…


I just wanted to write a quick energy update, and share some strange happenings that have been occurring will the majority of my clients this week.  After I saw a pattern, I decided to look deeper into what I was seeing and experiencing.

As the energy continues to shift, the veils are being lifted.  This is the true meaning of the apocalypse. I am feeling and literally clairvoyantly “seeing” energies that were in some kind of energetic prison being released.  They are confused, low on light and distraught.

Most of my clients this week had many entities in their homes.  These are people I see on a regular basis, so I know their energy and the energy of their homes.  I have also been dealing with this issue in my own home this week. This is something that I didn’t expect to happen, as the veils are lifted.   I did experience something similar in a restaurant a couple of years ago. A friend of mine and I could feel these energies that were being held against their will. Once we saw them, they were  released, and the whole energy of the room shifted. The same thing is happening now, except on a global scale.

This is nothing to be afraid of, it’s evidently part of the cleansing process.  I do see them getting help. However, they can cause you to feel weird, exhausted and just out of sorts, because there are so many of them.  Or at least if feels like many.  Have compassion for them.  They are not aware and appear to be scared.  They do drain your energy unintentionally.  Put yourself in their situation and have love for them.

I just want people to be aware, that your not going crazy, or getting sick.  And if you have new energies in your home, it is temporary, as I said, they are receiving help.  This is a tiny bump in the road. I was able to clear my clients homes quickly. It’s something I enjoy doing, and I am good at it.

Onward and Upward,

Lisa Rising Berry


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.