Kp Message 12-14-18… “Message(s) from the Body”

Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ still playing around with the subscriber list stuff – had a moment of genius when i decided to make a back-up copy of subscriber’s emails just in case (have i said more than once i am not particularly computer literate?  just isn’t my thing…)  so this piece by KP is spot-on.  today we had a dear friend over and we learned he is a Trump supporter.  we realized this was the first time we have had a trump supporter in the house so it was a wonderful conversation.  however it was draining to me in a way and noticed as i spoke i got so choked up i had to stop talking.  this congestion – is speaking to me.  speak words of love.  stay out of the drama (don’t i say that enough that drama and conflict aren’t aligning with me?  yes i think i do…)….  observe.  BE the NEW.  BE the version of Me at Home.  ok i will give that a try.  as KP says – this is me at this moment.  i will do my best to share all of the happenings (in a more detached manner)

in this grand awakening while respecting the needs of my body/self.  


I’m often not sure what these “Kp messages” are going to be about, until after I’ve started writing them. This one is more of an observation type post, about what’s been going on with this physical body.

The past several days I’ve been experiencing, pretty much every day, a type of extreme coughing. And, yes, I’ve requested some healing assistance, from a couple people, and the Universe. But tonight I noticed that the cough-initiation was particularly strong when I was watching / listening to some of the “exposure channels” videos (x22Report, SGTReport, Operation Freedom, et al.) and they were covering all the apocalypses going on. After a couple three minutes, I found my body severely wanting to start coughing again.

The message I get right now is to stay away from those channels, and perhaps it is time for my Spirit to be at rest from all the apocalypse things. Those things will continue, and it does not require my “close attention” to them.

This is possibly also a message (to my Self, at least) that it is time to start looking at the Higher Energetic levels into which we are traveling. We’ll see how all that works out.

I’m just conveying what has been happening with me, and that’s all that it may be about, but that’s what it is, for this moment, at least.

Aloha, Kp


Heavy Dense Energies Today And Yet…


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Woman, Girl, Freedom, Happy, Sun

Hello beautiful people~

I awoke this morning and immediately felt this heavy denseness within my physical body.  It felt like I was wading through mud, as though gravity was pulling me down.  My mate felt the same way.

Since this morning I have read a couple of pieces that have stated the same.  Aside from astrological/astronomical elements, one of the reasons is due to the collective energies of the masses around this Easter time. Apparently people who celebrate become quite somber as they await the coming of Sunday where they become joyous again at the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.

Sigh.  I could go off on a lovely little tangent on that one, but I shall refrain from opening up my mouth (and a can of worms).  Let me just say, being an energy sensitive individual, I really wish the masses would get over their religious addictions.  I don’t need to be brought down!

However, this does allow me the opportunity to go within and find Glorious Me again and BE that beacon of Brightness.  I have long struggled with this and the Universe and my Eternal Self are providing me quite a few chances lately to see if I can master the ability to be grounded in Who I Want To Be without allowing external influences to waiver that experience.

At times I doubt whether I have this ability.  However, when I remember last November, the day after the election, being seemingly the only person in my town who felt uplifted, a shift and just downright happy.  NONE of the external somberness and anger energies I saw on the faces in my community affected me.  Not one little bit.  A real hmmm… experience. (And I didn’t even vote for Trump.  I was just relieved she-who-shall-not-be-named didn’t become the next appointed one.)

So with all of the external chaos going on, as I continue to say, go within, find anything not resonating with Beautiful You, allow it to have a voice and Let Your Shine, well, Shine!


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