Time Is Speeding Up

Editor’s note:  I always love validation of my own experiences.  Having recently been told that we have actually “lost” about 8 hours of our normal time and certainly having FELT like this is indeed true, this piece says the same thing.  I cannot accomplish what I once did – not even close.  Time is speeding up and it has nothing to do with you and I getting older.  As I sense, we will come to a void – no time – the energy grid of the matrix will collapse – and all that has been kept from us can no longer be hidden.  


is_time_speeding_upWhen I say, “Time is speeding up,” people just look at me and say, “It’s just because you are getting older.” I don’t think so. There is evidence that time may in fact be speeding up.

Firstly, one must understand that time is relative. Traditionally, we think of time as being a constant in the universe, but it’s not. Einstein proved that. His calculations showed that the closer an object comes to the speed of light, the slower time passes. Scientists have done experiments that prove Einstein’s theory to be correct.

So, if Einstein’s theory is correct, then the opposite must be true; if our speed decreases, time will speed up! Researcher Gregg Braden says that is exactly what is happening. The rotation of the Earth is slowing down, and time is speeding up. Evidence for his assertions comes from the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is, in layman’s terms, the heartbeat of the Earth. In scientific terms, it is the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) of the Earth’s magnetic field. In the 1950’s when the Schumann resonance was discovered, it was recorded to be an average of 7.8 Hertz. Now, according to Swedish and Russian researchers, says Braden, it is an average of 12 Hertz. That means that the normal 24-hour day feels like a 16-hour day. In essence, we’ve lost one-third of our normal daytime.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.