To The Forgotten


Earlier today in the shower, I was flooded with images and words.  It all brought me back to a memory from college.  I was taking a Philosophy class, which turned out to be a very rewarding and at times challenging class.  I can remember the Professor sharing a story, asking us to share our opinion.

The story was of a family whose wife was very sick and was in need of medical help.  The medicine that helped her was very costly, and one month the family was simply unable to afford it.  The husband made the decision to steal the medication.  The Professor then went on to ask the class if stealing in this circumstance was right or wrong.  I contemplated the situation, going back and forth between my head and heart.  I began to feel in a new way.  I began to feel the real struggle and suffering of so many people in this realm.  I began to just know this suffering as outlined in this story was totally unnecessary.  How could this be allowed to happen?  I could see and still can see these fictional people in my mind.  As I developed my new thought based on new feelings, I listened as many students shared their thoughts.  Most of them stated stealing is stealing and is wrong, no matter the reason.

I found the courage to speak.  Paraphrased I said this was not a question of black or white, right or wrong.  This was a desperate husband who wanted to see his wife stay alive essentially.  I said I would want my husband to do the same for me as I would do the same for him.

I remember my Professor asked me if I would answer the same for a family who was hungry.

Yes, I said.  I went on to say when people are in need, we need to take that into consideration when they do something the system may deem as “wrong”.  My Professor asked me why I held that thought.

It’s just the right thing to do, I said.  I had no other answer.

I have no other answer today either.

And yet that moment changed me.  More than I realized at the time.

That experience came back at me today and I felt it fully in my heart.  It came in alignment with the speech the POTUS gave in Davos yesterday.  I listened to it prior to remembering my college experience.  The part that really got to me was at the end when he spoke of the forgotten.  How he was working to build a new america that remembered again the forgotten.

I liked that word.  It is better than the term “those who fall through the cracks”.  Millions and millions have been forgotten, left behind for whatever reason, health, isolation, financial destitution, doesn’t matter ~ they were unable to keep up with the demands of the system.  And it was a heart warming moment to hear this addressed.  (as long as he is sincere which at this state in humanity’s awakening we will not tolerate anything but sincerity/authenticity)

What are these demands?

We all know.

We pay to live.

We are expected to be tough.

We are expected to compete.

We are expected to go it alone.

etc etc etc

These demands of course divide us, breaking us away from our Real Self which must be pushed aside to “keep up”.

As we divide, slowly we forget.  We then go along with the systems.

And in doing that we begin to wear labels.

This has created a reality of people who are nothing more than bots, or walmart people as I recently heard, wearing our labels like the nascar cars and their drivers do.  “I support THIS system.  I support THIS belief.”

I imagine all of us with stickers all over our bodies.

Many of us of course have been removing these stickers.

It is time for all to do so.

We are so much more than our labels.

Don’t you feel the need to not follow anything out there?

Don’t you feel the need to go within, remember and BE that Being 24/7?

And KNOW that this IS enough?

Because IT IS.

NO to anything that enslaves and demands and powers-over.

Systems collapse when people refuse to participate en masse.

In doing so, we will no longer have that husband who is forced to steal in order to keep his wife alive.

And no longer will any of us be forgotten.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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