Today’s Experiences or “What is happening to me?”


Ok so perhaps I could change up the title.  Call it “what am I going through?!”  “What is happening to me” is a little too disempowering.

I walked around my house today and took in a lot of things.  Early in the year I began to let go of a lot of the normal household stuff.  The dusting. Moving things to clean.  Even the regular cleaning.  It has surprised me how easy this was for me to just relinquish to the Cosmos so that the Universal Cleaners could take over.

Yeah, well there is no such thing as a Universal Cleaner and until I have my new realm with the return of my abilities and means of keeping my personal space clean, it is up to my arms and legs to handle the cleaning.

Of which did I just not say, I haven’t done much of this year?

Poor house was telling me such today.  Normally I have been a very tidy, clean person.  Going back to childhood, that’s just how I roll.  Today I looked around my house and noticed cobwebs and strange looking things on my baker’s rack (wth??!!).

So the house had a thorough cleaning like it hasn’t seen in months.  At one point I heard a song that reminded me of my “homeland” and I am suddenly in tears, lying down on the floor, wanting out of this prison.

I am becoming clumsy.  My fingers and hands aren’t working like they normally do for the normal 3d things – washing dishes, picking up stuff, brushing my teeth.  Sometimes this makes me laugh ~ only when I can feel this is part of the process of graduating upwards through the layers, getting my beautiful precious physical body used to, once again, being at a higher frequency state.  OH HOW I AM SO NEEDING THIS!!!!  My heart bursts open with a longing I feel for nothing or no one else.  It is that strong of a longing.

When I am honest with myself, NONE of this realm resonates with me. And guess what?  It isn’t supposed to!  It’s all been a lie.  Consumerism. The frequencies coming out of our phones and television’s and microwaves.  The lies we are told about karma and lesson’s and how pain allows us to grow.

If I could wave my magic wand and put an end to the spells of illusion cast upon us by Archons ~ I would.

In fact, I DO have that power!

We ALL do!

Let’s use it!

I no longer agree to wait for the Event.  The Solar Flash.

I want my freedom NOW.

Take time every day, throughout the day, to command this inherent Right of Freedom be returned to us.  NOW.

It does not matter how you do this.  So many of you have written me with your suggestions after my last article (which I have been doing my own creating with daily and hope you are too!), which I asked for ~ and I thank you for this.  I was and am so touched and empowered to see and hear from so many of you as ready and willing as I am to get this illusion ended and our true home returned NOW!

I don’t think it is necessary for us to use the same words.  The same methods.

It is the FEELING experience we are looking to FEEL and send out to the Cosmos.  We are being guided out of here and indeed have amazing awesome help.  And yet we still “wait” on this Pulse of Energy to bring down the last veil.

Let us FEEL that energy.  Welcome it NOW.

Daily.  Throughout the day.

We had our lives stolen eons ago.  We were removed from our direct connection with Source.  We were tossed down here and trapped in lower frequencies.  Heck, this is why I feel SO MUCH LIKE ME when the Schumann spikes – and maintains her spikes.  There is simply no room for fear in those energy frequencies.  It feels like HOME to me now.

THAT experience is the original experience as gifted to – given to – each of us.  Not “earned”.  Just GIVEN.

That is what Love does.

Ascension is not something we earn.

It is our INHERENT WAY OF BEING.  We were ALWAYS “ascended” which to me just says we have a direct, unadulterated connection with Source.

It is, as a human being, our birth right.

If it is not about freedom, it is a lie.

If it contains ANY energies of judgment, it is a lie.

An archonic lie.

Let the beasts be gone.  Source will deal with them.  Not our “job”.

We now welcome in the Frequencies of Love.  The Event.  The Pulse.  The Solar Flash.

Cause girl is tired of having to use ancient tools to keep her space clean.

Much love to us all ~



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.