Today’s Insights ~ Oh So Close To That Finish Line


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Good evening folks~

Going to type this one up quickly as I am semi-cognizant.

I felt something in me shift today.  It was subtle but noticeable.  It’s almost as though a bag of fear left me.  This came a couple of hours after I received a message in my message place (in or near water).  I suddenly could “see” my people, who are currently in the higher dimensions, those people I shared a life with where I came from before I set out on this mission lifetimes ago.  I heard and felt I did indeed choose to be a part of Earth’s Liberation.  I could have chosen to be a part of this mission in a higher dimensional plane, but instead wanted to be here on Earth, the “ground crew”, carrying out the mission.  I can see my feisty self saying “Those bastards took us out.  No way am I going to miss out on being in on that gig to help reclaim what was and is rightfully ours right at ground level!”

I knew I was part of the original higher dimensional human tribes on this planet.  I knew this was a risk and there was no guarantee as to how many lifetimes I would participate in in this lower dimensional reality until the Liberation.  We continued to return here, knowing about the reincarnation grid of the matrix and the controls put in place, but we did so in order to keep the planet and well, the human race, from becoming completely “deadened”.  Little sparks of Truth, if you will.

Am I making any sense?  It came to me so fast, I was recording myself and talking very quickly and animated.

The dark did all they could to keep the vibes low and the light down, but they knew all along they couldn’t keep the lights off.  The people who are doing the work helping to bring this about in the other dimensions, those are our families that we once belonged to.


I was able to see and feel in my body how many times I have been guided and protected in order to carry out this mission.

There is going to be an amazing party, celebration coming about soon.  We will recognize one another energetically ~ those who have families in the other worlds/dimensions.

I also received the message regarding the current skill I am being primed to do ~ for myself interestingly enough.  It is indeed an area in which I have been weak in ~ and also of interest ~ synchronicity if you will ~ I had an experience yesterday where I encountered such a situation and felt an energy shift within me – it was easier for me to participate in the way I know I can and need to and want to.  Not a great change but it was noticeable and caused me to stop, reflect and think “hmm now that’s interesting.”

All of us who have felt so sensitive to the outer world ~ of course we are! The issue is not in the sensitivity but in the fear some of us (yours truly!!) have attached to these sensitivities.  The judgments as well.

Each of us who are a part of this have shared our message in a variety of mediums.  And there has always been someone in the field of communications who has put out clues, often disguised as fiction, to implant the cues in humanity and if necessary, to help those of the ground crew mission to awaken, validate, etc.

Obviously, I was not fully aware how challenging, long and exhausting this journey would be.  I feel in my body I am right at that finish line. Oh so close (and beautifully enough I read a several messages on my social media feed from those like-minded Souls who are feeling the exact same way.)  

We are almost ready to cross that line of completion and full transformation, celebrate for awhile and then, if you are like me, crash for a good long nap.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.