The Truth is Being Shown Indeed



I am seeing some really ugly behaviors right now rising out of people ~ more than ever.  Only thing is most don’t see this as a signal for their own self-reflection and need to release and heal.

Reacting, reacting, reacting.

I engaged it in myself yesterday.  Saw it.  Reminded myself I am more than that.  And yet the story still wants a listening kind helpful ear.

Our anger is demanding to be heard.  And we have to listen to it.

And then find USEFUL ways of resolving and expressing.

LISTENING to one another instead of screaming projecting and blaming.

I’m tired of it all.

A world of adults still behaving like 3 year olds and wearing a lot of pretend hats.

Tired of the words of the religious dogma and rugged individualistic speak.

Tired of the drama.

Fed up and done with one more moment of any being and any system of being’s powering over.

NO MORE, I say to all of it.

No more.

We are more than that.

Step up and BE the person you would want as a best friend.  (be kind – take no shit)

Be REAL without getting lost.

In a nutshell, own your dark shit, hug it, make amends and remember the Pure Divine and let it Out.

Even when in the company of someone who is still engaged in the struggle of projection.

Yeah, that one right there, is the hardest of all.

And we are ALL struggling right now in one way or another.

Let us own this and remember:

For when I appear invisible to you.

You really are invisible to yourself.

For we are all apart of the same Life.

Look inside.

You know it’s true.

Reach out to me

and take my hand.

And then we can truly walk together

into Eternity.



Thank you for your support of my words that attempt to express the most heart-felt, perfectly imperfect human story that I carry that also brings forth the wisdom of my Soul ~ that is when my pain is willing.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “The Truth is Being Shown Indeed”

  1. Wow!
    Yes, I catch the shadow in my thoughts….constant monitoring lately.
    Affirmations galore!
    Yup, be kind without taking any shit…came across that with 2 friends yesterday.
    I really AM struggling in this denseness…
    I AM a Divine, Sovereign, Loving, multidimensional being

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