UFO On Film ~ Caught In My Backyard (or “call them and they will come”)


Tonight around 8pm PST, my family and I were outside watching the night sky.  I announced “ok galactics, show me something!”  Minutes later, while in an office chair with my kiddo and mate, something told me to spin the chair around.  I did and there it was, big white orb, heading north.  My mate ran and got the binoculars and I honed in on it.  From what I saw it looked like a chevron-shaped object – a sideways “V”.  On film however it looks round.

We grabbed the camera and I took this footage.  It continued to head north until it literally faded from our view.

Ours?  Theirs?  Who ever knows, you know?  Until I DO know, well, enjoy what we saw.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.