Ultra-Sonic Frequencies Pierce The Veils of Amnesia Huge

Editor’s note:  When I got online earlier this evening, I began noticing people saying “3 hours ago I got hit hard”.  I looked at my clock and confirmed – I had had the same experience at around that same time. I suddenly felt nauseous and absolutely had to lay down where I immediately fell asleep for about 15 minutes.  Hit me hard and fast.  

by: Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Guardian of NEW Earth, HUman StarGate, Gatekeeper, WayShower

We’ve gone Ultra-Sonic the last hour (I wasn’t paying attention until now). These “do” lots.

The constant re-gridding/re-calibration processes of our physical body is knocking many for a loop. I am observing many “victims to ascension” mentalities, which creates resistance and suffering on-top of the already immense upgrades that are occurring. You can intentionally be a victim without being a victim. Clear signs are moaning & groaning, complaining, whining…. these are mindsets leaving the body and the sound is called “tuning”. (It’s just one of a gazillion ways we tune). We can consciously moan and groan, without actually believing we are a victim. BE aware, be present and listen to yourself/your own mindsets. Not one of us are victims here. Everyone of us, as souls, chose this. Being a victim just creates misery for the one going through it (and everyone around them subjected to this too).

Here we do not cater to victim mentalities. That was the old way of doing things. Here we hold everyone accountable and require that each be conscious of their own selves. We push each other beyond the victim and back into our higher self empowered aspects again.

Ultra Sonic: These are powerful and strong. These “hurt” as they run through the body, tuning all faster than the human body is ready for. Nausea, gas, expanding bodies, brain, eyes, ears, head, spine, bones (plasma and crystals for bones/muscles/teeth/pineal) are the most intense.

Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.