Update: Ascension Symptoms ~ 2/16/2017

Hello fellow starseed travelers~

How ya feelin’?  Getting through the days as of late getting to be more of a challenge?

Wanting the “New” NOW?

You’re not alone.

Here is what I have been experiencing lately:

    1. The food cravings.  Ok, I insist I am not pregnant, but today I wanted pickles (and the juice), pineapple, chocolate, cheese and mineral water. Oh, and cinnamon.  I think this might just become a staple diet for me ~ that is until the next round of cravings kick in.  I have been eating ice cream on a near-daily basis and go from not really wanting to eat to being ravenous.  Oh yes and there have been the binges of ginger cream-filled cookies (my latest find – thank you Newman’s Own).  My taste for meat is waning and I can no longer eat full cuts of meat.  In fact, if presented with meat that looks obviously like an animal (chicken leg, thigh, etc.) I’m not going to touch it – unless it is removed from the bone and diced up tiny and mixed in with vegetables.  I have long felt I am going to be off meat at some point – and that point is quickly arriving.  I have also been experiencing a growing desire for new foods not found here on our beautiful earth, in particular fruits.  My mate recently introduced me to the Hefferlin Manuscript (which at some point I will share), which speaks of our origins and refers to the fact that we once ate different foods, including vegetables and most notably, fruits.   Advice: listen to my body and honor what it’s telling me.  The old rules no longer apply.
    2. The changing Chakra’s.  Throat chakra.  Wow.  She just isn’t having this talking business at times.  She wants to rest and let the mental telepathy do it’s thing.  Or scream when old stuff comes up. She feels tickly and itchy.  Voice is often raspy.  Heart chakra.  Occasional heart palpitations are going on.  The need to engage in slow, deep breathing.  Rubbing her, massaging her like I would a baby, she is releasing lots of tears of pain and disappointment.  Tapping into deep deep core issues, likely going back lifetimes.  Crown chakra.  Strange, prickly sensations on the top of my head.  Some pressure and even headaches (a rare event for me).  All of these chakra’s of mine simply feel they need to rest and rebirth/reform into something new. Expansion city, baby. Advice: Nurture myself like a newborn for I really am rebirthing into a new Being.
    3. The fatigue and brain fog.  Can I say this one enough: I AM SO OVERLY FED UP WITH FEELING LIKE A ZOMBIE.  Although I gotta admit, I don’t fear it as I once did.  So I can’t remember what I just ate for dinner (no seriously, I can’t and I ate like 30 minutes ago).  So I can’t remember that I told my spouse I was going to watch a movie with him and now suddenly I am reading one of my Anastasia books.  And so I can be found staring into space, feeling as though a part of me is here and the rest of me is “someplace else”.  And yes, I KNOW I just made up a word – I know what I meant to say.  I ain’t stupid.  I’m not going crazy.  I’m just ascending into a higher frequency and my dormant DNA is awakening as well.  Advice: Sleep and rest. Breathe and Allow. Drink a lot of water and mineral water (we need extra minerals right now).  And ride out those waves.  Literally.
    4. My body ain’t feeling so great some days.  Let me tell you, after some of these incoming energies hit, I feel like I am coming down with the flu.  I am stiff and tense.  I just feel “ick”.  But I know when I rest, put heat on myself, drink herbal tea and just ALLOW and BE, my body integrates the changes.  Advice: I say a mantra.  It essentially goes something like this: “I accept and integrate the incoming energies of expansion and healing.  I release resistance where ever I Am is resisting these changes.  I intend to go through this process with Ease and Grace.  Thank you.”  The key is to allow myself to do this process at a rate in which my emotional/mental/physical/energetic body can handle.  
    5. I WANT NEW AND I WANT IT NOW.  The big one.  Third dimensional reality just isn’t cutting it for me.  I want new scenery.  I want brighter colors.  I want NEW.  New experiences.  New people.  New types of people.  New foods.  New methods of healing.  New means of transporting myself.  New means of communicating.  New means of living and existing and Being.  I want all of this.  I crave it.  I need it. Advice: Be in the Now.  Allow for the experience.  And be patient (argh!). It is coming.
    6. Yes, the outside world IS going nuts.  There are reasons for this.  One being, we are all being called to deal with our “stuff”.  We are being called upon to face ourselves – with love – more than ever.  Secondly, we know tptb are aware of Ascension and the incoming energy waves.  Heck, government websites show these energies.  And they have been part of the enslavement that have kept us stuck in this lower dimensional reincarnation trap and they don’t want us escaping. After all, without us, who do they have to do their dirty work?  Yeah. They are sneaky bastards, too.  They can zap people with scalar waves and they can put subliminal messages on the airwaves, all to lower our Vibes. They use the media and (false) politics (right now for certain) to keep us all riled up and divided. Advice: Turn off the television.  Go within.  Find my center.  Develop a solid relationship with my Higher Self.  Heal the emotions coming up. Send myself Love.  Send Gaia Love.  Send everyone Love.  That’s what I continue to be reminded of: Love Never Runs Dry.  There is always an Abundant supply of it.  So while this process is an Individual process in that, while we can and need to work together, it is up to each of us individually to do our own inner work and releasing so we can rise Together.

As One.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.