Update ~ Video Removed (Hannity Fox News Big Breaking News ~ Deep State Spying ~ 12/14/17)


The video that was in last night’s post has been removed.  Below is another capture of it.  Watch before this one gets removed, I would suggest that is.  If this does get removed, below are some transcripts that highlight some of what is covered in the video.  Also of note ~ I googled this particular video, for this particular date, and while I was able to find several youtube channels who still have it, the channels I was able to find have very low to no subscribers, which says me the bots are scrubbing the videos on the channels w/the highest ratings/numbers/subscribers.


Sean Hannity 12/14/17 | Sean Hannity Fox News Today December 14, 2017

Streamed live on Dec 14, 2017


Sean Hannity: [Addressing Gregg Jarrett – his in-studio guest] I want you to put your legal hat on. I am stunned. This to me is bigger by far than anything that came up in Watergate.

Gregg Jarrett: It’s clear there was a nefarious conspiracy by the FBI and the Department of Justice to elect Hillary Clinton and to defeat Donald Trump. When it didn’t work, the conspirators launched their Plan B, which was a fraudulent investigation into President Trump in [for] two crimes which don’t exist under the law.

So, this is the Deep State, as you’ve often referred. The Deep State is a group of partisans who have been together for 20 years. All these guys are thick as thieves. They conspired to unseat and undo the election – unseat the president and undo the election. Plan A was exonerate Hillary Clinton. That didn’t work. Plan B was to. . .

Hannity: Wait. They did exonerate her. Without an investigation.

Jarrett: They did exonerate her but it didn’t lead to her ascendancy to the presidency which was their goal. The emails prove it. Look at the emails. The most telling email of all is the email in which [FBI agent Peter] Strzok’s lover says to him you were meant to be in this position to save the country – to save the Republic.

Hannity: He was part of the exoneration!

Jarrett: He was totally part of the exoneration.

[Tomi Lahren’s comments were snipped.]

Jarrett: It was always a myth that collusion in a political campaign is a crime. It’s not. And there was never a scintilla of evidence that President Trump engaged in some collaboration with the Russians. So this was all manufactured – it was invented by the FBI and the Department of Justice and we know why. Because they hated Trump, they loved Hillary Clinton, they were trying to elect her and they were trying to defeat him and when it didn’t work they went. . . to Plan B.

Hannity: Plan B. Manufactured by the Deep State.

Jarrett: Right. “Let’s just say there’s a crime and then we’ll search in vain for a crime. And so now that we know there is no collusion in the political campaign the question is was there collusion in the transition.” No! – that’s not a Logan Act violation.

Hannity: Then we find out that the dossier was used as the predicate for the FISA warrant.

End of transcript.


Click here to read the entire article.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.