Updated Thoughts On Irma ~ Continuing The Intention To Calm Her


Pink, Sky, Peaceful, Sunset, Clouds

So I had another one of those “I am in the shower and I am guided to do some energy work and WOW did not expect THAT” quick jump out grab towel run out get digital voice recorder and start talking.

It started by my getting into my energy space I have been doing this week, sending calming energies to Irma, both mentally and with my body.  I am starting to see my Body wants to move with these experiences.  Last night and this morning I was guided to use my arms to welcome in cool ocean air, humidity and cleansing rain.  As I type this, 1:20pm pacific time, we have clouds, humidity, cooler temps and gentle rains falling.

So I’m sending calming energies when I am drawn to go into the eye of the storm and speak with her.  I “expected” to receive nothing – certainly did not expect to feel anything.  I was prepared for another neutral experience.  That is not what happened.  What happened was this sudden gripping on my chest, making it a bit difficult to breathe.  I could “feel” her and “hear” her.

She is afraid.  She is confused.  She feels chaotic and doesn’t like it.  She knows she is being artificially created, at least artificially guided and strengthened.  She is Gaia.  She is Us.  You and Me.  She is ALIVE. Conscious.  And just like you and I do not like to be controlled, we certainly also do not like our energies being messed with, Gaia feels the same darn way.

She knows people are sending a lot of fear at her.  Anger and confusion as well.

I felt all of that and it was a difficult state to be in.  I cried, clutched my chest and had to pull myself together and remain Neutral, which I was able to do.  I acknowledged her energies.  I asked her what she needed.

Love.  Calming.  Soothing.  Let her know we are with her as she is with us.

She has no intention or desire to wipe out populations or harm anything. The innate, natural energies of Gaia do NOT operate under such intentions.  Those who claim Gaia is angry and is punishing us or getting back at us are absolutely wrong.  YES – we are all connected and YES our emotional/mental states absolutely have an effect on Gaia.  But viewing this as a punishment or similar is false.  Pay such words no mind.

We are all One Spark of Divinity, having our own unique experience, whether we are of the human element, animal element or nature element.

So just as we would set the intentions of creating peace when faced with a scared, upset child, or even creating the same space for ourselves when we are also scared, upset, we can set the same intentions with Gaia and her energies.

We send you energies of Love, Calm, Soothing, Irma.

We send the same energies to ALL of those in the path of Irma.

Using our minds, our hearts, our Highest Selves and our bodies, we can STILL have a very helpful response and result.

Again, we have the power.

Again, we ARE the power.

Much love to me, to you and to all of Gaia.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Updated Thoughts On Irma ~ Continuing The Intention To Calm Her”

  1. Now, Irma girl….just sim sim simmer down..I know us Southern girls can be full of ‘spit vinegar and fire”..but if you are here..you have your own consciousness …don’t let some other consciousness ‘control ya..tool ya around’..be a good ol’ girl…you have made a statement….we are humbled…we love ya already for the unifying you have done..but we are all a wee bit weary of the fear ..pillage..and plunder of it all..just scoot on out to the Atlantic..take your friends with ya..peace out sistah girl…we are gettin’ it..MOther Nature rocks…we bow to you…

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