Urgent Prayer Request Needed For A Reader/Subscriber


I am asking all of you to please put out healing energies/vibes of love and strength to Robin, who I was just informed is in the hospital.  She had a very strong rash show up on her face and neck overnight.  I also ask for focused thoughts of protection and clearing as well.  See her Being Well.

It is done.

Thank you!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Urgent Prayer Request Needed For A Reader/Subscriber”

  1. Please share the recipe for jillies cabbage juice there are amazing healings going on, and this lady did not charge a dime for sharing, this is a real genuine light worker. her stuff is available on Facebook look up
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/197663030736437/permalink/281861912316548/ it has to be the easiest and cheapest form of healing around, you do have to try and follow a special food regime, whilst your body is healing, to avoid feeding the candida and parasites, there are files on this site masses of information to back up the benefits, and masses of real time testimonials…….pass this up people and you need to see a doctor!

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