A Vision For Freedom From Debt

Taken from the Vision Alignment Project, which you may sign up for and receive beautiful global visions 3 times/week.


A Vision for Freedom from Debt

We envision a world free of debt of all kinds; a world where all debt has been forgiven, all usury stopped, every slate wiped clean, every heart opened and mind freed because people everywhere are giving and sharing with each other.

We see a system of exchange based on abundance instead of encumbrance, equality instead of slavery, conscience instead of competition, opportunity instead of obligation, gratitude instead of greed. We see all peoples, everywhere, enjoying equal access to all good things, and with this comes a blossoming in the soul of humanity such as has never before been seen throughout the whole of time.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.