My Vision for the Future of Journalism


just for fun….and in honor of the fake news awards…


A Return To Truth Telling

good-bye mainstream media…

it’s already begun…

we don’t need your big media outlets…

we don’t need your corporate sponsors…

and we sure as anything do not need your perfectly coiffed faces spouting your never-ending propaganda.

those days are O V A H.

for we the people have discovered something ~ OUR OWN VOICE.

and we now know:

we have each other

and we have the Citizen Being Truth-Seeking and Truth-Sharing Journalists…

as was shared with me the other day by our dishwasher repair man:  “the real criminals wear suits.”

we don’t need any suits stickin’ their hands up our backs tellin’ us “nope – goin’ too far right there go a little more left” or “you can’t say that” or “DON’T SAY THAT YET WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK” or “our sponsors don’t want us saying that”…

on and on and on…

the return of Truth

through the ‘net

through our televisions

through our phones

through our papers and other printed material.

The Energies of Truth are here and they are here to stay.

Let me repeat that:  they are here to stay.


And every single moment of every single day from here until eternity.

For We The People ~ The Citizen Beings Truth-Seeking and Truth-Sharing Journalists are HERE TO STAY.

It is done.

And it HAS been made so.










Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “My Vision for the Future of Journalism”

    1. actually it isn’t ~ we had to request a new one which was delivered monday. and it ended up not working. it was brand new too so they took it and now there’s a big hole where the d/w should go and we are waiting to hear back when the next new one will be delivered. argh!!

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