Whaling Fleet Returns To Japan After Slaughtering 300 Whales in Antarctica For “Science”

Editor’s note: I don’t know what to make of this.  I cannot fault someone for slaughtering an animal to consume its meat when I am not a vegan or vegetarian myself.  I would like to be.  I would like my body to cooperate with my desire but I feel sick and run down when I have gone this route. However to do this in the name of science is deplorable and makes me roar.  Actually the way we were altered genetically (which I believe includes turning us into omnivores – or even perhaps the need TO eat) makes me roar.  I want the Truth returned to every cell of my being.  Of every cell of our being.  

“Defying international condemnation, a Tokyo-backed program has recently completed its massive hunt in the Antarctic ocean, killing over 300 minke whales.  

The whaling fleet composed of five Japanese ships docked back to Shimonoseki port on Friday after completing the annual slaughter which began in November, The Guardian reports.

The initiative, which has been met with a global opposition headed by Australia and New Zealand, again defied the worldwide moratorium on whale hunting imposed by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 1986. Japan is a signatory to the agreement.”

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.