What Are You Going To Feed?


Words of wisdom spoken to me by my Highest Self.

What are you going to feed in this moment?

Observe your thoughts.  How are they making you feel?

Feed love.

Feed belief.

Feed courage.

You got this.

You are remembering.


A bit later, I thought of a friend of ours who has cancer.  Shall I say ~ had cancer.  All signs indicate she is free and healthy.  She has this amazing faith.  At first I thought she has this amazing belief system, but really it’s faith she has.  Yes, she follows a religious structure.  But it goes beyond that.  She has this VERY strong faith that she is not alone.  She not only thinks it and believes it, she KNOWS it.

I could feel in my body the difference between belief and faith.

Belief comes from outside of Who We Are.

Faith ~ within.  It IS Who We Are.

Transcend belief into faith.

I rather liked that one.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.