What Day Is It Again?


Image result for image where am i


I had a first-time experience today ~ I had no clue what day it was.

None.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.

Thinking about it didn’t help.  I honestly didn’t know.

For the past year or so, off and on, I have been losing track of the day of the week.  Usually I can go by the feel if my thinking brain cannot figure it out.  Today, neither feeling nor thinking brought me the answer.

My daughter said it was Saturday.

My mate didn’t know the answer.

I thought back to this past week and was able to ascertain it’s Sunday.

And yet is it really?

Where are we?  What season are we in?

My body tells me we are aligning with new physical space/realms.

My body tells me we are headed into fall.  Each year when the seasons switch, my body (in particular my nose ~ I feel the pressure change ~ I know, it sounds weird but that is my radar) tells me when the new season is entering.  My body is saying “fall”.  Certainly the smell is in the air, the nights are very cool, nippy lately.  Leaves are changing on trees around here.

A quickening.  That’s what feels like happening.  After this lull of “time” seeming to proceed (at times painstakingly) slowly, I feel it speeding up again.  Speeding up, leading to the next leap of awakening.  This one is feeling like a big one.

Buckle up, let go and enjoy the ride.  And just Be.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “What Day Is It Again?”

  1. OMG…. I feel the EXACT same way. For me, it feels like this next week before the full moon is critical for releasing and preparing for what will open with this next new moon on 7/23. I have read so much from many different sources that say Aug 3-25 will be a critical time with, of course, focus on the eclipse. Many also go on to report that Sept around the equinox is when we will see more tangibly the split in timelines.

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