You Are Not Without Power In Any Given Situation and More

Editor’s note:  I needed this piece tonight.  

By Anastacia

Blue Beyond – You are Not Without Power In Any Given Situation and More – 8th October 2016 – A Re-sharing from the 11th October 2014
It is a time for us to RE-LOOK at our BOUNDARIES and protect, protect, protect.

The more you are in touch with your EMOTIONS, the more you FEEL and will be able to FEEL what resonates and what doesn’t in your soul. Many times it is an old soul contract that needs to be finished, where you need to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK and stand in your love and truth for yourself…

Take a step back from everyone that are not on your wave length….are you still trusting others?….step into your POWER. What ever it is….you are not without power in any given situation….it will depend on if you are struggling to hold on to the old….or if your head takes over in fear or loss of control.

Help and guidance is here as you go through all you need….yet it is not for us to attempt to control what we need to go through as sometimes we need to let go and go with the flow….and all the support and love and guidance will be provided if you ask….and ask from your heart and soul while feeling deeply….as we need to come from an intelligent heart and a loving mind.

Remember….you need to ask for help and guidance for it to come, without wanting to control how it comes….ask and stand back and allow the universe to provide. Now more than ever have faith and trust and do not attempt to force or control your will and let the energy of the divine flow through and with us.

‘Seize the day’….take this opportunity for yourself to start again with all you know and have been through….as the next step is here….it all depends if you are brave enough to step into that space….are you brave enough? We are not without power in any given moment….feel this….know this….and then breathe this in deeply to your very core….and if a situation comes up, then draw on this feeling.

I know you can do this as I believe in you and the spiritual warrior that you are and all you have gone through to be here at this time. Ascension and spiritual growth cannot be fooled, rushed or cheated, it needs to be earned….it is about the journey of SELF DISCOVERY and not what someone else tells you…yes seek guidance but filter it and feel what resonates with YOUR soul.

Forcing our will at this time will only cause frustration, depression or anger and your energy will be blocked – by yourself!….please trust and have faith and remember – YOU ARE NOT WITHOUT POWER IN ANY GIVEN SITUATION.

It is time for us to find a balance of looking after ourselves first….and then to blend this in with the rest of our daily routine….to continue in all we are doing….by including looking after ourselves first and foremost….as this needs to be our new routine.

We do have shadow sides of our souls that need to come to the light….sides of us that have been hidden that we need to shed more light on, for us to bring those sides of us into the light…as they have been hidden or suppressed.

It is time to claim a portion of ourselves we lost along the way….and also to give love to our shadow side as we heal it. It is easy to get lost in the astrals of wanting changes for ascension to be instant or relief to be given to us on our journeys….but ascension and growth needs to be earned and that takes time.

Pull back and protect your energy and trust in all you are and what you have gone through to be where you are at….as you have certainly earned all you have.

Follow your heart of hearts….as only you have the answers for your soul….and it is time we stopped looking for answers outside of ourselves.

Yes, seek information and guidance by all means, as that is part of learning and growing and vital to be a seeker of YOUR truth of information available….yet ultimately your soul has the answers that you need for your souls growth…and it is about tuning in and listening to that inner voice that IS there.

Ask yourself each time you are faced with a choice or decision, am I coming from my head or my heart?….and than FEEL what comes….as you have the power WITHIN you.

If your head kicks in and you are angry and don’t want to be ‘sick’…….then you are only fighting against yourself and your own energy……and you need all your energy to be focused within, to allow your healing process to continue until it eases……and that is different for each individual.

You are not alone….as guidance and unconditional love and support is here….and when you stop forcing or pushing and when you pray and hand over….and then take a step back and trust….then wait for the universe to bring to you what your soul needs… will be amazed as to the blessings that are there for us that practically fall in our laps….as you are so loved and supported – ALWAYS. Humanities energy has now caught up….with US who are the change for the next phase of humanities ascension and growth.

There is a SPIRITUAL HEALING CRISIS for many of those on the world stage that have been guiding us….and now it is their time to do the core of their soul connection – through their emotions and all that is involved in linking their emotions to their spiritual side – The human to the angelic side.

I can share that those in places of being a beacon to others- are being very tested….so now we have those spiritual leader/healers who are on their souls journeys too, not being the clear vessels they once were.

It is now time to not take what you read or hear as face value….as it is time to feel inside your soul what resonates for you….as there is much confusion…..and that confusion is now filtering through humanity….as many healers/guides and counsellors are very caught up in the astrals and higher levels of information for humanity….’forgetting’ that they are human too (more on this further).

It is nice to be in the higher realms…..yet this is not reality as to who we are and why we are here…..we came here to choose a human experience…..what sets us apart from other ‘beings’ is that humans feel emotions. Protect your energy, yes we know this….what is also important is to protect our heart of hearts….now at this time more than ever this is so important… unconditional love truth and honesty can be just words….yet to live them and truly live them is on a whole other level.

~So don’t fight this, as the only person you are fighting is against yourself, as there is always a way and an answer and you are not alone~

And then there is the layer underneath, the core of our soul that this then affects us….as to cope and survive and move forward we need to go from the inner out now….the time has come as it is SOUL SURVIVAL TIME. Many souls are needing to find their faith and trust and take that step over the edge and trust that their wings will come out and they will fly to the other side.

Congratulations on being here as you are moving onwards and upwards and have so earned it andyou are very loved and not alone….and remember, all you need to do is ask.

Take the time to stop and smell the roses each and every blessed morning that you are still here as we have waited so long to be here at this time. It takes the brave and courageous who are in touch with their emotions. As my friends many are not and yet to do so. And this includes those who are guiding and aiding humanity. As many healers/guides and counsellors are very caught up in the astrals and higher levels of information for humanity forgetting that they are human too.

As it is nice to be in the higher realms yet this is not reality as to who we are and why we are here. We came here to choose a human experience and what sets us apart from other ‘beings’ is that humans feel emotions. And if those emotions are not felt or linked to the spiritual aspect of us, then we do not have the whole picture or cannot be whole and balanced – (Note – this was written in 2014 and many souls do not agree with this and that is okay, as they have their roles in what they are sharing and bringing to humanity).

Unconditional love truth and honesty, can be just words, yet to live them and truly live them is on a whole other level. By shifting your perspective you then go with your healing process and honour yourself……that is going with the flow.


Much Love and Divine Blessings
Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.