10 Ways Your Intuition Sends You Messages

Pentacles, Purple, Backgrounds, Magic

These signs may be subtle so you will have to be open to hearing and seeing them, however they may help you to make a step in the right direction, especially if you are unsure or still learning how to use your intuition to tap onto your higher self.

  1. A tingling sensation or goosebumps
  2. A feeling of urgency, uncomfortableness or ‘butterflies’
  3. Prophetic dreams or vivid dreams that seem to carry a message
  4. Seeing number patterns like 11:11 or 911
  5. Seeing a billboard, TV show or street sign with a synchronistic message
  6. Hearing a song stuck in your head
  7. Ringing or buzzing in the ears (that is not medically related)
  8. Receiving advice that seems to come at the perfect time
  9. A vision or wave of inspiration during meditating, exercising or showering
  10. Feeling physically ill for no apparent reason, especially in the stomach or head area

Read entire piece here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.