11/25/2016 – Message From The Arcturians

Editor’s note:  Wouldn’t it be more useful if these folks actually showed themselves?  You know – actually knock on our doors one afternoon and share these messages live and in person?  And…I am weary of reading these pieces that basically say “keep going you got this we’re coming it’s all coming soon just hang in there.”  Oh yeah?  PROVE IT.  Stop telling us to use discernment and back up your words with something tangible.  Anyway…enjoy the latest of these messages…

MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIAN GROUP ~ NOVEMBER 20, 2016 through Marilyn Raffaele

arcturians-aliensGreetings dear ones.  All is proceeding according to plan even though it may seem to you that the world is going backwards.  Powerful energies of Light are creating a new world awareness resulting in battles between the old and the new.  New frequencies of Light are exposing  information and those who benefit from leaving things as they are, do not like it.
This is what will bring change although it cannot happen in a moment for the majority needs time to process what they are becoming aware of.  Those who are more intuitively awake know what it is they are seeing, and their realization of the truth behind all appearances is what is  helping to dissolve these old energies.
Every individual  is consciously or unconsciously journeying toward full awakening but not everyone is  at the same level of awareness at the same time.  Old souls are those who have lived and learned through many lifetimes, whereas newer souls may have been only on earth several times and still need many more life experiences before they will be ready to move into  higher levels of awareness.
Continue to send Light and love to the world, visualizing earth and all her life forms as pure Light, for this is what they really are.   This makes you Lightworkers.  A lightworker is anyone who not only knows the truth but lives it, in the realization that in spite of appearances to the contrary everyone is a Spark of the one Divine Light.
Many continue to think of lightworkers as being only those spiritually gifted individuals doing healing work, teaching, or channeling. This belief is a facet of the belief in separation for in truth everyone is a spiritual being and every activity becomes Lightwork when done with awakened eyes and ears.
Lightwork is the natural effect of an evolved state of consciousness, one that without conscious effort can lift the energy of those receptive.  Even the most seemingly  insignificant of daily interactions are Lightwork when they flow on energy streams of true Love and Light.
Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.