Cells Vibratin’ Ma Body


Sleeping, Child, Napping, Girl, Kid

This is getting intense.  Again last night at 1am, as I was in the state of meditation-heading-into-sleep, I began to buzz/vibrate all over. So much so the bed felt like it was vibrating as well.  Wow!  I rather enjoy these experiences now.  Until today though I hadn’t really given much thought as to what was really going on inside of me other than “receiving upgrades.”  My brain tends to bounce around from idea to idea ~ (I am in obvious need of more discipline on being in the NOW) ~ that when I experience such things, I think “oh ok, cool”, give a few minutes to relax and visualize any areas that feel blocked ~ before my mind is going off in a new direction.

So this afternoon I was in need of a nap ~ desperately.  Adult company on top of a 2 hour addition of a younger child in the home wore me out.  In under a minute I was zonked only to awaken about 20 minutes later, buzzing again.  This time something told me to “stay still and listen”.  So I did. And it was as though I could “see” my cells.  I heard them speak.  It isn’t just me who is vibrating – it is literally my cells doing this. Wow!  I know, no surprise to most people, but to have this experience gave me my Tetrus moment ~ which is the term I use when I *think* about a concept for awhile until the meaning of it sinks in.  (For those who don’t know, Tetrus is one of those arcade-type games from the 80’s where you have to get these block-type figures to line up perfectly.  When you do, the row collapses – which is the goal – and you start over again with another row. For me, creating that perfect row is the moment where things just “sink in”.  Make sense?  If not, oh well.  It works for me.  lol)

So something synced (sinked) up for me today on this “my body vibrates some nights”.  Of course today this happened during the day time ~ and while I was in bed for the experience as usual, this time I experienced it as I woke up.  I believe that is a first.

I then heard not only my Higher Self but it literally felt like my cells telling me “this is why it is SO IMPERATIVE that you SLEEP WHEN NEEDED.  You are literally undergoing a metamorphosis here and just like an infant goes through mass cellular division and needs a lot of sleep, so do you.”

My cells, undergoing these transformations, probably frustrated with me, calling me to listen, take this more seriously, and sleep.  And perhaps Higher Self also saying this awakening/evolutionary process works best – for me – when I am sleeping.

So my lesson ~ when I am undergoing numerous episodes of “bodily vibrating” ~ SLEEP.  And take more time in embracing how wondrous, beautiful and amazing this experience is.

So it is and will be.



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Intel Update


Editor’s note:  I don’t post these “intel updates” ~ mostly because each one states TRUTH even when there is differing information.  Makes my head spin so I take them with a grain of salt.  That being said…. I wanted to share this one as I have seen more than one such reference today about the action taken by the Pope 4 years ago.  Question is, can we trust him to act on behalf of humanity in a benevolent manner? If it begins with “c” and ends with “h” and has the letters “hurc” in between, my radar sounds loudly.  We shall see…  In the meantime I have begun scratching out my ALL CAPS name (and address when applicable) on my bills and checks and writing it the way it should be.  So very much ready to be done with this system altogether!


Sourced from here.
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Deception” 7/8/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Jul-2017 21:20:45


Subject: Deception 7/8/17



Happy Days may soon be here again.

This action by the Pope should eliminate the ALL CAPS NAMES TRUST that takes trillions from the people annually.

The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy.

Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry.

Corporations worldwide…(individuals became “corporate fictions” through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law…(Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judge to people) and through money…Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs.(confiscation)

Judges administer the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust.

Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement and all public officials (servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets, false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s trust funds.


The Justinian Deception by Roman Emperor Justinian (527-565 A.D.) was a masterful scam to change the status of everything and everyone by using GLOSSA Language (better known as “Dog Latin”) to steal the resources and labor from the peoples in the western world.

This is the modern day “Roman Nazi Vatican Slavery Control System” that exists today.

Researchers Romley Stewart and Rohan Lorian spent 7 years deciphering the scam and its translations of various forms of language.

It is the Vatican that owns The Corporation in Washington D.C. (and the British Empire) as well the labor of corporate “Citizens” in western countries (via a Birth Certificate or Cestui Que Vie Trust) and the De Facto court system…through the “BAR” (British Accredited Registry)…who practice the manipulation of our Birth Certificate monies through the system of “Contract Administrators” (Judges) & “Attorneys” (Lawyers) who work for the banking system which is headquartered in the “City of London” and its American counterpart “Wall Street”.

Secret societies (which are British based) put forth the doctrines of the “Vatican Satanists” to foment fear…murder and war.

The Nazis…Khazarian Mafia (Israel) and the (Jewish influenced) Saudis…are also part of this scam to act as front men in the Vatican quest for the restoration of The Roman Empire.


The above (regarding Pope Francis destroying corporations and releasing monies to the people) is from 2013.

Intelligence tells us that the cabal has put us in a “4 year time loop”…to buy time…but it will fail.

You will see articles from that year and old messengers pop up and repeat their slanted babble.

Keep that in mind as you review written and spoken words.

Trump is following “The Plan” to stabilize things…as the cabal is trying to screw up his efforts.

This has allowed “Special Operations teams…FBI & CIA” to arrest pedophiles, scammers, thieves, actors, subversives, infiltrators, cheats, corrupt scientists and deceptive media operatives just to name a few.

This satanic corruption is worldwide and massive.

Remember that 63 million top executives worldwide have resigned their positions due to fraud in the hopes of avoiding prosecution.

Many have fled their countries to “Safe Havens”.

Today’s Thoughts and Musings… What is My Bliss?


Image result for woman riding bike imageToday I had the experience again of feeling the pain of separation.  I’ve been wondering “just what is this Source energy?”  Can I define it or is it just something to feel.  I sigh and release as I say “I could really use some help in feeling this connection”.

I thought of the movie Contact where Ellie has met the other dimensional being (disguised as her dad to make her feel safe), who tells her “the only thing we know that makes the loneliness bearable is each other.”  That scene always moves me.

Who of us does feel totally plugged in?  I have had several moments that began back in 2005/2006.  Lately I am having them more.  I am taking that as a good sign that I am tuning in more.  Then I have moments like today where I feel this big “hole” inside my chest.  And wow – is that a painful hole to feel.  But feel I did today, standing in front of the mirror, hand on my heart, breathing slow and deep, telling myself it is ok to feel this pain.

Part of me said “no push it away I am not going there – too painful” but I gently pushed on and said “feel – I am safe.  I am not alone.  It’s ok.”

Crying and a release of energy followed, allowing me to breath normally again.  I was about ready to hyperventilate.

I began to ponder something I hear others say – of which I am hearing quite a bit lately:  Find your bliss, do it and the money will follow.

I then heard *that* part of me say “what brings you joy?”

What brings me bliss?

Hmmm.  I had some more time on my hands.  Child was outside playing with chalk so grabbing pad and pen, I headed outside to dig deeper into this question that has been arising lately.

I thought back to childhood.  What brought me joy back then?  Bliss?


Writing?  Adventure and fun, yes but joy?  Not quite.

Playing the piano?  See above.

I kept coming back to the image of me being on my bike.  I am normally a very cautious person ~ but put me on a bike and I morph back into a 7 year old girl.  I (attempt to these days) do wheelies.  Jump off curves.  Ride with my legs spread out.  Pedal as fast as I can to get a great speed going. Maneuver in and out of obstacles, both real and imagined.

I was the same as a child ~ only back then we wore no helmets.  I remember being the first girl in our neighborhood who went over the all-boys bike ramp.  They refused to let me ride on it – so I waited until the boys were inside and then I had my own good time.

So I said ok I can’t really make a financial living doing this.  What is it about the experience of bike riding I loved?

The freedom.

The adrenaline rush of the speed.

Feeling the wind in my face.

Going so fast I was convinced I could fly.

But mostly – the absolute freedom.  To just be One with Nature.  One with the wind.  It is such a divine connection.  Put me on a bike and my heart smiles ~ especially when I bike alone.  Oh wow – nothing like it!

So perhaps it is a calling to get on my bike more than I do now – alone. Perhaps during this experience of being in the blissful state of NOW, more answers will come to me on this particular issue I am so ready to bury. Or heck, maybe I’ll gather older people, get them back on their bikes and take ’em on rides.  Create a class around that.  Rediscovering the inner child ~ on wheels.  Who knows!

Much peace and blessings to we the warriors as we continue along our experiences of remembering and healing.  ♥


Your donations of support are gratefully and humbly appreciated.  

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The Importance of Forgiveness


This is quite beautiful.  Sourced from Jared Sullivan’s facebook page (lifted from a mutual friends page).  I am finding those old trauma’s are really revisiting me right now.  Good reminder. Get out of the fear, into love and forgiveness – starting with Self/self.  


Now is the time, more than ever before is the EARTH starting to vibrate at a higher frequency. This frequency mixed with Trauma’s whether emotional or physical is going to mutate our DNA structure and unlock our true conscious form. These Traumas that you will go thru will unlock/mutate your DNA strands only if you live from forgiveness. You see, the Emotional/Physical Trauma resonates at the fear level. And when you have these things happen to you your body releases a special mixture of chemicals, Cortisol, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) and its destination is the adrenal glands. There is an etheric release of energy when overwhelmed with the fear/negative emotions from these traumas. That etheric release is of negative origin. It carries it’s own frequency. The key to changing your DNA codes faster is when you get into a situation where there is a fear/negative emotion based trauma, is to for give and love. It is only thru this action that one can change their DNA structure. Forgiveness and Love are a higher vibratory response.

If you hold on to those negative emotions, your aetheric and biological release you have endured thru the trauma will sit and resonate within you and not allow a change. It is these experiences a lot of you will be facing more and more in the coming days on all levels. Mixed with the higher vibratory rate of our planet. It is only thru our Planets new rising vibration mixed with the trauma’s we experience and level of love and forgiveness one can show in those times is how we will reach this EVOlution, rEVOlution. Your destINy. This is what is going to make a lot of you evolve into beings of empathy and lOVE. Right now there is a war of consciousness, it is not up to one to save Many, or Many to save one. It is only up for one to save oneself. ”SO FORGIVE YOURSELF”!!!

Not surprisingly, the number 1 is generally treated as a symbol of unity. Therefore, in monotheistic religions, it often symbolizes God or the universe. The Pythagoreans did not consider 1 to be a number at all because number means plurality and 1 is singular. However, they considered it to be the source of all numbers because adding many 1s together can create any other (positive whole) number. In their system, where odd numbers were male and even numbers female, the number 1 was neither; instead, it changed each to the other. If 1 is added to an even number, it becomes odd; similarly, if 1 is added to an odd number, it becomes even. 1.61803398875…………13D

Purging The Darkness: When It’s Too Heavy To Face


I feel very much like this image below today.  It’s been growing for awhile. Some of those same issues returning.  I am truly at a loss as to what to do about some of them.

I look at the biggest challenges facing my family – all of them solvable with money.

God, I can’t type that word anymore – not with the “victim” energy that is.

But it is the truth.  Like it or not.  MONEY RULES.

One can intend.  One can be in joy.  One can be in kindness.  In authenticity.  At the end of the day, money still dictates this reality.

And this girl can’t stomach it.  Today I push it away and say “NOT WELCOME”.  For far too long I have faced it head-on.  Took chances. Thought outside of the box.  Oh wow – been doing that for the past 15 years when an astrologer friend of mine told me the old way was dying and when it came to manifesting an income, I had to think outside of the box.  So I have.  And it has not worked out the way I have intended.

So today all I know how to say is say NO.  It is not mine.

Not today.  Not tomorrow.

Not any longer.


Image result for feeling dark image

Reader Request


Any of you know where I can get free literature (flyers, brochures) on the dangers of glyphosate ~ in particularly round-up?  I am rather done with neighbors spraying this stuff regularly.  The time for me to be bold and educate in person is now.  Thank you.

Update From Anna Von Reitz


Editor’s note:  I hesitate sharing this.  The last thing I want to do is get anybody’s hopes up on this financial and republic stuff.  I, like many if not most, if not all of you, are weary and fed up with this “hurry up and wait” and “use your discernment” crap.  Part of using discernment is weighing (supposed) presented facts and information against what you feel within – and even doing that isn’t a guarantee what you are reading is true, you know?  I can hope and intend all day long on wanting something to be true – because it is a system, a way of Being that resonates with me.  That does not mean it is going to be allowed to manifest “out there”.  I also grow weary of those who are doing fine in their financial lives saying don’t hold out for such a blessing ~ know you already have it all and all will be well.  Talk about a (likely unintentional but still rather careless) slap in the face towards one/others who are facing poverty, hunger, health issues needing $$ to get treated, and just general “how am I going to pull off the bills this month” (on an ONGOING BASIS, ahem…).  Anyway…having a day where I am feeling the horrors and the suffering of not just myself but the children and the most vulnerable.  What can I do other than intend this to be true ~ and go within and see what I can do to make is so.  For now, I share.  


Friday, July 7, 2017

Dear George…. All White Hats See Actual Letter PDF Attached

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember George Washington? Those of you who are of a “certain age” remember the saying, “Let George do it….” ?
Well, George didn’t make it in time, but we are at that moment when “Lazarus” rises from the dead, raises his hand and says, “Excuse me, but I am the Paramount Security Interest Holder in the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES and the USA and …..and….and…..”
Against all the odds in known creation, the unincorporated United States of America represented by its Hereditary Head of State visited The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and made known the fact that the American states and people still exist, aren’t lost at sea, and have returned home to the land jurisdiction of our states and nation.
The Great Fraud has been completely discovered and rooted out down to the fine teeth.
We are very grateful to Our Father and The Lord Our Righteous Savior for making it possible.
Now, the facts are irrefutable. The proof is done, the claims are cured, the liens are in place and recorded on the land jurisdiction of the United States.
All the franchises of the Municipal United States and all the franchises of the Territorial United States have been redeemed, reclaimed, re-conveyed, and re-venued to the land jurisdiction.
We own it all— all the Municipal and Territorial franchises that have been created worldwide and which these crooks hoped to use as the means to create a One World Government in which people would be treated as things.
It’s all ours, fair and square. The Devil lost again.
It appears that quite a number of you have been hard at work on the private side on the GCR/RV and various NESARA-based solutions, but without overall success. Let us now come to the table with our Paramount Claim and put together the rest of the missing pieces so that the entire world will see and acknowledge the Truth and the GCR/RV can FINALLY go forward.
A complete recap of the Great Fraud and our go forward position has been released as a letter dated today, addressed to “George” from “Lazarus”, and will be posted on my website at
http://annavonreitz.com/july6lettertodeargeorge.pdf    for the entire world to see.
Let those who were dead, arise again.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com