Focusing on Joy ~ Focusing On What I Want and Desire


Ascension, Celestial, Planet, Heaven

Universe is speaking to me at lightening speed lately ~ I am having a difficult time keeping up.  Much of it is coming through some of you, my wonderful readers.  Today’s power message, well #1 (cause I had another come to me as well) is “I Create My Own Reality”.

This is one of those “no duh” philosophies, and yet I have been on the fence with this one.  On one hand I want to believe it, somewhere within I DO believe it, and on the other hand I think “yeah but what about xyz dark powers doing this and doing that and interfering with MY reality”.

Then I think back to this video I watched a couple of years ago that showed atoms changing based just on ATTENTION.  Given the human body is compromised of, on average, seven billion billion billion atoms (made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon – which is changing of course), this overwhelmingly shows the power we have just with our ATTENTION and INTENTION.

This has risen in me again over the TDA event I continue to watch.  I gotta admit, as much as I desire this, feeeeeel it and have envisioned such a gift for humanity going back over 20 years, I also pause and think “the people who have created this fraudulent system, under our names and personal information to make a lot of money, are not going to walk away quietly.  If at all.  And…how can we find a court system, of which all are under the system of fraud, willing to acknowledge paperwork filed?”

And then I had a thought occur to me.  All throughout these TDA messages, there is a running theme of being in alignment with abundance for this gig to work.  Not from ego but from Source.  Heart.  One of the people, on their own doing, was being rather rude and nasty about this TDA stuff.  He was upset with people asking a lot of questions and many not following his guidance.  In a nutshell he dropped a lot of nasty words in a recent video, telling people they were on their own, he was not gonna help as he once did.  Something in me said he better watch himself as he was no longer in the spirit of this movement.  To have frustration and anger is one thing of course (been there done that as have all of us) but to spew it out and attack your very viewers went up to another level and I immediately felt was going to have ramifications if he did not chill and do some healing/reflection.

I did my focused best to remain neutral without judgement, just feeling the observation I received.

Sure enough, he did have a very challenging life-opening/altering situation occur a couple weeks later.  He has returned, more humble.

All of this tells me it is indeed our thoughts individually AND collectively that is changing this system.  Being of Higher Vibration is assisting in bringing down the corruption.  Sending out ripples of loving frequencies, intending for those who have created this system that has been exposed, is going to have an impact.  Either they make new choices upon reflection or else they simply weaken and go away.  The incoming high frequency energies (another piece to follow on that by James Gilliland) combined with our own IS enough to bring down the house of cards and create abundance energy and systems for ALL.

Through attention.

And intention.

As I add after I make a new intention for myself:






Your financial, spiritual and emotional support of my work is greatly and gratefully appreciated!


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Schumann Resonance Today ~ August 8, 2017


Roaring with the Lion’s Gate Portal.  I did see a video last night however that says the full alignment in Sirius does not occur until August 22. Either way, roar on folks.  And interesting read today.  Wonder what’s up with this brown line? Hmmm…  After a lot of rest/sleep yesterday and intense purging/releasing, body and thus ME feels better today.


Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance For August 7, 2017


or should i say whatever day it is because i don’t really keep up with all of that anymore.  interesting read and even more interesting that i told my mate this morning, before even seeing this, that it seems this energy has consciousness to it, an intention and that it seems lately to hit us KABAM-style, gives us a day to adjust, then fires back up.  yeppers.  feeling this one in my BONES literally today.  wow – lousy night sleep.  total down day.  do not expect much from me today.  hugs to all.


Schumann Resonance Today

Latest Crop Circle ~ August 4, 2017


Beautiful.  Any ideas as to the meaning of this one?  I see a realm within a realm within a realm within a realm…all existing as One.  And perhaps… “beyond” our physical space/realms there is Source connected with it/us all, encircling it with a giant hug – totally protected.  I look at those half circles strategically placed though and have no ideas coming forth.


Another Small Tidbit/Insight on New Earth and 5D


I am watching a video by a couple out of Portland, Oregon.  I had an e-mail from them earlier today and decided to check out their newest video. I want to share but want to ask permission first before I do so.  Their energy is so authentic, grounded and just pure.

The video discusses the subject of “how do I ascend”.  It is so much alignment with what I feel and what I have shared here.  They add in some extra, beneficial goodies though.  Shared is how we need to get out of the brain and let go – don’t get into the worries of “I am doing this right.  Am I good enough.  Am I healed enough.”  etc. etc. etc.  (Sound familiar?  lol)

I wanted to share an experience I had earlier today, before I watched the video interestingly enough.  I was engaged in some activity in the kitchen ~ I don’t even remember what it was.  But I was suddenly frustrated.  The monkey mind began to chatter.  Grumble grumble am I the only one who ever…, why do I have to do this…

Higher Self then spoke through me.  “Is this how your 5d Self would be engaging in this activity right now?”

Wow.  Stopped me full on.  Talk about a powerful statement/feeling.

What a great approach to implement.  Stop myself throughout the day and ask “Is this how my 5D self would speak?  Eat?  Do?  Move?  Think?  Feel?” Fill in the blank.

Ascension is not an outside activity.  Yes the energies are indeed changing us at every level.  But this process is strictly an inner-focus and journey. And as I wrote about earlier, we all ascend when we are ready.  When we intend.  Surrender.  Let go.  And now I will add – practice BEING our 5D self.  Get used to the experience.  We will be guided in this.  As we always are when we ask.

I feel like I have been giving the recipe for making cookies and left out the most important part – actually baking the cookies.

Getting there, one intended moment at a time.   

Love to you all ~


Breaking News On The Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Case


Let’s intend this one folks.  Looks like those at the top don’t want trouble and legal ramifications and are in negotiations with Heather and Team.  And consider subscribing to Neil’s channel.  He is a very dedicated citizen journalist in this truth movement.  

HUGE Breaking News- Share Share Share

Today’s Energies and Some Thoughts On New Earth



(you will have to forgive me for typing in all lower case.  that is my natural way of typing and today i am just not concerned with proper grammar skills.)

Image result for BIG A FRAME HOME image


not as intense as yesterday but still zzzzzzz.  leftover sleepies.  i did ground and integrate/release yesterday.

i noticed something new today ~ an inability to tolerate the smell of my bathroom cleaner.  it is one of those organic/all natural ones and i have used it for years.  not anymore.  immediately my inner self said “NO” to the smell today.  ok then.  from now on vinegar and water ~ if i can even tolerate that scent much longer.  may just turn on the hose and spray down here shortly.

i am indeed sensitive to smells – which really went through the roof in 2004.  this was before i was aware of energies and ascension and changing body chemistry.  at the time i wasn’t sure what to think – it kind of bothered me.  so indeed anything chemically – unnatural – sends me into a tizzy of “MUST LEAVE NOW”.  i can also actually “feel” the frequency of the scents/odors.  so at times a scent may just resonate with my frequency and i am fine.  other times a scent may be mild – totally natural – and i cannot stand to be around it.  must vacate scene.

ok – deep breath with this one as this is some new stuff i am presenting. i am also receiving some insights into new earth.  i am going to keep much of it to myself as it is highly personal but i do feel ok in sharing this (and please know this is just my perspective/feelings):  the realm of new earth, that frequency “construct” is already in place.  we can now choose to go. while these energy frequencies are allowing us to Remember and giving us the chance to heal/let go/purge, there will not be one such energy wave that puts us all there at once, for lack of a better description (although i still see this event people speak of as such an energy wave that NO ONE consciously escapes the experience it brings).  it is a CHOICE at this point. an intention.  the frequencies, the structure, are in place to support us. there are others there.  teams to help us acclimate.

weeks back i was intending to go – and stay – and my higher self said “are you really ready to do this?”  baby, it was a powerful experience! the feeling i received was ok we can do this now.  but is human self ready to let go?  and i mean TOTALLY LET GO.  leaving behind certain people (temporarily as ALL will be rising to the occasion, so to speak, along this journey).  leaving behind the “stuff”.  ALL of the old ways of this 3D construct.

not that there isn’t “stuff” on the new realm.

human me became afraid and said “no stop”.

the feeling was kind of like the feeling i remember having when i entered this world.  an energy “vacuum” sensation that happens in an instant. transports us – only this time of course it transports this entire vessel.

it is indeed a totally new experience and feeling.  new earth.  i am so grateful for the dreams/visions i have had over the years of this beautiful realm.  the feeling – this total sense of “YES ~ everything is ok”.  i am also believing this is not an end point – but a step “up”.  some will stay. others will go on to other experiences. kinda like stepping out of a mud puddle you have been in for a very very long time ~ that disappears permanently once you remove yourself.  and the sweet land you place yourself upon is in absolute alignment with who you are – at the moment.  i must remind myself energy NEVER remains static for long.  it MUST explore/move/expand/experience.  i believe this is why most of the population has varying levels of claustrophobia.  our energy bodies and human bodies have been more or less stripped of this ability ~ certainly to explore it in a manner that is limitless.

i wish to add one last thing:  anyone who would say you aren’t ready.  this isn’t how this process works.  etc. etc.  pay them and such words no attention.  your inner self will KNOW, ok?  listen to him/her.  if you feel you are truly ready to go, truly done with this realm, go within and explore this further. go BEYOND the desire that simply says “i want to ascend”. see what comes up for you.

that is all i have to share at the moment.  it’s hard to share when it’s a feeling and something i have seen.  so i am no longer convinced this is about us being in a state of total healing in as much as a total willingness to surrender and let go and just…go. any healing needs will be taken care of upon transition.  love works like that, imho.  it’s like taking a leap into the unknown.  higher self knows when ego is ready to align.  just like ego knows to trust higher self.

a symbiotic relationship taking us Home.  (that one deserved a capital letter)




Editor’s note:  This piece means a lot to me.  Much gratitude to the author for writing and Universe for sending it my way.  I’ve been seeing crows often lately, including an experience this morning where one appeared on my front lawn and just stood there in front of the window in which I was looking out of.  Old stuff had cropped up and damn, if my ego just kicks up a fit in letting it go in a finality. I want retribution!  Punishment for those who wronged me!  And a god damn hug with an apology!  I knew this crow had a message for me but I was too in my “head” to listen much less hear.  However I had a feeling a message would be forthcoming.  4 hours later, this piece shows up in my e-mail box.  Very appropriate read for yours truly.  Let go of all expectations which is really about releasing the need to control situations to force them to fit into my agenda. This doesn’t mean I do not get to create the reality of my heart ~ just don’t hold on too tightly to the process or end result.  Perhaps that is why the song by 38 special “Hold On Loosely” began going through my mind last night.  Makes my stomach clench up with the thought of surrendering like this ~ and yet somewhere I know the beauty and FREEDOM in doing just that.  Enjoy!  


August 4, 2017

Gary Z McZee, Staff Writer
Waking Times


“To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.” ~Jorge Luis Borges

“Trickster god is god’s God,” Crow says, peering from behind The Branches of Lost Time. These branches are a metaphor for our misremembered synapses. They symbolize our having lost touch with both our own nature and with wild Nature, our forgotten link between cosmos and psyche, our misunderstanding of how we-the-microcosm makes up a vital aspect of We-the-macrocosm.

Crow is here to remind us. But Crow’s medicine is harsh. It is ruthless: a tearing apart, a torn off Band-Aid. For Crow is between worlds like no other creature. His moon-eye sees the light. His sun-eye sees the dark. And his shadow is the grayest thing in the universe: The Middle-gray, the Middle Way, casting itself over and above all things. Smearing out yin-yangs, he reveals how nothing is separate; how everything is connected to everything else in a glorious melting down of black and white, dark and light, life and death, finitude and infinity.

Crow is here to remind us that we need to get over ourselves. He is a black beacon in a room filled with blinding light. He’s the Dark Truth in the sugar-coated ointment. He is here to trick us out of unconsciousness. He is here to crucify the ego. But more importantly, he is here to resurrect it as a mighty tool for the self-actualized Soul.

Ego Dissolution

“Buddha is dead. God is dead. The path is littered with insufferable egos. Even your own ego has an enlightened sword penetrating through its self-righteous heart, and your soul is all the stronger for it.” ~Seven Signs You May Be Unfuckwithable

Don’t worry so much. Ego death doesn’t hurt. What hurts is realizing that you’ve been, as they say in Zen, “tied to a post without a rope.” What hurts is admitting that your ego is nothing more than a front for your multilayered self. What hurts is letting go of your expectations. What hurts is letting go –full stop.

Crow is here to help you let go. Crow’s medicine has just the right amount of humor disguised as honor and compassion disguised as courage to fill up the humble pie disguised as a red pill needed to get you past the blue-pill addiction of your un-mighty ego. Sure, Crow shoves it down your unwilling and reluctant throat with a beak blacker than dark matter and harder than God’s Femur, but he gets the job done with a humor of the most-high.

He’s a necessary amoral agent: Zeno’s Compass, Ockham’s hellraiser. He’s here to flip your worldview on its head, to vivisect the animal of your knowledge, to cut what you think you know about the way the world works in half and pluck out the organs of all the things you take for granted. He’s neither gentle nor comforting, but he is sincere in his exact fierceness. He must be, in order to reveal yourself to yourself. In order to transform your whiny, woe-is-me placation into a mighty self-overcoming revelation.

No easy feat, dissolving egos. But Crow does so with pluck and aplomb, with molten mettle and mercurial moxie. The letting go process is easier if you just give your ego over to him to chew-up (courage), to digest (cocoon) and eventually shit-out (rebirth), but he doesn’t mind stealing it from you like a thief in the night either. Actually, he would prefer pulling it out of you kicking and screaming and begging the gods to save you.He would rather stamp out the little light that blinds you so that you can finally see the bigger light that awakens you.

Don’t worry. On the other side of this beautiful annihilation is a soulful illumination: A Three-eyed Raven. He has come to carry you to a terribly exquisite juxtaposition: the gloriously painful journey of self-overcoming.

Evolution of the Self

“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.” ~Anais Nin

At the fork of in the path, at the crossroads, where yesterday’s you meets today’s you in bardo-perfect juxtaposition, there is a psychosocial reckoning at hand. There is an existential decision to make: get busy adapting and overcoming, or get busy stagnating and succumbing. The cliché phrasing is ‘get busy living or get busy dying,’ but on the Path of the Three-eyed Raven there is room for dying (rebirth) as a steppingstone for growth toward living life more profoundly, adventurously, and on-purpose.

So here you are, in a state of in-between, unmolded clay. You’ve been rocked to your foundations with the realization that you are not your ego, that you’ve only ever been unmolded clay. You’re no longer that, and not yet this. You’ve emerged from your ego’s death with your soul bloody from a thousand and one cutting questions. Your ego is now a pulsing blister inside you, oozing indifference and apathy even as it begins filling itself with interdependence and empathy. It leaps and bounds inside you, a terribly beautiful wound turned primordial womb that purges pettiness and superfluity even as it begins impregnating itself with the world.

Crow is satisfied, perched up high, licking his razor-sharp beak, filled to bursting with the rigid invulnerability of your ego bulging inside him. But the Three-eyed Raven is anything but satisfied. He sees the Infinite Game being played out. He sees how you are an integral catalyst for the progressive evolution of your species. He is a symbol for your ego’s rebirth. The most wide-awake aspect of you that invulnerably and soulfully flexes out; that individuates and self-actualizes as it perpetually overcomes the vicissitudes of self, and thus the vicissitudes of life.

With Crow’s medicine in one hand and your wide-awake ego in the other; with Crow on one shoulder and the Three-eyed Raven on the other, you are ready to self-overcome. You are ready to existentially crush out. You are ready to bridge the gap between man and overman.

Don’t be afraid of this vulnerable power, though it is both the scariest and most powerful thing in the universe, save for the power of a good sense of humor. Embrace it. Be fearless with it. Use it as a tool to leverage wonder and numinous experience into your life. Use it as medicine for a profoundly sick society. You –the you not drowning in ego pettiness and woe-is-me religious placation– are the one the world has been waiting for.

Read more articles by Gary ‘Z’ McGee.

About the Author

Gary ‘Z’ McGeea former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.

This article (Crow’s God: Ego Dissolution and the Evolution of the Self) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is printed here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Gary ‘Z’ McGee and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this statement of copyright.

Sourced from here.