Tonight’s Message From Sacred Tree


Out on our nightly bike ride I stopped to say hello to the tree.  Last minute move as I had no plans on doing that.  I seem to know when she has something to tell me.

I get off my bike and walk over and placed my hands on her.  After a couple of moments I began to feel dizzy ~ an unusual experience.  I could feel myself spinning down some sort of a hole or into a vortex of some sort.  I heard “mourning” and thought “that’s an odd word”.  Did not expect that.  When I questioned again for clarification I kept hearing “it’s an M word”, over and over, which then morphed into “mourning” again.

Oh, my tree is mourning, I thought then felt “no this is about you”.

Me?  What am I mourning? I asked.

Go within, I heard.  You are letting go of a lot right now.  I began to question this when suddenly I’m hit with the feeling of loss.  I then began to cry.  At this point I put my head onto her and literally leaned into her as much as I could.

I felt if she had “arms” she would put them around me ~ for she was in fact hugging me back in the way, well, trees do.  I felt very comforted and embraced.

I then heard – and this was the hardest part for me – that I would also be letting go of her too – and that she would miss me and my hugs.  That had a very strong impact on me.  Big changes were coming – just weeks away. She would be having her own higher dimensional experience and apparently I was not going to be included in her experience?  I felt as though I was going to my own space as was she.  Brain struggling to understand and I heard “you will know when the time is right and you will just do it”.

What exactly does this mean?  Is New Earth our current planet at another frequency?  Or is there another earth-like planet we call New Earth as well?  I know when I had my first dream of this realm, of the house, witnessing my powers, my first impression was this was not earth but an earth-like planet (using planet as I have no other reference).  Are there some of us who will be leaving Gaia to move on to this new earth while others stay behind on Gaia?  It is possible.  That is what I have felt all along.  There are no judgments in that.  No right or wrong, better than, etc.  It is truly the workings of our Highest Selves.

All I know to do is trust in the process, surrender to my Higher Self and Creator.  I am here now to have this experience.  That I know more than anything.

For now, I will continue visiting my wonderful tree.  Tonight though I do feel the surprising tears of mourning around my heart, of good-bye, of gratitude, or the memories of visiting her ~ all of those visits on foot and by bike.  Rainy.  Cold.  Warm.  Sunny.  Some quick.  Some longer.  Some alone. Some with my child or mate.  The power of mourning.  For no matter how much I have moments, more of them these days, where I am so ready to “GO”.  Take the next big step.  Go to the NEW.  Fully restored. I am still humbled when Life reminds me of all of the moments I have had in this life, even the difficult ones of pure hell, and how part of this process is saying good-bye to all of it.

Tonight Life spoke to me through my sacred tree.  And wow – for that – well all I can do is whisper “thank you”.

For ALL of it.


Brief Insight On The Eclipse Energies


busy day (well for me – for your typical westerner probably a quiet day – lol) – much to write about – many of you to write back.  crashed last night at 10pm and slept until 11am.  !!!

so the insight i just received:  the eclipse energies are like a roto-rooter for the clogged junk still within.

Trinity Stargate Convergence


Editor’s note:  Appreciate the confirming of the guidance I received about the energies of the eclipse.  The night before, while in dreamstate, I was told the Christos Annointing was coming with the eclipse energies (and strange as I never use this term myself).  Symptoms of this activation, which has been the most intense so far, are heart palpitations, nausea in the morning and then again in the evening, tingling on top of the head, strange itching and strong, deep depression (which I am starting to feel is an indication I need to sleep more, as indicated in the article ~ I laid down a couple hours ago on my daughter’s bed and was out in a minute).  So the moral is….I need to be sleeping more…


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This is a brief update since the August Gateway passage is not yet complete. It has been a busy phase for us, and the Solar eclipse was a very unique shift in consciousness – on both Global and Galactic scales.

A more complete update will be posted next week. Kindwhile, here are some observations on this transdimensional event:

– Receiving the Christed Crown: This was palpable for me. Active needle-like sensations on the crown, with bright auras of light around the head during and after the eclipse.
– Plenty of High-Heart thymus fluttering, heart opening during the eclipse peak as well. Absolutely blissed out and transfixed by the end of the Gateway focus.
– My Higher levels advised mid-eclipse: *Some of these frequencies can only be integrated in sleep state. They are too strong for the grounded consciousness to comprehend, and the cellular structure will need to undergo transformation from the convergence.* 
– The light rays beaming the Ascension column brightening and expanding to merge several dimensional expressions. Gateways to the New Earth consciousness experience opening, brightening.
– The deep peace of zero-point stillness as the Cosmic Stargates converged, which continues to deepen. The sensation is a merging with Source-level through the Heart; stronger than any heart activation or connection I have felt before. Again, it feels out of time-space dynamics.
– Visions of the eclipse path lighting up and distributing the activations through the New Earth grids, sacred sites, and HUman heart grid. From point to point along the path, to every crystal placed by a Gridworker around the globe, everything lit up like stars. Ancient encodements activated through the crystal beds and aquifers. The crystalline grid jumped to another level as well; it, and my Higher Team, looked as brilliant-crystalline as Solaris during the eclipse. Yes, I glanced directly at it for a second, a few times, without the glasses. Pure Diamond-Photonic Light.

Cosmic Stargate Convergence: Trinity Gate Activation

This was brilliant to witness during the eclipse. I hope other Gatekeepers were cognizant of this unfoldment. Three stargates converged during this Solar eclipse passage (see last week’s article on Convergence of Stargates.) This trinity reflects the Trinitized beingness; the Divine HUman experience of reunifying with the Christed state of consciousness. As Solaris transforms to change the prismatic effect which expresses our realities, our Solar Heart Centers and energy fields transform to match the vibration of New Earth.

These Cosmic Stargate flows unify to rewrite consciousness into a higher level of awareness. This is our dimensional-shifting, Universal-rewriting light codes, and they look both new and somehow familiar to me in visions.

These heavily encoded light sequences defy time dynamics, which emphasizes the message of sleep-state integration. You won’t be capable of processing the codes and frequencies of these stargates with the mental level. Because this is DNA-related, transmutation of the cellular structure is necessary to level up. Remember DNA is a strong factor in shifting dimensions.

The August Gateway is quite a jump in frequency and experience, similar to the timeline division earlier in the year. Note the calming effect of the higher timelines and these dimensional-shifting light codes. As always, Let the Light do its work.

Magnetics are amplified again; parent your thoughts, words, deeds and creations to align with the highest trajectory, you highest desired outcome. Visualize Global Ascension; we are raising as many as possible with these new frequencies.

SUNday Unity Meditations

We continue to build our spiritual strength through this unified field of Divine Love. The Divine Cosmic Mother energies are stronger than ever. Let us unify with this infinite energy field of Divine possibility and amplify our Ascension. Join us on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations at 8:11amPT, 11:11amPT and 5:11pmPT. Details and the guided Christ Light activation meditation can be found HERE.

I AM still camping on Mount Shasta; it has been a perfect passage to be out on Gaia, immersed in the energies and experience of the August Gateway. Apologies if I have not answered your emails; I have been offline and will catch up next month. Blessings and gratitude to all for your Service to the Light!

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.

Heaviness and Detox ~ And Hopeful


So much heaviness within and detoxing going on.  Strange rashes and itching.  Nausea in the morning and then again in the evening.  Getting triggered numerous times today – each time taking great effort to pull myself out of victim mode and into empowered mode.  Doing pretty well with that, although the anger state is also being used.  Better than victim mode.

The overall experience is I want to jump out of my skin.  !!!

I visited the food bank today to get some produce.  30 minutes waiting in a stuffy, smelly room which turned out to be all for a lemon and a questionable looking zucchini.  The anger brewed.  We all deserve healthy abundant food. I had been told I could visit there weekly for a big selection of fresh produce.  One woman kept telling me to go check out the globe artichokes on one of the shelves so I did.  Moldy and discolored.  People still helping themselves to them.

All I could think was I was supposed to be the one running one of these things.  I tried off and on for 20 years to break into the system of social services, offering to “empty wastebaskets” just to be given a chance.  I was born to want to help others.  Right the wrongs.  Return freedom and justice for All.  I was an outspoken advocate for years to get the foodbank to expand and to bring in healthy, organic if possible, fresh foods.  That was difficult as the over-seer of the food bank was a system supporting lazy twit who would ignore me (letters) until I called and then eventually became too busy to talk with me.

It was a sad thing for me to be told such passion and new ideas went contrary to the very system that was created to help people.

But that was then and this is now.  In spite of the old thoughts I am feeling today, I am also inspired to keep on inspiring myself and others. Saying over and over again as long as I need to for myself and for all of us that we are worthy of EVERYTHING awesome and beautiful and amazing and fabulous.

Every one of us – equally worthy.  No one above another.  No one more deserving.

Worth is our inherent right.

Creator is worthy.

We are Creator.

Therefore WE ARE WORTHY.  (I studied philosophy in college – lol)

Wealth for all is here and it isn’t going to be the RV or Nesara or Gesara or any other controlled system.  Growing numbers have discovered the TDA accounts – OUR accounts hidden for decades.  More banking types and the like are now admitting, on audio, these accounts exist and indeed are ours. While mouthpieces for the system continue to spout “the rv is coming”, “nesara is coming”, the TDA’s are being tried out, used and for some, with success.  People are learning and are not going to give up.  The old way is no longer.  And the more people continue to access, to become aware, new systems will be used.  New codes.  Introducing us ALL to abundance to put an end to this millenia long enslavement.

And from there, the transition away from money altogether.

So next time you think being financially wealthy is a sin or isn’t spiritual, or that it can never happen to you, that you don’t want it or don’t deserve it, think again.  This is not about money.  This is about ABUNDANCE.  That energy that wants to create and have and use and enjoy.  I have long long long believed the time to be honest about money is NOW.  Today, I add in Abundance.

Let’s believe in this together.


Cancer Cure Suppressed for 80 Years: They’re Finally Admitting Royal Rife Was Right


The story of Dr. Rife has always inspired and angered me.  Such corruption is no longer allowed in this reality.  This beautiful man had a cure for all disease given the science behind frequency and diseased cells.  I am going to be owning one of these very soon.  Scientists in Russia were able to put one together with the original frequencies.  

(Melissa Dykes A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of his body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either wakens or soothes the nervous system. It arouses a person to greater passions or it calms him by bringing him peace. According to the sound and its influence a certain effect is produced. Sound becomes visible in the form of radiance. This shows that the same energy which goes into the form of sound before being visible is absorbed by the physical body. In that way the physical body recuperates and becomes charged with new magnetism. — Sufi musician, mystic, and healer Hazrat Inayat Khan
Everything vibrates. Everything.
Our reality is such that frequencies have a much more profound effect on us than we’ve been previously led to believe. This reality can no longer be ignored.

As technologically advanced as we are constantly told we are these days, there are some technologies just now being presented to the public as “new” when they are not new at all but have simply been widely suppressed for decades. Things like the “new” digital neuro headbands that pulse specific electromagnetic frequencies into a person’s head to “transition” his or her moods, for example.
It has also come out in recent years that frequencies can cure diseases, including cancer. Professor and researcher Anthony Holland even gave a Tedx talk on “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies” a few years back, discussing the ability to destroy cancer cells and deadly super bugs like MRSA with oscillating pulsed electrical fields… not that you probably heard about it on the nightly news or anything.

As someone pointed out in the comments, phrases like, “They hadn’t seen anything quite like it. Seems to be a new phenomenon,” (emphasis mine), made viewers who know about the organized suppression of such technologies since at least the 1930s want to slam their own heads into a wall.

Meet Dr. Royal Raymond Rife

Dr. Rife

Dr. Rife has been referred to by those who personally knew and worked with him as a genius. A scientist and inventor, starting in the 1920s, Rife began building a large and complex microscope capable of magnifying objects 31,000 times (compared with maybe 1700 times available on standard microscopes in the 1930s and 40s). By 1940 Rife had a two-foot high device weighing in at 200 pounds which included some 5,682 parts that enabled Rife to see viruses and bacteria in a way no other scientists had.

Because these organisms were so tiny, Rife designed a method of staining them with light.Through this work, Rife came to understand that all living things, including bacteria and viruses, have their own frequency or oscillation pattern. Just like a specific musical note can shatter a wine glass if sung at the resonant frequency of the glass, it was found frequencies could also be used to destroy pathogens.

As he continued to isolate viruses and bacteria and locate their frequencies for destruction, Rife claimed he discovered the virus responsible for cancer.

Using resonance, or what he termed the “Mortal Oscillatory Rate” of the virus, he killed it. Over and over and over.

Rife completed hundreds of experiments on tumors in rats purposefully infected with this isolated cancer virus before ever using his cancer-killing frequencies on people. In 1934, he tested out his device out on 16 terminally ill cancer patients. Out of 16, all but two of them were considered officially cured in just three months. Of his treatment Rife would later write, “With the frequency instrument treatment, no tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation is noticed. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed. The virus or bacteria is destroyed and the body then recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the virus or bacteria. Several diseases may be treated simultaneously.”

An LA Times article described the method for the public in June 1940.

“For organisms too small to be stained, an ingenious illuminating system is used. This system utilizes Rife’s theory that organisms respond to certain wavelengths, a theory he carries to finality by bombarding disease germs with radio waves which are ‘tuned’ to those of the minute man-killers. And the virus he says occurs in cancer has, Rife insists, disintegrated under such radio waves.”
Rife was hailed in the scientific and medical communities for his discoveries. By 1937, Rife had established a company called Beam Ray with several colleagues, and 14 of his machines were manufactured.
So what happened? Why aren’t these machines in every hospital and cancer treatment center in the world today?
Simply put, the only cancer Rife couldn’t seem to kill was greed.
How the Cure for Cancer Got Suppressed

Morris Fishbein
Powerful opposition with vested interests in allopathic (pharmaceutical and surgery-based) medicine and the still infant cancer “treatment” called chemotherapy, and medical professionals linked to the Rockefeller Foundation (with its deeply entrenched eugenics-based population control agenda) would make sure Rife’s machines would never be available to the public at large.

One such stooge was Dr. Morris Fishbein, head for a time of the American Medical Association (AMA) and described by Bob Wallace on as a “shakedown artist” hellbent on destroying naturopathic medical inventors he couldn’t buy out:

“Fishbein sent an attorney to make a token attempt to buy out Rife. Rife refused. Although no one knows the exact terms of the offer, it was probably similar to the one Fishbein made to Harry Hoxsey for his herbal cancer remedy (which Fishbein, in court, had to admit worked on skin cancer).
Fishbein and his associates would receive all profits for nine years and Hoxsey would receive nothing. Then, if they were satisfied that it worked, Hoxsey would begin to receive 10% of the profits. When Hoxsey refused, Fishbein used his political connections to have Hoxsey arrested 125 times in a period of 16 months. The charges (based on practicing without a license) were always thrown out of court, but Fishbein harassed Hoxsey for 25 years. The only good thing that came out of it is that the scandal forced Fishbein to resign.
Fishbein then offered Phil Hoyland, an investor in Beam Ray and an electrical engineer who had helped build the frequency instruments, legal assistance in an attempt to steal the company from Rife and the other investors. A lawsuit ensued.”

That lawsuit was the beginning of the end of Rife and his machines. Unable to withstand the attacks on his character and life’s work in court, Rife crumbled and turned to alcoholism (despite the fact that he ultimately won his case). The legal costs bankrupted him, and his Beam Ray company went out of business.

Fishbein continued to wield the power of the AMA to halt any further proper scientific investigations into Rife’s claims or his machine. The doctors that had previously supported Rife and his work suddenly fell silent. Arthur Kendall, one of Rife’s partners, suddenly retired to Mexico with a “gift” of a quarter of a million dollars. Other doctors were given large grants and AMA honors to shut their mouths and go back to prescribing pharmaceuticals. Major medical journals, predominantly funded by Big Pharma advertising revenues, refused to publish anyone’s work involving Rife’s theories or his machines.

Rife’s lab was also broken into, and documentation of his work including photographs and even pieces of his microscopes were stolen and vandalized. Then, in what would be too much coincidence for even a Hollywood movie, the multi-million dollar Burnett Lab was torched and destroyed just as its scientists were about to corroborate Rife’s findings.

The burned Burnett Lab
Police illegally confiscated the rest of Rife’s research… and that was it. Fishbein would go down in history with a prestigious write up a medical career on “exposing quacks” (or, alternatively, financial “enemies” of Big Pharma’s chemical and surgery-based medicine model).
It wasn’t just Fishbein. There was a coordinated effort to ensure other doctors didn’t even attempt to follow in Rife’s footsteps.
Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoads, an oncologist, Rockefeller Institute alum and head of the chemical warfare service during the last two years of WWII, spent two decades from 1939-1959 as the head of Memorial Sloan Kettering — the nation’s premier chemotherapy advocate where Rhoads helped shape the newly emerging “treatment” of cancer with chemotherapy. He, too, prevented other doctors from even attempting to replicate Rife’s work, pulling strings to get research funding canceled for those who dared to try.

Rhoads not only prevented Dr. Irene Diller from announcing the discovery of the cancer micro-organism to the New York Academy of Sciences in 1950, but he got Dr. Caspe slapped with a nasty IRS investigation and her laboratory funds canceled after she announced a similar discovery in Rome three years later.

Rhoads, it should be pointed out, would also go down in history as a potential murderer.
In the 1930s, when Rhoads was down in Puerto Rico for the Rockefeller’s Anemia Commission, after a drunken night where he returned to find his car had been vandalized, he wrote a disgusting, racist confession of both murder and attempted murder by injecting people with cancer to a colleague:
“They [Puerto Ricans] are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. It makes you sick to inhabit the same island with them. They are even lower than Italians. What the island needs is not public health work but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population. It might then be livable. I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off 8 and transplanting cancer into several more. The latter has not resulted in any fatalities so far… The matter of consideration for the patients’ welfare plays no role here — in fact all physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.”
At least 13 people died under Rhoads’ “care” in Puerto Rico.
The Rockefeller public relations firm came out later to say Rhoads was simply writing a “fantastic and playful” letter for his own amusement, a satire piece. Token investigations, including one initiated by the Rockefeller Institute, claimed there was no evidence Rhoads had abused or neglected his patients. Interesting wording.
As far as history is concerned, you can believe Rhoads’ letter hasn’t been featured too prominently in his otherwise illustrious biography as a pioneer of chemotherapy.
And Today?
How many people have needlessly died from cancer that could have quickly, painlessly, and inexpensively been cured by Rife technology in the years since his research was suppressed? It’s a horrifying thought.
My mother almost died from cancer. They gave her grueling chemotherapy treatments including one she later found out wasn’t even for the cancer type she had been diagnosed with. When all was said and done, and her immune system had been utterly destroyed but her cancer went into remission, the doctors told her it would probably come back in five to ten years.
That. Is NOTA cure.
The reason the average person still believes dangerous and toxic chemotherapy actually “cures” cancer today is linked to the same greedy force behind why the majority of people still fuel their cars with gasoline despite the fact that much more efficient, inexpensive, and environmentally sound alternatives have existed for decades but have also been suppressed until recently.
Greed, however, can’t keep the truth hidden from humanity forever… especially those truths which are so fundamentally obvious.
It’s 2017. How many years have people been dutifully donating money to cancer research and “running for the cure” without so much as a peep from the allopathic medical system about the cause?
Albeit quietly, we now have researchers coming out of the woodwork to verify the power of resonant frequencies to kill viruses and bacteria and to cure even life-threatening diseases, including cancer. Two doctors in 2014 published a paper in Global Advances in Health and Medicine titled “Life Rhythm as a Symphony of Oscillatory Patterns: Electromagnetic Energy and Sound Vibration Modulates Gene Expression for Biological Signaling and Healing”. In it, they concluded:
Hence, not only chemicals and physical energies like EMFs and sound vibrations, but even our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and the way we develop our intentions and life rhythms can deeply transform our gene expression patterning at the cellular level. This finding may disclose unexpected chances to develop self-healing processes based on further utilization of this remarkable human potential…
The paradigm emerging here moves from a purely biochemical viewpoint, based solely upon physical concepts of energy and momentum transfer and their implications for biochemistry, to a holistic, information-based paradigm. Much as a whisper might carry more gravitas than shouted words, science may now be uncovering the basic principles of a more subtle informational biology in which specific signaling behaviors can carry the power for healing.
The power of healing.
After 70+ years, we all know how well the Big Pharma model of filling ourselves up with chemicals and ripping out our vital organs has served us… These aren’t “cures”. That system doesn’t heal.
It’s only a matter of time before the medical and scientific communities will be forced to admit Rife was right or risk losing the last few shreds of credibility they have in a world where its become all too obvious we’ve been purposefully held hostage in a technology bubble… to our own detriment.
Sources and Resources
Article first seen at

Message From Sacred Tree ~ August 23, 2017


Tonight’s message:  Transformation.  Giddy.

Transformation, indeed, certainly resulting from the eclipse.

Giddy?  I giggled a bit upon hearing that.  Amazing, powerful Sequoia friend of mine using a word like “giddy”.  But then when I felt the need to google the definition, I saw the message went beyond just my thought of “being in excitement”.


  1. Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy.
  1. 1.
    make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation.