Saudi Royalty Arrests Rock Clinton-Obama Regime


In a shocking development Saturday, the Saudi Arabian government arrested prominent billionaire Waleed bin Talal, a member of the royal Saudi family with deep ties to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Arrests were carried out by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s recently-formed anti-corruption committee and included bin Talal, ten senior princes, and dozens of ministers for corruption and money laundering charges.

Bin Talal, a primary shareholder of Citigroup, News Corp., and Twitter, was arrested along with dozens of other princes and ministers on Saturday. Bin Talal’s arrest was part of a massive sweep of Saudi elites charged with corruption and money laundering by a newly formed anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Meanwhile, Royal princes’ private planes have been grounded.

Known as “The Warren Buffet of the Gulf”, bin Talal — one of the world’s richest people — is a notorious figure in American politics with deep ties to both Obama and Clinton. Americans privy to bin Talal and Saudi Arabia’s corrupt hand in American politics may recall a 2015 tweet from then-candidate Donald Trump that foreshadowed his arrest:

Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. 

Read article in its entirety here.


Planetary Link-Up Dates ~ Thrival In The New Earth


Received via e-mail…






Together we can create miracles, and now we have stepped beyond the illusion and into the New Earth it’s time for us to all be abundant, as is our divine right. In the New Earth there is not only peace and harmony, but joy of life and abundance of all things that support and nourish us.

So we are here now to assist in the shift in consciousness, from the competitive, me me, I am better, I have more, I have less, I am not worthy, I don’t deserve mentality. Or I take, I have, I control, or I give but I am exhausted, whatever way the game is played its coming from power, control and lack.

In other words ‘fear instead of love’.

We know how powerful our combined Love is, and so together in the One Heart we connect on the designated times energetically that will support our connection to create a shift for humanity in one of the biggest controller illusions we are under.

We create our reality, we are the Creator Goddess Gods here creating Heaven on Earth

great central sun




(That means for those on summer time it’s actually 1pm as it needs to be when the Sun is at Noon, not the man made summer time noon.)

These are Sun days when the new light codes come through more full on from the Sun for us to utilise. Also remember there is no time or space so even though in the 3D world you may only be connecting with the people in your time zone at noon, you are still connecting with everyone else regardless of their time zones. There are no limitations we are multi-dimensional Beings.


THEME; at a sub atomic level see/sense/know that the joy of life and life force essence of creation is glowing and radiant. The Sun is in each sub atomic particle within you, all humans all creatures, all life.

THEME; at a cellular level see/sense/know that the light of the Suns glows through each cell, all aligned through all the Suns of creation, all one through you and all humanity, all creatures and all life.

THEME; at a personal level see/sense/know yourself in joy, expanded and excited about your life and open to your creative essence, as you see all humanity and all beings in this state too.

THEME; at a community level see/sense/know that we all grow and create together in a beautiful realm. Where each is acknowledged for their being and able to share with all, to start really creating a world of abundance for all.

THEME; at a Planetary level see/sense/know that the light grids are shining and glowing with life force energy, and that new life is being birthed with the elementals and humanity in harmony and peace.

THEME; at a Galactic level see/sense/know that we work with our Star brothers and sisters who have always watched us, in fact birthed us genetically in many ways. That we all thrive together with the elementals and all life in peace, joy and harmony. The Earth shines and glows, her/our love so divine it means that nothing not of love can get through to distort what is happening.

(I know for most countries the Solstice will be on the 21st, but for this link up it still needs to be your 22nd at Noon).
THEME; at a Universal level see/sense/know that we are part of the abundance of life inter-connected with the stars, moons, planets and in harmony and peace with all.

THEME; at a Cosmic level see/sense/know that you are one with your original Divine Blueprint and the highest aspect of self you can illuminate from your heart. Through the cosmos and multi-verses, the love that you are/we are in oneness, we are home to our self and all creation.

THEME; from the point of oneness and pure love see/sense/know what is unfolding through all worlds and dimensions of the Earth and Cosmos and allow…

THEME; in the New Earth see/sense/know yourself and all of us in the One Heart creating abundance for all, peace and love are here. What comes to you personally, and as our group to practically ground the abundance for all our Earth, humanity and all BEings.

Meditating for ten minutes either side of the exact time is very effective.

If you wish to spend longer linking in please do. As well as the unlimited benefits for humanity and all life, you will also receive benefits on a personal level, heart more fully open, more present and expanding your awareness and consciousness.

Sandra Walter ~ Merge Sequences and the Open Gateway: Meditate to Activate


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude to all who participated in this week’s Cosmic Stargate interaction on Tuesday-Wednesday. I had another time anomaly present after the stargate focus on Tuesday. Gatekeepers focused on 1pm-2pm, when I would be up on the mountain.

After Gatework I drove back down (snowy roads, so it was slow), visited the headwaters to collect water, where I waited for some siSTARs with many large bottles, drove to the store to get juice, where my order disappeared and I had to fill out another form and wait again. And yet when I arrived home, the clocks said 1:54pm. It should have been 3pm; a whole hour of activity went out-of-time.

When I asked what happened, I received that the influx was about to push us through another Secondary time-loop. It identified the loop (quite clearly), then we dissolved it using the storm magnetics (when things are in flux.) Thank you to all who focus on assisting during these final Gateways of 2017; there is so much going on.

Our focus has been on overriding the delay tactics in the Secondary timelines, in order to reveal the pure, organic Ascension timeline experience. Overriding is easier, especially since the eclipse and opening of the Trinity Stargates, because the experience of crystalline consciousness grows stronger in the Light Tribe. Unity consciousness is pulling us together as one force of Source. Time anomalies present as we push through the time-loops and blockages, clearing and opening the pathways to the Primary timeline experience for all. Two down, one more to go. We anticipate this to occur with the next Gateway; the November 21-25 passage. As always, call forth the Primary Christed timeline experience as a palpable reality for all willing Souls.

The intense geomagnetic storms due to Solar Winds and plasma influxes during the Gateway brought us deeper into the timeline split experience. DNA activations and crystalline-plasma light body expansions reflected the higher light influx. This whole passage is bizarre and beautiful, and we continue to co-create the wonderful, the miraculous. Watch your internal and external language as we level up; the effect of an energized light body amplifies thoughts and words.

We have been warned for years about psychological fallout from intensifying energies. Whatever you can do on a personal level to release, purge, clear, purify and support leveling up will greatly assist in balancing the collective. Cry, clear, detox, meditate, pray, decree, connect with nature, and create wonderful. Be not swayed by lesser vibrations. Own your Mastery, it is your birthright.

Continue reading here.

Energy Update and Some Thoughts on Making The Choice ~ Discernment or Doubt.


Hammock, Woman, Female, Relax, Girl

Word of the day:  OUCH!  I am having one of those “get ready you are on a massive upgrade at the moment” days.  I just ride it out, put heat on myself, stretch, and move (slowly today) my body as it calls me to and as I finished up my day after going out and about, put my little massager on my back.

I am also being called to eat light.  Fruit, fruit smoothies (pineapple, strawberry, banana, coconut milk – yum!).  Rice.  Prepping for the 11/11 energies.  Or whatever else is coming in at the moment.  High amounts of Protons earlier in the week.

Before I went to bed last night, I took a look at myself in the mirror.  Flexed my muscles.  Am I getting bigger?  I certainly feel my body needs to expand (certainly in my center region) for the energy that is wanting to enter (energies of my Higher Selves).  Then this morning, as I stood at the silverware drawer, putting away the utensils, I suddenly felt like I had grown several inches.  That dang drawer was seriously lower down than it was yesterday.  I thought “slippers on?”.  Looking down, nope.  Was I on the rug?”  Looking down, nope.  (Yes I had to do that.  I am seriously not “of this world reality” today.  More on that later.)  So I look back down at the drawer to see if I was still experiencing this strange sensation ~ yep.  It seemed waaay down there.  I shook my head, blinked, looked down and said “ok enough of this” and walked away.  My insight?  As my Highest Selves merge back with me in physical form, are able to do this as my physical body continues to vibrate at a higher frequency, my perception of my surroundings will not just be contained to the eyes of my physical body but also of my light body.  She’s quite large!  But no surprise given past visions/experiences, including one I had last night which I will speak of in a moment.

Another example of “not being in this world” today ~ stopped in the store to get my kambucha and a couple other items.  As I began to pay I said to no one in particular, “what’s that cold thing under my arm?”  I look down – there was my kambucha.  I almost walked out without paying.  The clerk smiled as I said “I’m not in this realm today”.

So onto the experience I had last night of my Higher Self.

I tuned in, made the command to connect with her.  An image flashed before that third eye mind area and I saw her, reaching out to me.  Same image of her I have had off and on for years.  Is this part of me female or just projecting herself as female?  I don’t know ~ this is just what I have received from the Essence of Who I am.

“Hold on – reach out – allow – ALLOW”, I felt her call to me, her own arms reaching out.  “We are almost in full connection.”

I felt that presense within me and then I began to feel doubt kick in.

Immediately I felt and heard and knew – doubt is matrix programming.

Disconnect, I felt.  So I did.  And as I did so, I could see, again in that mind’s eye, what this doubt “grid” looks like.  Yellowish in color.  Webbing coming out of it, this “object”, which was shaped more or less like a rectangular.  I found all of this fascinating and quite reassuring as lately one of the things I have requested to know and see is the energy of the matrix ~ the energies of the programming.

Feeling myself release that energy of doubt, I was again reminded that it is our discernment that is Original ~ that is our Highest Radar ~ guides us in the direction of our truth.

Doubt often kicks in when there is something we desire – a truth we desire for – and it says ‘nope’ and is usually followed by “too big, too much, never gonna happen”.  It’s an energy of deflation.

Discernment however pulls us back before we go rushing into something and says “observe for now until you know”.

And unlike doubt, which keeps us feeling stuck and detached in the particular situation, discernment allows for us to naturally remain detached from any particular outcome.  It allows us, to, well, ALLOW.

One last tidbit then I will wrap up this one.  I read this last night and decided to give it a try today as I found myself in a moment of overwhelm while at a local shop.  The woman posting had been discussing the traits of the empath and what to do to help in this situations of overwhelm.  She said to take your palm and place it on your forehead and say “calm”.  So while I was in this situation today, my body aching, having to wait, surrounded by others including someone who is obvious a smoker (meaning I was in a situation with hard floors, uncomfortable body, waiting, noise and seriously yuck odor), I thought back to her words and gave it a try.

And it worked.  I felt the energy and guided it through my body, grounding myself right there in that situation of otherwise sensory overload.  I then was able to talk with others around me and even help a woman who was struggling with some paperwork.

Connection made where only moments before, I was detached into my own shell.

That is all for now.  Perhaps later I will share the dream I had of Trump and the Clinton’s.  It was not asked for and was quite interesting.

Be loving with yourselves ya’ll as we go through these high level upgrades, healing and changes, within and without.

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Thank you for your support of my work.

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Energy Update: Ongoing Preparation Of Our Bodies To Receive 11/11 Upgrades


Editor’s note:  Deborah ~ maybe your symptoms are due to energy upgrading…


We are in process still ‘being prepared’ to receive on a galactic level, to let in the UPgrades/downloads coming through even now, yet especially on the ‘marker’ of this Saturday 11/11. This being prepared feels like it is happening BEyond what can really tracked by our minds. This portal is about bringing MORE of our higher timeline self energies INTO our bodies. The main ground of preparation is of the body itself, as it is the densest expression of our BEing.

To help with the preparation of the body to receive these downloads, I’ve been guided to eat ‘very lightly’, as if I was recovering from the stomach flu and just didn’t want to digest anything heavy or dense. Fruit smoothies have been the best and maybe very light vegetable soups. The lighter your body is when it comes to food digestion (with less moving through), the MORE you can let in of the light frequencies coming in. Food digestion takes up much energy, expends it, so having less of that to do right now is helpful. Preparation also may involve some continuing purification and detoxifications on the body level. Headaches, neck and back pain, infections/flus/colds (that feel that way but aren’t actually about bacteria as 3D relates to it,) extreme sleepiness and drowsiness, lightheadedness. You may be feeling some of these and ‘pushing through it’ to do ‘normal’ activities could be pretty challenging and just not possible. Even if you have to take this time ‘off’ from Doing, it will be worth it for what you can potentially connect with and receive in the resting.

This is an aspect of surrender to the process, to trust that something special is going on here, and that you are being held through it with Divine love on ALL levels, even and especially on the physical.

I had a meeting/session this morning with what is feeling more and more like my Metasoul collective…..a gathering of all the aspects of my Metasoul that I have met, connected with, exchanged gifts of healing, cried with, moved energies of karma trauma, found resonance with over the years as we become more unity consciousness WHILE remaining individual soul spark consciousnesses too.

The message I received from these aspects/guides about this phase of preparation prior to 11/11 is to surrender into it; to go within; to ‘journey’ with it and open up to what is available. My Arcturian Metasoul Binkh offered that they are VERY close now to us…not just in Gaia’s orbit as they have been for a long time, yet, also, moving vibrationally closer to us. As we move UP, so they can meet us ‘halfway’. I felt them yesterday when I was sitting by the ocean and it seemed as if a portal opened in the sky. The sun was radiating rays down from its center, emerging out of a cluster of clouds. These rays were intense as seen through my sun glasses, although not as clear in the photo that we took below. The rays offered that we are being connected to in ALL moments, we are being reached for, we are being WANTED by higher frequency BEings all over the multiverses. Certainly the message was that we are NOT alone and never have been.

As our eyes open up more beyond physical sight, we can see these things and certainly we can feel them, as our emotional bodies are more visceral, less run by the 3D mind control stuff. We can feel them with our higher/cosmic heart as it opens up too. As we come to more unity from within…connecting with ALL aspects of our 3D self and our Metasoul too….then, we can feel more this commUNITY connection energy for which we are being invited to embody and remember.

This process is accelerating in this now. Real movement INside and as a collective is occurring. ALL the support you need is available if you ask for it and open UP to receive!!  

Jelelle Awen

Raphael Awen and I were guided to offer a group call on 11/11 at 11:11am CST….teachings and a guided meditation, plus time for individual sharings. I’m so glad now that we will be doing this on this day and really look forward to what will move and be offered! To join us for a $11 min. donation, go here:…/energy-update-ongoing-prep…/

 Sourced from here.

Major Heads Up ~ Trojan Horse Alert


UPDATE:  The caller was arrested by the FBI 2 hours after calling in. According to an updated video I watched, he has a lawyer and is in a military detention center.  

Caller from Florida (former Special Forces Command) who has intel he has shared that has proven accurate. He is predicting the next move by the desperate dark ones.  They know they’ve been seen by the masses.  Please share to give other’s the heads up.  Enough see this, the possible next move will be stopped. You know they are desperate when you see the Bushes and the Clinton’s uniting with words/support…  Also quite interesting to me the description of Trump ~ so many think he’s a buffoon when, myself and others have said, including Jordan Sather (Destroying the Illusion), he is a strategist, always several steps ahead.  As I continue to say, like him or dislike him, he has unplugged the clog to allow for the sewage to get flushed away for good.  


Major Heads Up/Trojan Horse Alert.

Published on Nov 8, 2017


Jenny Schiltz: The 11:11 Gateway and the Crystalline Form


I appreciate this one ~ especially the current experiences our bodies are having around the restructuring…


The energy that we are experiencing lately is very intense and unlike any that we have seen before. It has to do with where we are in the galaxy. We are receiving codes from different locations particularly the Grand Central Sun. We are already beginning to feel the energies of the 11:11 gateway. This one will be a particularly powerful as there is a giant push for all to awaken and release fully the ties that bind.  It will continue to be intense as we are in the final energies of the year.

For many, the Ascension symptoms have ramped up. This is due to the energies coming in and changing our DNA. As we go from a carbon-based form to a crystalline one all density must go in order for us to move forward on this process. This is not only our physical density but the density that locks us into a prescribed reality such as our belief systems, self-sacrificing and victimhood patterning. It is all the areas where we have not forgiven or loved ourselves or another completely. It is the areas where we have judged another or ourselves. We must decide that we want to be HERE on earth during this amazing time. We must decide with every fabric of our being that we want to LIVE.

In order to navigate these energies, we do not need to be perfect. We do however have to actively work on releasing all that no longer serves. Some of you may feel as if you have backtracked recently. While painful it plays an important role. When we feel ourselves dip into the lower frequencies it is a stark contrast to when we feel clear and full of love. Allow this contrast to propel you even further on your quest to embody your highest self. We can no longer sit on the fence, we must choose where we want to be and work to maintain that frequency.

How the body is handling the energies

The body is definitely responding to the new codes coming in.  The cranium is changing which can result in earaches, temple, and sinus cavity pressure. The teeth ache and shift as they release old programming. The spine is upgrading and helping us to disconnect from one reality and anchor securely into another. As the body becomes more crystalline it can experience intense itching and temperature fluctuations. The body can lose essential minerals during these high energy phases. Ask your body if it needs magnesium, calcium, cell salts, Vitamin D, C, or B or water. Feel the response and act on it.

Anxiety can be an overwhelming side effect as can the nervous system going into overdrive. Now is the time to pull out all the ways you have learned to self-heal on this journey. Grounding, spending time in nature, baths, exercise, crystals, flower essences, essential oils, and herbs such as ‘Theanine Serene with Relora’ can do wonders.  Getting bodywork is very helpful, such as Reiki, Acupuncture, Massage, Cranial Sacral, and other modalities can help to move stuck energy through. If you feel that none of these ways are assisting you, don’t hesitate to see a doctor or a homeopath of your choosing. My guides told me very clearly that to think I don’t need assistance from other healers even from western medicine is a function of ego and a belief system. All things have their place on our individualized journey, we must choose through our open heart center which is the best for us.

Bring in your team during any sessions that you have to help amplify your healing. Ask for assistance from your Ascension team. Tell them what is taking place within your form and give permission to be helped in all ways. Understand that giving full consent to be helped, may mean that you are shown more clearly an area in your life that is not in resonance with who you are becoming.

Other end of the Spectrum

On the other end of the spectrum, some are feeling at ease in the higher energies. The energy bursts can give a much-needed boost. Write down the creative ideas that flow freely in these energies. Look at what ideas bring excitement. These are the clues to things you can focus on. Information is flowing in easily as well. Now more than ever it is imperative to listen and act on your own personal intuition and guidance. Manifestation is becoming faster, more noticeable. Some are receiving new assignments or/and a deeper understanding of current roles. The work, the contribution to the whole is becoming more deliberate, more concious.

All of this is a function of a greater embodiment of the soul and the body become more crystalline.

Understanding Your Crystalline Form

I was in session with a client recently and she was asking about crystals and how she could best work with them to enhance her experience. Her guide said that most profound thing:

“You are the largest and best crystal you own.”

I could feel the importance of the statement and then over the next few days, I worked with my team to understand the statement.

We have heard for years how we are moving from a carbon-based form to a crystalline one. It is a slow process, so slow that we don’t even really believe it is happening. However, more and more people are beginning to see light emitting when they look at their skin under high magnification. Many are having dreams to help confirm the process. In one such dream, my thigh split open to reveal this blue and white crystalline structure as if I was staring into a crystal cave. It is all really exciting, but what does it mean?

Crystals are keepers and transmitters of frequency, codes (information) and energy. In Atlantis & Lemuria, crystals were used to help hold the records of the civilization but they also held the higher frequencies. Many simply feel at home in a place that has crystals in it simply because they raise the vibration of a location making a higher vibrating person feel more at ease in their own skin.  Crystals can also help raise your vibration and unlock codes within your form, helping to take you to the next level.

So what does this mean as you become crystalline?

You become the receiver, keeper, and transmitter of frequencies, codes, and energy. The more crystalline you become the more you become in charge of your own reality. A being that becomes crystalline can help to activate others and strengthen their awakening process. It really is a game changer

They explained “The more crystalline one is the more they are able to decode the activations and downloads coming forth. This assists with the creation of reality which includes your creation of health. As one is able to bring in greater templates that hold the creator programming it will ease the health of the human body. When this takes place, one will see rapid changes in their form.”


I asked them how best to facilitate the process and was told that it is very important to talk with the body. Tell your body what is taking place and also to state that it is your wish to become as crystalline as possible.  The way that we charge crystals is exactly how we should charge ourselves – water, sunlight, moonlight, and even burying ourselves in nature.

When I receive more information, I will share it. It really is an amazing time as much is changing within and without. I hope this finds you well and witnessing the unfolding of events.  Thank you so much to all who share this work. Sending you all much love. <3

I will be holding a group call on November 9th at 6:00 pm MST, where participants will receive assistance with integrating the accelerated light codes and DNA activations taking place during this amazing time. Join me if you can. The call will be recorded and sent to all who register. You do not need to be present in order to receive the recording. Registration ends 2 hours prior to the event.

To register: go to Put in your time zone then scroll down past the listings of Sessions and Soul Retrieval to the bottom and select Group Call, then on the calendar select the date and continue with the registration process.

Take care of you. <3


Good-Bye 3D Linear Time


Orange, Roundabout, Spiral, Eddy

A few days ago, (whatever a “day” means), I read an entry on my facebook page where the poster said linear time was gone.  We are in the higher frequencies of the 5th dimension.  Now obviously I have no means of measuring this with science.

I can, however, use my body.  And my body is telling me time is speeding up so dramatically right now, I feel like a whirlwind, spinning faster and faster, until we hit the zero point moment and all just IS.  That is the most solid, strongest impression in my body of what is really happening.

And oh, I am SO ready!

I can no longer use the calendar to tell you about the weather.  The calendar says November.  The temperatures and weather/nature tell me January.  My body, in particular my cycles, are going faster than normal.  Yes, I am at that “age” where things change, but this is ridiculous.  And besides, I keep intending my body to stay as is – hold on – until the switch.  Just not and honestly never has felt in my reality to do the MP thing.

Then there is the internal experience of feeling this massive swirling within. Things are processing for me ridiculously fast ~ which I love.  I awoke itching on my hands and on my belly.  Itching = anger.  So I processed, felt, allowed and was able to move the anger into sadness, where it is now sitting on my heart.  Obviously need to do more work so full processing is not immediate – yet – but transforming it was easier and quicker.

And finally, there is the experience of day to day living.  I get up, next thing I know it’s time to get an idea for dinner then time to go to sleep.  I began noticing this about a year and a half ago – it seemed to ease up – and recently it has returned with a force not yet experienced.

The word of the times for now is “allow”.  And some forgiveness is also a nice way to wrap up this whole experience.

Ya’ll just Be.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
