7/2 Stuff


Weird day.  Happy to see it end.  Dream state was their attempts to poke and terrify – all in this house on the receiving end.  Could feel the AI going through the mind today and saw it going through each member of the house earlier.  It was like a hopping program – going from one to the other.  I tried to clear it out and ended up just ignoring it.  I kept my cool all day – started to “lose it” but quickly regained center.  It’s tough now – whatever is going on – wherever this is going.  Nothing much is resonating.  Kept seeing far too much new cage nonsense – the galactics are helping with our ascension and keep raising the vibes so we can enter the new dimensions.  Blah blah blah.  I know of some who have been into this whole “raise the vibe” for decades and they still be here.  So yeah – don’t think THAT alone “gets us out”.  Then saw stuff on loving everyone and everything.  Having compassion for everyone and everything.  Another – YEAH don’t think so.  There is evil here.  Who knows why some won’t see it.  And I am in no mood to give my love or compassion to that state.  I used to think giving love and compassion to all and everything was the way to go.  Not today.  Evil doesn’t respond to love or compassion anyway – not in the way we would want it to.  It is actually repulsed by it which is why it seeks to keep us in energy spaces where we cannot feeeeeel those states.

Anyway…..so yeah – got the poking experience today.  And still so absolutely done with anything “they” created.

The news wasn’t all that uplifting.  Seeing more of “their” moves play out – get pushed.  24 hours after our area lifted the face diaper/distancing “mandates” – now some stores replaced their signs with “masks required for those not vaccinated”.

The schumann has continued with that rather blank grid that feeeeels so irritating to me.  My body loves those white outs.  Feels so natural and soothing.

So – feels like we are in yet another holding pattern while “they” stall and delay.  Note to self:  War sucks.  Next time do better at hiding when some parasite decides to take over.  Invisibility cloak perhaps.

Here are a few finds.




Public schools have to fall.  Nothing more than indoctrination camps run by evil, promoted by dolts.  Some rather pansy-arse type reporting in this one.  The State Rep. who wore that star?  Brilliant.  He owed no one an apology.  This is what being Honest and Courageous looks like.  This is the next holocaust type event playing out and when people are honest and get over their p.c./anti-semite narrative, they will see the comparisons.  




Official FDA.gov Documents Confirm Vaccine “Shedding” Is Real and Dangerous!





🔴NEW – Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline of the Pemex oil and gas company in the Gulf of Mexico. The fire is reportedly under control now.





Judge Deals Crippling Blow to ‘Defund The Police’ Movement

The “defund the police” movement just hit a roadblock.

READ: https://takingback.us/3jEIWjp






Best dang thing I saw all day:



BREAKING: Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Voter Restrictions In 6-3 Decision


Afraid perhaps?






Who Runs the World? Blackrock and Vanguard – LewRockwell

If you’ve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie. What she uncovers is that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional ..


Hmmm….I’m pretty sure T didn’t put any trust in Fauxchi….I see words like this and it only reaffirms my feel that NOTHING makes sense here….
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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.