A Message of Restoration From Agartha

agartha___realm_of_the_underground_world_by_rasty690-d825xtvOn 11/22 an energetic portal will be created enabling those in alignment to move into a new octave of experience. This new energy will shake off old attachments and deepen further into the new, which is not so much new but a restoration of the old, the original energy of the original blueprint.

In these sequences the individual can experience a separation from what has been and find themselves in a space of white light that will illuminate within themselves the light of their own clarity and coherence. This is a space that will generate the key codes of enlightenment, the energy of expansion and understanding of what is, what was, and what will be.

This is an energy portal of change on the mental plane. It is a comprehension of the true nature of life and what it means to be an individual ascending within a physical form.


In embodying these concepts of enlightened existence there will be an activation from within that will ignite the light of comprehension, to awaken from the slumber of darkness, the higher purpose of physical life on Earth.

The Higher Purpose of Physical Life on Earth is the Key Code of Now.

This is the key that is now transcending the lower planes of density and rising up to the forefront of humanity to activate within All Souls the Awakening codes of Truth. Truth is transcendent, activating the energies of change and bringing to the forefront for all to see and hear, what is really behind the creation of life in this realm.

We, the Agarthans, the Ascended Beings of Mastery and Mystery, are here to bring you this message of Truth.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.