A Vision for Gentleness


yes – this is the world i desire and do what i can to create it daily – which includes looking at my own darkness.  i tried to take the step of peace today with the dog – sending it the message of we mean no harm and we are here to walk the path too.  this did not work. i still continue to intend such a world of gentleness as that is the way of my heart…


A Vision for Gentleness

We see a world where gentleness has surfaced in every nation, in every family, in every business, in every home, in every heart; where our inclinations to act out in anger have entirely disappeared and have been replaced by a sweetness, a softness that tells all others that we mean no harm, that we only seek to help in whatever way we can.

We see a world where the rough edges of life are gone now, and looked back upon as a step we had to go through in order to reach the place where our acts, both individual and worldly, are caring and compassionate; where we learned, through our pain and sorrow, that our hardness and our harshness took us away from the happiness we sought, and that our gentleness returned us, straight away, to the love that was within us all along.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.