Ascension and Skin Conditions


This has been a factor for me for awhile.  Very appropriate and what I already know/feel ~ skin conditions meaning the need to let go and grieve.   [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Since January 1st, we have all been moving forward full steam.

2014 was preparation, and 2015 is “game time”. What does that exactly mean?

It means that all the things we painstakingly set up last year, from the major release work we’ve done around triggering issues in our lives, to addressing lingering shadows that have served us for many years, but no longer work for us, have been examined with a fine tooth comb. We’ve been much more careful about the words we use to refer to our spirit, our bodies, and our minds, and hearts.

Because, as we all know, the health of our spirit, bodies, minds, and hearts are intertwined and connected. Now, more than ever!

You may be finding that it’s easier to manifest things, nowadays; whereas, years before, it was sometimes a task and a half to create. As we raise our vibrations to creating life as the sovereign beings we are, and with greater awareness that we are connected to Source, and each other, we slough off the dead skin that we’ve been in. Sometimes, literally.

I have been witness to patients increasingly coming in with skin issues, ever since January. Sure, some may be caused by physical triggers, at first. Some are not. But, what’s clear is that there is something deeper at work. After they’ve seen the dermatologists, allergists, primary care physicians, and other specialists, performed the lab work, exams, it often results in a diagnosis of allergic reaction, contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, or other skin-related issue. Sometimes it is inconclusive.

In Chinese Medicine, skin related conditions can run the gamut of various organ pathologies, mostly involving the Lung and the Liver, and with the source pathologies stemming from conditions such as Damp and Heat.

As I’d mentioned in my previous post, “Gathering The Energies Of Fall Series: Part I: The Body“, the Lungs correspond to the body skin. So, when there’s an imbalance of the skin, there is often an imbalance of the Lung. Interestingly enough, the Lungs are also all about grieving and letting go, so sometimes our skin helps us release our toxins, and let go of what no longer

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.