Rick Jewers ~ Update 1 and 2 ~ 2/2/18


an overall resonation ~ the chemtrail piece is not necessary.  we all know of the toxins in these things and avoiding the places that are targeted is impossible.  they’ve been doing it for so long, even when the skies look good there is the residual elements.  we ALL need clearing/healing and for now it is my request and hope that other Being’s are assisting in cleaning up the atmosphere.  it is also an idea for the masses of us to create a human right’s violation order under this topic.  it is part of the enslavement and is about as gross of a violation as is the trafficking.



Be always persistent in Your Manifesting. Continuously create the good thoughts of how things are here on the surface of Gaia. Do not energize the bad and expend Your energy on focusing on the bad things, rather, You come in from an angle and Create the New to take the place of the Old perceived bad things. Your manifestations are utmost successful upon putting all of Your energy into Creating the New. The New takes up a definite space, and with each good New created, a bad must fall and that occupied space replaced with the good New. Some of You accept and Know that there is really no bad, that bad things are guidance mechanisms and contain value, however, the time is over for these strings and no more value can be taken from the bad, You have seen enough of the bad to allow You Now to Create a good. You are a league that has risen to such a level that You are fully endowed with the ability, to rectify and remedy this Now, use it.

Your bodies are indeed under constant internal upgrades, simply, it has to undergo these upgrades to survive the higher vibrations and to be able to bring Your miraculous abilities into these bodies. You are conduits of God to do the Divine work with the intent, for the good of All, again, simple.At this point, more of You KNOW beyond certainty the importance of full virtue and the effects both virtue and non-virtue have upon Your Prowess as a conduit of God. Simply, virtue empowers, non-virtue disempowers You, and more importantly, deception of any kind, will set You on Your buttocks in the blink of an eye, sort to speak. You must realize and appreciate the extent of the Prowess You contain and how it gets stronger each day. You must speak up always when You see non-truth, if You do not speak up and refrain from rectifying a situation, You will see the adverse effects shortly after of You not standing up, which will create confusion for You as well as an attached string/sequence of less desirable events. You will also become physically sick to a degree because lower vibration is registered into the physical body as a sick feeling.So Now You see the importance also, of utilizing Your gift of Truth and let it flow outward in the ripple effect.

As revealed to You recently, the Light was strategically placed within all societal operating systems upon Gaia, including military and government. Your Light Comrades there have the important task of revealing all of the deception of the current planetary societal systems, they are the eyes for You and the Masses, they carry the truths of the lies and bring them forth for All to see. These Comrades are fully protected and are in place to tear down the old systems and integrate a temporary system that rapidly transitions into the New, which is good for All. The remnants of the Dark are totally confused and know no longer who their comrades actually are, because the Light was cleverly disguised as one of them. What this does and has caused, is a rapid scenario of fish eating fish, feeding off each other out of the greed aspects.

One of the biggest challenges for the Light Team was the breaking of the intentional conditioning mechanisms of the planet. For the most part, the empowering and internal evolution of the Human vessel had rendered the conditioning devices inoperable and dysfunctional once a Human vessel was upgraded above the influence level of these conditioning techniques. The overall vibration of the planet’s surface also lessens the mass effect of these conditioning mechanisms. The conditioning mechanisms are mostly based on planetary tangible technology with the manipulation of frequencies to control. If the planets vibration/frequency could be sustained below the upper fear threshold, then the whole population were easily controlled and enslaved, oblivious to there pillage of life and freedom during the Human experience scheduled for this period which was supposed to have begun over a century ago.

Once the vibration/frequency of the planet was raised to a certain appreciable point,(in 2012) where the fear frequency began to be weakened and replaced by the higher frequencies, which support Love, life and good things, the fear frequencies became ineffective at controlling the Masses, and many began to escape the conditioning, as the fear induced veils began to be lifted, this is to be considered as Awareness and the Awakening. Common sense was reiterated into those rising above the fear frequency, and seeing the truths, such as if planetary rulers of the planet had the masses welfare truly in mind, there would be no war, lack, poverty, starvation, etc, that it was uncivilized, that it was a form of savagery, that it was a stagnant restrictive primitive way of being, that it was intentionally being perpetrated for the benefit of a select few. For these select few to enjoy wealth while others starved and died is nonsensical, savage being, based on non-virtue, greed and could even be referred to as psychologically sick. To intentionally harm others by snatching up the wealth reveals clearly their intents, to secure their reign at the expense of others, the Masses, and keep the Masses enslaved, working for them, while they enjoyed lives of luxury.



One of the greatest and most intense forms of intentional conditioning were found within mind control programs of the militaries. Not only were the individuals of military conditioned by psychological means, they were also unknowingly implanted with devices that worked well within a certain planetary frequency range. These devices were planted, mostly unknown to the individual,(some of the strategically placed Light could NOT be controlled and Know/Knew what was going on, to reveal to others), in the body during routine examinations and military surgeries. These devices were designed to emit lower vibrational frequencies into the Human vessel that were along the fear spectrum of frequencies, fear frequencies are lower vibration and if a frequency of fear could be maintained within a physical body/energetic field, then that individual became a puppet at the mercy of its handler, the military. So simply, these devices work on frequency and when One has a high enough frequency, they no longer work properly, and upon a much higher vibration yet, they become rendered useless and are passed from the Human vessel by various means. Likewise, One with a very high vibration energy field coming into contact with a conditioned soldier effects the implants to not function as strong as they did and to also disable the implant functions. Conditioned military and enforcement agencies cannot impose nor be in the vicinity of a high vibrational One in an aggressive manner, they must submit to what is morally and ethically correct, frequency will not allow it, Your God strength is frequency.

The key to overcoming ANY mind control program is to simply raise Ones frequency. To raise frequency, be very meticulous with Your food and water, the least chemicals the better. The chemicals in the foods and waters are actual conductors of LOW FREQUENCY along the fear spectrum of frequencies. The biochemical reactions within the Human vessel caused by these chemicals, lower vibration into the fear vibration range. The same as Your are a conductor of Light/God energy, upon raising Your frequency, the lowering of Your frequency enables You to be a conductor of fear-based energies which are manipulated and controlled by the remnants of Dark, which do You choose?.

Other intentional conditionings of frequency are, but not limited to;
1) EMF,s (electromagnetic frequencies) These low density fear-based frequencies are intentionally emitted upon You through powerlines, wi-fi, phones,transmitting towers, microwaves, TV,s, radios, all electronics, helicopters (low vibration carried on dense noise from props), aircraft, loud vehicles, dense bass music, etc. GET AWAY FROM AS MOST OF THEM AS POSSIBLE, this is WHY NATURE is so appealing to many. Stay away from low density fabricated humming noses, they lower the vibration.

2) Perpetrated and staged fear-based events like massacres, bombings, wars, etc. They condition the people by displaying fear events on news stations that lowers subconsciously Ones vibration, which in turns, affects others into fear frequency. For example; a staged event like 911 may be greatly publicized to instill a fear vibration that makes those affected by it, become aggressive and want to take revenge, lowering the entire planets vibration into a state of fear, where once again, the masses are controlled and willingly place their consent into the hands of the perpetrators for protection, against a perpetration which is actually a falsity created for that exact effect. These are Now well Known as ” False flags” and their intent is to instill fear and lower the vibration in favor with their conditioning fear vibration.

3) Be persistent in switching up Your mentality, to always positive, this changes THE POLARITY of any emissions of fear frequencies being projected at You. Trust in God and Know that Your are being empowered above the planetary conditioning, to assist in bringing it down, and Creating the New, the Leagues of Heaven upon the surface is growing in numbers daily, align with the God Light.

4) Stay away from high areas of chemtrail deposits. The chemtrails deposit aluminum, which is toxic to Humans, but more importantly, an aluminum enhanced ground/surface of Gaia, becomes a conductor for fear-based frequencies, charging the area and the energetic/electric Humans with a lower vibration.

5) Forcing another to lie, deceive, act against moral and ethic energy, etc. This sets off a negatively charged sequence of events which in some cases, effects many negatively, and disempowers them. Do not engage in any order or request from another that infringes upon what is right in the heart, stand Your ground and do not participate in any action that You Know has the ability to harm and/or impact others in a negative untruthful way. You must remember, frequency is also carried through all events, it is contagious, whether it be Dark or Light-based.

Love and Light

Update 1 sourced from here.

Update 2 sourced from here.


The moon is about to do something it hasn’t done in more than 150 years

Editor’s note:  Still trying to share this personal commentary about my site (which at last attempt did not get e-mailed to subscribers so linking it w/articles until it goes through.)  

Some of my posts are not reaching you via e-mail.  I have contacted my hosting company and they tweeked a couple of things.  However, a recent post I see has not been sent to you so I will have to contact them again.

In the meantime, please know I submit pieces daily so if nothing arrives in your e-mail box and you wish to know the latest, click here  (mainpage, latest posts) to stay informed.

As always, thank you for your support, and in this case, your patience.  I am a one-person “show” here w/limited tech knowledge.  



Call it whatever you like—a blue red moon, a purple moon, a blood moon—but the moon will be a special sight on Jan. 31.

Three separate celestial events will occur simultaneously that night, resulting in what some are calling a super blue blood  eclipse. The astronomical rarity hasn’t happened for more than 150 years.

A super moon, like the one visible on New Year’s Day, is the term for when a full moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, appearing bigger and brighter than normal.

On Jan. 31, the moon will be full for the second time in a month, a rare occasion—it happens once every two and a half years—known as a .

To top it off, there will also be a . But unlike last year’s , this sky-watching event isn’t going to be as visible in the continental United States. The best views of the middle-of-the-night eclipse will be in central and eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia, although Alaska and Hawaii will get a glimpse, too.

Continue reading here.

Global Heatmap


If you check out Antarctica you will notice some interesting “things” (underground tunnels/highways) connecting the continent to Africa. Activity goin’ on in this ‘never spoken about’ continent.  Anyway, have fun with this map ~ quite cool!



The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ The President’s Intention Circle


These words need to be spoken and put into Action ~ Love In Action Now.


The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

January 2018
The President’s Intention Circle

The President and all his people stood in a large circle on the lawn, holding hands. In the circle this day were cabinet members, staff members and congressional leaders from both parties, as well as the president’s immediate family. All went quiet as a tall stranger on the east side of the circle welcomed the group. This man was a non-political, non-sectarian figure who emanated a personal power that was perhaps even more magnetic than the President’s. As he spoke, a hush fell over the gathering.

“Today, we do something new,” he said. “Today, we invite the Highest Good into our world and into our lives. Today, we abandon the old manipulative ways of manifesting our wants and needs. No longer will we resort to the Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove methods for invoking dark idols for the purpose of advancing our own personal motivations. Instead, we stand here today to make intentions as One dedicated to the Highest Good for all mankind.”

You could hear a pin drop as all attention was riveted on this strange, powerful man who seemed to glow from the inside out.

“Accordingly,” he went on, “I intend that from this day forward, everything we say and do on behalf of this country and the world takes the Highest Good of each and every person on earth into consideration. Furthermore, I intend that all wars, warmongering and personal gain from human suffering stops now and forevermore; that all profiteering from another’s sickness stops now and forevermore; that all gene-splicing and geo-engineering stops now and forevermore; that all man-made weather interference programs stop now and forevermore; that all debt is lovingly cancelled and forgiven from this day forward; that all unclean environmental practices are stopped as of this moment; and that all current forms of energy production are quickly transitioned into the 100% efficient, zero-point energy prototypes we have secretly had at our disposal for over 60 years.”

A few grumbles were heard around the circle, but, undaunted, the stranger continued. “Instead of the ways we’ve done things in the past, now, today, we embark in a new direction. With our intentions we have set the gears in motion for unprecedented change, change such as our present generation and all generations past could never have imagined. For as we all align with these intentions, we open the gate for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to return to all mankind.”

He paused momentarily to look at the crowd and gauge their reactions. No one stirred.

“With these intentions we will create a world where all men and women are free and unencumbered; where all men and women are truly equal in the eyes of one and all; where all people will know that they can live their lives out without it being interrupted or interfered with by anyone anywhere; where optimum health and vitality are returned to everyone; where all secrets are brought out into the light for all to see; and where everyone is given equal access to all the bounty this world has to offer.”

The grumbling had subsided now because those present had rarely heard anyone speak with such power, with such certainty. For these few moments, the President’s own power was eclipsed by this unusual stranger.

“This day marks the time when we have cleared the way for all good things to come to our people. The by-products of our intentions here today are many,” he said, “for the new direction we take here by coming into alignment with these visions and intentions will bring into manifestation abundance and blessings untold. Indeed, with the advent of zero-point energy, all peoples are freed from debt and isolation; with the advent of a clean environment, all people will enjoy good health returned to their bodies; with the advent of no man seeing another as beneath him, equality and true brotherhood returns to our world; and with the laying down of all weapons and manifesting mercy toward our fellowmen and women, we step into a world of peace. This is what we create for our children’s children here today – a world of freedom, a world of joy, a world of peace that gives rise to the greatest civilization ever to exist on this magnificent earth. With these intentions we set the stage for a new direction where we are expanded and filled with love for one another, where all people everywhere are free, truly free, now and forevermore! And, finally, with these intentions we clear the way for all hearts and minds to open wide, for our joy to shine forth from within and for peace to reign for thousands of years and beyond!”

Again, he paused and took a long breath before continuing, “Are we all in alignment with the intentions made here today for the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone everywhere?”

Without exception, the word “YES!” resounded from each leader in the circle, echoing across the lawn, across the city and out into the far reaches of the cosmos. And the cosmos smiled down on the new light emanating from the earth. This is what the cosmos had been waiting for. Now there would be peace. 

NOTE: If you would like to invite the Highest Good into your life and into your world, you can join our circle of leaders and align with these intentions by hitting the YES Button above. 

You are really beginning to realize
that the world can be as you envision it

HATJ RKB DAY 3 Evening Wrap Up Alleged Case


Take those heart drops within and send them to the courtroom.  Just finished listening ~ on to day 4 video which I will share next.  Really beautiful wonderful insightful conversation in this video.  Please share with all you know.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


HATJ RKB DAY 3 Evening Wrap Up Alleged Case

Published on Jan 26, 2018

MESSAGE from the Other Side about the FUTURE 2018 ~ Must Listen!


This is a beautiful, poignant FASCINATING and very reassuring video of a mother who received a lot of downloads early last year from her son who passed over.  He shares info on the new earth and what is happening/will be happening politically. Spot on and so in alignment with my own “feels”.  (no WW3, no fear of Nibiru ~ it’s just a planet having an effect on the event, etc., no need for evacuations, the Galactic Beings are here to ensure we all make it, etc. AND the event is months away – not years!)  Injoy.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


MESSAGE from the Other Side about the FUTURE 2018

Published on Jan 17, 2018




Mr. Ed’s Intel Update via Email – “Intel Black Out” – January 21, 2018


The best update I have read.  It is my deepest feel and desire for all of this to be words of Truth manifesting…


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18

Posted By: Mr.Ed 

Date: Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 04:44:44



INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18

Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes.

The Main Stream Media ‘Fake News’ sure won’t tell you about things like ‘Gitmo Prison’ being filled up with Cabal for ‘Military Tribunals’.

They won’t tell you about bad guys trying to escape earth and being shot down over Michigan by the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance ships.

They won’t tell you that 87,000 Pedophiles have been arrested so far.

They won’t tell you there are another 45,000 ‘Arrest Warrants’ waiting…plus 10,000 ‘Sealed Indictments’.

Reports of Nuclear Warhead Missiles in Hawaii & Japan “were real”…and were taken out by Pleiadian craft working with SSP Alliance.

It has been decided that this year (2018) people will be introduced to some extraterrestrials…which will be Pleiadians that closely resemble us.

This Government Shutdown is a distraction while the Military arrest the high profile cabal.

What they don’t know is…this shut down is the end for the corporate government and it will never return while all the criminals go to jail now. (the republic will take it’s rightful place)

Delays in the RV / GCR are to allow time to make sure it is safe for your money and protect your new accounts.

We are waiting on the United States Treasury to push the button for the RV / GCR to start and it is very close now.

Announcements will be made soon about NESARA / GESARA…the Restored Republic…new gold backed currency…new banking…prosperity and more.

Common Law will be restored when the New Restored Republic is announced to the public. (which is already in place behind the scenes and has been in control for some time)

Trump is not going anywhere…and he will be reelected for a 2nd term. (as he continues to drain the swamp)

Look for new technology to soon appear like ‘Med Beds’…’Free Energy Units’ and ‘Replicators’.

This will be the end for death based hospitals and big pharma pushing poison…as Med Beds will cure all diseases…repair any injury…replace any limb or organ and give you perfect health. (in minutes and free)

This same technology will make you young again to remain that way for the next 1000 years. (so you can spend all that money) 🙂

A transformational wave of high frequency energy from the galactic central sun (not to be confused with our sun) is to hit us in the next few days…which is said to cause the shift from 3rd to 5th dimension…which has been termed “The Event” by Cobra of the Pleiadian Resistance Movement.

This Event will be nothing to fear at all…but will mark the beginning of the ‘Golden Age’ of 1000 years of ‘Heaven on Earth’.

Soon you will be able to travel the universe and meet other forms of life which is never ending…

Sourced from here.

Spiritual Narcissists and their False Light Propaganda


there is a lot of useful information in this piece.  i have seen this myself ~ people claiming to be one of the appointed “leaders” in the ascension process and others flock to them like the proverbial sheep.  i have done this myself (the flocking ~ lol).   i have moments where i am just damn low, weary and tired and fed up with it all and i want SOMEONE to provide me the answer i, at the moment, so desperately seek.  and there is a part of me that will rise up from time to time ~ wanting to be considered a “leader” in the ascension movement ~ wanting more “attention”.  i want my piece of the popularity pie too!  lol  but there is enough heart wisdom in me to recognize this, calm it by reminding myself this is an individual process and there is no one right or wrong way and no one is above another ~ and to always just keep it real and authentic.  we can only find our truth in this process, ultimately, by going within and process all of what we have gleaned, which of course includes information from others now and then.  we all have something useful to share…  now….as far as giving attention to the unveiling of the system, the political stuff, etc. i don’t see any harm in reading the information and speaking about it.  this is part of the revealing of the “all that has been hidden” and it has indeed had a strong impact on who we are so i see/feel nothing “damaging” or harmful in giving it some of our focus and even speaking out to make sure our voices for the revealing are heard…in so long as we don’t replace that focus with our own on-going internal awakening. i truly see this as part of the process, at least for my own journey and, again for me, see nothing useful in just letting it all happen.  again just my opinion.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


by  | Jan 21, 2018 |

By Eric Raines and Vera Ingeborg

As frequencies rise higher and higher, the old system – based on feeding energies from externally becomes more and more creative to keep its energetic nutrition going. Implant technology helps to distract the spiritual community from the essence. The latest strategy: Implanting and manipulating people with narcissistic ego patterns into believing they are governing the ascension process.


Before we go into this article, we won’t get tired to say that implants are nothing to be afraid of. Actually only fear can keep these systems in place and up running. As soon as we become aware of them, we can transform them. Implants are nothing but a manipulation of our natural energetic flow. Just as the implant to prevent a pregnancy manipulates our physical body into believing it is pregnant, energetic implants manipulate our emotional and/or mental body into believing something we are not. How to detect implants and remove them, we have already laid out in our last article “The virus of consciousness”.

The Vampire System in the Spiritual Community

The old system based on feeding energetically from others is at the brink of falling apart and being replaced with a system based on energetic self-sustainability. It is the return to the natural state of energetic balance within. The old system could be compared to a virus. A virus, different from bacteria, is not able to live on its own. It has no possibility or access to life-force (feminine energy) from within. So it needs to find hosts to feed from. All this system is interested in is the pulling and stealing energy from others. That is the only way to stay alive. Just as we do not know why viruses have evolved and what intelligence drives them, we do not know that about the current system either. One can easily drift off into conspiracy, which is actually a very favourable energetic climate for the system. Because it creates more energy of judgment, blame, resistance, separation… low fear frequencies that are the system’s favourite energetic dish. More and more people are waking up to this bigger picture and seeing that all the news in the world, all the chaos, all the revelations that we are seeing lately are actually feeding the old system energetically, when people drift off into judgment, blame and upset about what is going on. Only when we learn to embrace the recent events as a necessary part of the evolutionary process and we learn to not react out of mistrust/fear, but embrace out of trust/love we collectively shift energies upwards. Only when we learn to go within and deal with our own stuff that is triggered through the events and work through them, we are making a real energetic shift and change. The inner drives the outer, individually as well as collectively, not vice versa.

“One can easily drift into conspiracy, which is actually a very favourable energetic climate for the system. Low fear frequencies of judgment, blame, resistance are the system’s favourite energetic dish.”

Having said this, we would like to move this discernment and awareness further into the spiritual world. What happens quite a lot lately is that people that are waking up to the illusionary quality of the world as we have experienced it, are turning to seek answers in the spiritual world. Expecting that this is the world of the long longed for love and safety, many of us are not aware of the energetic manipulation of this realm. The spiritual world where we still look for answers and salvation and healing from outside of us is just as illusionary as the earthly human realm based on the beliefs of lack and unworthiness. As energies rise higher and higher, the old system has put new implants in place to prolong its existence as long as possible. At the moment it is a big trend that the system chooses carriers of narcissistic ego patterns as hosts to do the work and infiltrate and manipulate people into new belief systems to distract them from the only gateway into the higher frequencies of the new paradigm evolving: The self.

Narcissists as Propaganda Puppets

The system does have a very high quality access to unity consciousness as it is very intelligent in terms of developing technology. So narcissists are actually the perfect match. They too do have a very high level of consciousness and the ability to focus and do. They are embodying the male energies having a low to basically non-existent access to the feminine (life-force, intuitive) energy. They are very good thinkers and logic and ratio comes naturally to them. Narcissists in general do not question themselves and they believe that others are there to serve them.

As they are so convinced of themselves and their own truth, they are usually very good and convincing public speakers. They do not question their own truth and stories and twist them as needed to make them fit in their personal reality. They believe they are the born leaders to use others for their agenda using them as “assets”. If someone is not fulfilling this need or does not obey to that truth, narcissists can develop intense anger and go after these people until destroyed (in terms of reputation or indeed extinguishing their life). The more evolved version of the narcissist, the psychopath, remains very calm and simply seeks to drop and forget about those that no longer serve. It seems very natural to them. So implanting them with the thought and idea of being a spiritual leader and overseer of the ascension process is absolutely in line with a narcissist’s belief system. Narcissists that are manipulated this way have no idea that they are manipulated. They truly believe they are serving a good purpose with them being a chosen and enlightened one. It just seems logical to them that people are sheep and need a leader that knows it all and who is not afraid to tell them what to do, going through this confusing process of ascension.

The Process om implanting Spiritual Narcissists

This begins with small infiltrations. Everything always begins with small, seemingly insignificant backdoors, making daily spiritual hygeine a necessity. Unfortunately, these systems of infiltration are still relatively unknown, even in the “advanced lightworker” community, yet the symptoms are almost predictable when the pattern is fully observed with this key understanding.

Here are the mechanics of the altruistic fall into the darkness. It starts off with a sense of importance. The host might very well have legitimate psychic, physical or healing abilities, and has begun to use them to see legitimate results in people for the better. Coming from a curious, experimental perspective, they stretch their new awareness like a muscle, using it more and more, making it much more sensitive and refined. They most likely will begin to speak about what they can do, and despite the fact that many laugh and ridicule, those who resonate will find them, and they will begin to build a community of like minds around them.

Up until this point, more often than not, they have the typical systems of etheric control being dissolved and are working on elevating themselves and their consciousness to much higher levels simply through using their natural abilities. By cleansing their body through using their chi, by training their Vital Life Force, they are naturally rising vibrationally above the level the parasitic construct can operate comfortably.

Here is where they begin to get “special attention”. As soon as a human begins figuring out the etheric control systems, often times they get attention from much higher levels of the parasite echelon. Here is where many are led astray by “guides”, “angels” or even their “higher self”.

One of the most insidious devices the parasitic construct uses is the “monkey-mind” or the “chatterbrain” implant. It will replicate the thought patterning of the brain as the internal voice speaks.”

One of the most insidious devices the parasitic construct uses is the “monkey-mind” or the “chatterbrain” implant. It will replicate the thought patterning of the brain as the internal voice speaks, and begin to softly speak in that frequency until the host begins to accept the “monkey-mind” as their own internal voice. It will start off slow, as a favorite song, or a soothing companion, but it will begin to slowly, over the course of weeks, to shift the internal dialogue into matters of anger, sadness and self-importance.

As the internal thoughts begin to point towards stagnancy, there are blockages that begin to form in and around the host on multiple levels, mind, body and spirit. Emotional poison is created and stuffed down under “love and light”, creating a raw and festering wound underneath the surface that is constantly striving to push up to the top and make itself known, like a bubble of air underneath the ice.

Various implants causing blockage and lack of flow to key areas of the body, such as the heartspace energy, the solar plexus energy and the root energy trigger together with the “monkey-mind”, causing emotions of lack to take hold. The heartspace is where the inner child and emotional connective energy are melded with the body, and compassion, empathy and genuine love begin to get cut off. The solar plexus is where we have the seat of our confidence, the can-do attitude, and blockages here create anxiety, lack of self worth, nervousness and lack of confidence. The root areas are where we physically, emotionally and energetically store trauma energy, and as the flow is shut off, the ability to “forgive and forget” is lost as the traumas get stuck and not able to easily release from the body in a natural fashion.

“All of these systems work together to create a dependence on the outside Voice, with the host none the wiser about how they are being prodded and goaded through their own thoughts and emotions into this dependence.”

All of these systems work together to create a dependence on the outside Voice, with the host none the wiser about how they are being prodded and goaded through their own thoughts and emotions into this dependence. This Voice becomes the lead motivator of the host. They will not notice this gradual infiltration, it is almost like boiling a frog to death without it noticing….tiny incremental increases in temperature until it is too late.

What they will notice is a massive increase in their value of others perception of them. They will notice that it is more important to look the part than to actually participate, and the more followers they gather who look at them in this way, the better they will feel. The message will begin to shift from personal empowerment for all, to how amazing the leader is and how everyone should follow them into Paradise.

They will notice a lack of self worth that needs to be inflated by the people around them. They will notice a shocking lack of confidence in themselves, that despite the obvious movement in reality around them from what they have worked towards, they will not truly trust themselves to handle anything too complex, even if they came from a place of “I can do anything I put my mind to” before the infiltration.

They will feel the freedom, freeflow and wild instinctive nature of their energy becoming much more rigid and structured. Beliefs that were once transitory and easily changed with the influx of new evidence are becoming stuck, dogmatic and routine.

What was a movement towards awakening themselves and the people around them has shifted into just another religion, another worship harvesting etheric operation.

The Empath – the perfect Match

In general, wounded empaths that are very low in self-esteem, who are questioning themselves and their existence permanently, and are looking for guidance and healing outside from self are very receptive to these implant manipulated messages. Empaths are at the other end of the spectrum energetically. They have a very clear access to the feminine energy, the life force, intuition, emotion and creativity – meaning that they can feel everything and everyone. Yet, they have little to no access to the masculine energy of focus, observation and determination. This leads to not being able to take a decision or to take action. They are seeking people to do that for them rather than learning to create access to these energies on their own.

How to recognize spiritual Narcissists

So how can you tell you are dealing with an implanted narcissist believing to be a spiritual leader? How can you tell that you are confronted with spiritual propaganda?


The implants are transmitting information, using a language with old-fashioned tonality, intending to sound wise. Sentences like

“Amidst the changes affecting those currently residing on Gaia, I have received further confirmation of the Confederation/Council of… /Archangel…. that the Divine plan is coming to fruition and prosperity awaits us all.”

“As a chosen overseer of the ascension process currently taking place upon Gaia, I have been instructed to pass on this message to you.”

are very common and read like a permanent repetition. Because it is a repetitive program that is running and translating into the kidnapped narcissist ego mind.


Also very common is the use of common old religious and/or spiritual belief systems. Ancient religious and spiritual teachings and prophecies are used to make the message sound more credible. Often these programs threaten with an “Armageddon” and apocalyptic endings for everyone, or the loss of their beloved(s) for good, who chooses not to follow. This is just another trick to keep people in fear frequencies to be able to feed from them.


Another trick of these programs is to actively feed conspiracy and support the disclosure of scandals. This makes sure that people stay distracted from their inner work and inner balancing and are projecting and focusing on the outside world. This is fostering judgment and blame, a yummie fear frequency for the old system. No matter if terrorist attacks, paradise papers, Hollywood child trafficking, geo-engineering, etc. all these news only serve one purpose: Distraction from self to keep people away from the door to their power and magnificence.


These programs seek to keep people out of commitment and action. The system knows about the feminine quality of just being in the field of possibilities and creativity. Without the masculine energy of focus and action, the energy remains unchanneled and unconcentrated. Therefore no change is created and nothing manifests. So as long as people are kept in the belief of outside salvation through a Divine plan and intervention, and are told to just surrender to the Divine, it is a guarantee to keep people in the old paradigm.


Another strategy is to encourage people to use magic tricks like shielding or protecting themselves with bubbles of white light or using the violet flame or calling on certain beings to dissolve their worries and pain to not have to go through the actual inner work. This just fosters the fear frequencies again, as protection is an action out of fear. The system knows about the human fear of the fear and fear of pain and offers an appealing easy way around it.


The system loves to work with orders to disempower people and keep them in spiritual dependency. Through already mentioned tactics of threatening clear orders seem very attractive to those afraid of doing something wrong in this process. Just follow the orders of the Divine plan and intervention, and everything will unfold perfectly.


Closely related to the Divine orders is the selling of the truth. This is very typical for propaganda tactics to make the truth sound so simple and appealing that people love to believe in it. No other perspectives are allowed in propaganda. There is only one truth. By keeping people from finding their own truth through their own intuition and consciousness, they are kept hostage in the lower frequency realms.


Also very common is the creation of separation from the collective to foster the feeling of being minor and less evolved for those stepping into this trap. The narcissistic leaders often call themselves overseer or master of this ascension process and that they are receiving direct orders of the Divine. And that is precisely what these programs are telling them and what they blindly believe. Keeping people in separation through making them feel unworthy and unknowing keeps them away from unity consciousness and oneness. This is just another tactic to keep people in the low fear frequencies to provide energetic food supply for the old system to keep itself alive.

“There are two main strategies: Keeping people distracted from their inner truth and their true self, and keeping them in fear frequencies.”

As we can see, there are two main strategies: Keeping people distracted from their inner truth and their true self, and keeping them in fear frequencies. This makes sure to prolong the existence of the old system. It will break down sooner or later– how fast depends on us and our ability to trust ourselves and our inner calling and to transmute energy by doing our inner work and processing. The more we understand energetic dynamics and the power of our heart and emotions, the less we fall for dependency traps and the more we become empowered. We all are leaders of the heart, once we have broken down our old conditioning and beliefs.

It is important to realize that the narcissistic leaders have no idea that they are following an illusion. Narcissists fully believe their story and truth. Period. It is very difficult for them to get out of this once trapped in such a program. Basically their only possibility to be pushed into their own inner process is when all empaths they feed from are no longer available because they have freed themselves from all dependencies and attachment and have found back into their power. When the food chain of feminine energy no longer exists, then the narcissist is forced to find his own way to generate these energies for him/herself.

“Ascension is not a process for the collective to follow a couple of leaders through. Ascension is an individual choice of every human being, whether to raise the personal frequency or not.”

Ascension is not a process for the collective to follow a couple of leaders through. Ascension is an individual choice of every human being, whether to raise the personal frequency or not. Do I choose self-trust and stepping right into the fear and pain to dissolve it and open my individual gateway and re-connection to Source, or do I choose to remain in the realm of separation and energetic vampirism.

Evolution is an infinite process. We will always grow, expand, learn and integrate individually and collectively. There is no goal to reach, no right or wrong. The human evolution is inevitable for the collective, and yet it is for each individual to decide whether to walk this path while being alive. The more people make this choice, the greater the energetic ripple effect to ease and inspire into the process for the next waves to follow.

Again, this topic is nothing to be afraid of. The opposite: The more we develop a fascination for it and see it through the eyes of an adventurous and curious child, the less these programs can play with us or manipulate us any longer.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Sourced from here.